ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟞

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Upon walking in Kie was greeted by what appeared to be Rafe's friends.  Two tall heads emerged from the crowd with red solo cups in hand, dispensing them first to Rafe, then Sarah and Kie.  Kiara observed them quietly as they spoke with Rafe.  They both were definitely part of the football team the way they were built. 

Rafe took a sip from his solo cup and clapped a hand on one of his friend's shoulders, "This is Topper." 

It seemed like Sarah already knew Topper quite well. She was already giving him a friendly hug.  Kie took notice of how bashful he became as soon as Sarah wrapped her arms around him.  She couldn't but help feel a twinge of jealousy.

Rafe slapped his hand on his other friend's shoulder, "and this is Kelce."

Kiara waved, "I'm Kiara."

"Oh yeah- I know you," Kelce smiled "you're a Freshman this year right?"

"So this you're first party?"

"I mean I guess playing spin the bottle over a single white claw with a bunch of 8th graders doesn't count as a party now, does it? So I guess so."

Topper stuck out his tongue and threw up devil horns like a rockstar would, "Kiara's gonna get white girl wasteddddddddd!!"

Kelce took a big gulp from his solo cup, "hell, I'm gonna get white girl wasted."

"You're already wasted you, little girl," Rafe pushed him playfully.

Kelce burped, "maybe."

Sarah leaned in to whisper "you know you don't have to drink tonight if you don't want to."

"No, I want to drink tonight," Kiara started defensively.  She paused looking down at her cup and swirling the contents.

"Bottoms up," Rafe's elbow bumped her.

She lifted the cup to her lips and took a big glug.  Immediately her nose scrunched up and she pursed her lips.

Sarah laughed and took the cup in her hands.  "Here I'll help you." Delicately she placed one hand on Kiara's throat and tilted her head upwards, her other hand pouring into Kiara's mouth. Kiara felt the blood rush to her face.

Rafe and the boys laughed, pumping their arms in the air, "Whoo! Chug! Chug!"  Soon the entire room joined in the chant, "Chug! Chug!"

Sarah accidentally missed Kiara's mouth and some of the drink spilled on her face.  In response, Kiara spits out the remainder of the alcohol in her mouth right into Sarah's face as she began to laugh.  "Ugh dude," Sarah laughed and wiped her cheek with the back of her hand, "that went up to my nose!"  The two laughed together and Rafe and his friends made their way to the pool out back.  When Kiara's laughter finally ran out she noticed Sarah's eyes flicker to her lips and then back up to her eyes.  She felt her heart skip a beat- God did this woman even know the power she had? "Come on Kie," Sarah got up and took Kiara by her arm again. "The real party starts at the pool."

As soon as they walked outside Kiara could feel the change in energy. Whereas inside the house was chaotic and fun, the energy outside was the same but magnified by 10.  There was a cup pong table set up on the patio, teens were jumping off the roof into the pool, a sesh circle a little distanced away from everybody, and a select few who were definitely on drugs a little harder than alcohol or weed.  Kiara made a mental note to stay away from hard drugs tonight.

Sarah squeezed Kiara's arm and leaned in to speak again so that she could be heard over the speakers. "Wanna get another drink?"

If Kiara was being honest she felt completely fine. The drink she had had prior had taken no effect on her, so she didn't see why she couldn't go drink more.  However, what she failed to take into account, being a novice party-goer, was that alcohol doesn't hit right away.  "Sure." Sarah smiled mischievously and pulled out her bag. Without a word she opened it, it showed its contents.  Inside was a whole case of nips.  "I'm going to have to hold your hair back tonight aren't I."

Sarah laughed and handed Kiara a nip, then unscrewing one for herself, "I know my limits." She smiled, "I don't know if you know yours."

"I guess we'll find out," Kiara threw her head back and swallowed the shot.

Kook Year {Kiara x Sarah (Outerbanks AU)}Where stories live. Discover now