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** If you want to skip to the smut, scroll down. Where "***SMUT BEGINS***" is where the smut begins lol.


The Holidays passed, then New Year, then Saint Patricks Day and so on.  The baren tree branches began to blossom with buds and flowers again as the temperature warmed.  Sarah watched from the safety of Tanneyhill Mansion as more rain began to fall as winter evolved into spring.

"Dad I think it's time you let me go back out into the world," Sarah announced one morning as her father made coffee before school in the kitchen.  Up until this point, Sarah had just been working on assignments from home.

He opened his mouth and dragged in a breath, "Princess, you know it's still not safe out there. After what happened to your-"

"You don't have to say it," Sarah cut him off. "I know what happened, but I can't just live the rest of my life cooped up in this house."

Ward sighed, "are you sure you're ready?"

"Yes, Dad. I'll see you when I get back from school today okay?"

Ward planted a kiss on Sarah's forehead, "okay Princess."

With that Sarah left the protection of Tanneyhill Mansion and ventured out into the real world. Little did she know as she walked out of those doors familiar dangers lurked about, watching, observing, analyzing, plotting.

The next couple of weeks ran about as smoothly as they could. Sarah attended school in person daily-unaware of the eyes that watched her from outside her classroom windows as she studied, took notes, and chatted with classmates.  This term she had no more classes with Kiara; all of the classes they had shared together had come to a close. Now the only time she spent with her girlfriend was outside of school.  Most of the time they would head to the beach so that Sarah could watch Kiara surf. Kei had offered to teach Sarah a few times, but she just argued that the spring surf was too cold to swim in until it heated up mid-summer.

"Are you sure you don't wanna try this time," Kiara pestered Sarah grinning as she balanced her board over her head.

Sarah finished zipping up the back of Kiara's wetsuit, "unless you're willing to give up the wetsuit- no."

"Guess there's always next time," Kiara called laughing as she splashed into the water and began to paddle out.

Completely unaware of the black van that sat elusively parked in the near distance, Sarah sat on a towel and watched as Kiara whipped and swiveled across the surface of angry waves.  She couldn't help but smile as she watched; the way she moved looked so effortless, yet powerful, graceful, and simultaneously free.  Despite however hard Sarah tried to deny it; Kiara had grown especially close to her as of recently likely due to the loss of her mother.  Without Mrs. Cameron, the Cameron family had fallen apart and the only one there to full-heartedly support Sarah was Kiara.  It wasn't their fault, but the others were too caught up in their own grief.

It was strange- as a result of the death of the relationship with her mother, Sarah had strengthed her relationship with Kiara tenfold. Albeit, the last thing Sarah wanted was to love Kiara more than she had loved even her mother. That was a recipe for disaster. Yet it was too late to stop their love from growing. Whether Sarah could admit it to herself or not, she loved Kiara.

Kook Year {Kiara x Sarah (Outerbanks AU)}Where stories live. Discover now