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As the black casket was finally lowered all the way into the ground Kiara observed the surrounding audience.  Clinging to her right was a sobbing Sarah Cameron, overtaken by the grief of losing her mother. Next to Sarah stood her father Ward who held his youngest daughter Wheezie tight. In the close distance, Rafe stood on his own, his face expressionless with the exception of a sole tear that streaked down his cheek.

The police report filed stated that Mrs. Cameron had been attempted to be taken hostage while by herself at home one night while the rest of her family was out. However, she was able to put up a good enough fight that they weren't able to capture her. On the downside, they shot her instead.  Investigators hypothesized that Mrs. Cameron as well as other members of the Cameron family had been stalked by kidnappers in pursuit of a hefty ransom. Their stalkers could be anyone- everyone on the island knew how wealthy the Camerons were.  As advised, Ward upped the security around the mansion and gave his children strict orders to stay home where they could be protected.  Rafe still went about his own business regardless.

"It hurts so bad," Sarah wept into Kiara's arms. Instinctively, Kiara held her tighter and stroked her hair soothingly. "Why did she have to leave?"

Kiara kissed the top of her girlfriend's head and then tucked her chin over it, "I don't know baby."

After the funeral had come to a close and the final goodbyes were said, Ward agreed to allow Kiara to sleepover to keep Sarah company.  After spending so much time with Sarah, Kiara had come to know Mrs. Cameron as a wonderful woman.  Kiara would even go as far as to say that she envied Sarah's mother and wish she were her own. Truly that woman was the glue of her family; without her Ward was left in shambles with three shattered children.  "I know it's not much consolation," Kiara stroked the back of Sarah's head as she buried her face in her lap sniffling. "But even in the short period of time I've known you, nothing was more evident to me than the love your mother had for you, Sarah."

Sarah choked back a sob, "I don't know what I'm supposed to do without her Kei."

Kiara wiped a tear in the corner of her eye away, "the same thing you did when she was still around. You gotta live, and make memories, and experience life."

"I just don't know if I can do that anymore knowing that my mom is here anymore," Sarah confessed with a heartbreaking voice crack.

Kiara bit her lip, her eyebrows furrowed. She hated seeing Sarah this upset.  She wished there was a way that she could make this all disappear, but the world wasn't all sunshine and rainbows and she intended to be there with Sarah through the thunder and rain too. "Even though you might not be able to make any new memories with your mom doesn't mean that you can't cherish the experiences and time you spent together when she was still here.  She would want you to keep on living life and making new memories and experiences for both her and yourself. Remember that."

Sarah hugged her tighter, allowing herself to cry for a few more minutes until her sniveling trickled out. "Thanks, Kei," she sat up, still hugging Kiara.

Despite all of Kiara's efforts, Sarah remained in a depressed state for some time before some light returned to her eyes.  Many suspected that if she had not been dating Kiara that she would have never been able to even attempt to smile again.  However thanks to Kiara's constant patience and love, Sarah was able to laugh again- though underneath the surface Sarah was changed forever.

As a result of her mother's death, she had come to the realization that everyone she loved would eventually die.  Her father would die. Her brother would die. Her sister would die. She would die. All she could do was control the people whom she loved.  Sarah promised to herself that she wouldn't love anyone that she didn't have to in order to protect herself. Including Kiara. Sure, they could still date, but love was off the table. Once love was on the table so was the possibility of heartbreak. Sarah promised herself that she would avoid another heartbreak like the one she faced when her mother died, at all cost.

Kook Year {Kiara x Sarah (Outerbanks AU)}Where stories live. Discover now