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Sarah watched as Kiara downed her 4th nip in half an hour "girl, you're actually going to get white girl wasted tonight."

Kiara laughed giddily and wrapped her arms around Sarah, "I'm not even white-" she prodded her friend with her finger, "if any white girl is getting wasted tonight, it's you."

Sarah brushed away her hand, "I've decided I'm not gonna get plastered tonight."

Kiara made a pouty face, "why? You're not gonna have fun with me?"

"Hey," Sarah pointed out, "this is the first time you've ever got actually drunk.  I gotta stay sober just to make sure you don't go streaking or something. It's like PEMDAS, it cancels out."

"Boooo," Sarah gave two sloppy thumbs down.  "Get me another nip woman."

Sarah looked at Kiara- she was clearly tipsy at the very least. Sarah was not one to withhold from having a good time but it was only an hour into the party and Kiara was already on the path to blacking out.  "No, you should wait a little bit before another I think."

"Boooooo," Kiara got herself up onto her legs and teetered around for a moment before stabilizing.  Out of nowhere, with a holler, Kelce leapfrogged over Kiara into the pool.  Topper was next to hurdle himself over Sarah, followed by Kelce.

Normally Kiara might've called the boys out and told them to be more careful.  However, it seemed alcohol provided Kiara with some carefree incentive.  On the other hand, Sarah, who usually was extremely free-spirited, seemed more aware and cautious of her surroundings despite the few sips of alcohol she had drunk. Perhaps she was only this cognizant because she knew that Kiara was relying on her for the remainder of this party.  She wanted to make sure Kiara was having a good time while simultaneously staying safe.  Sarah looked over at Kiara who now looked eager to jump in the pool. So far so good.

"Come on Sarah," Topper grinned.  "Come in or we're coming to get you."

"No it's okay, I'd prefer to keep my clothes dry."

"Oh yeah?" Topper and Rafe shot out of the water, each of them grabbing either of Sarah's arms before falling back into the pool taking her with them. Kiara doubled over in laughter as the boys and Sarah emerged from the pool.  "Gotcha!!!" Topper and Rafe high-fived as Sarah gave them each a harmless punch in the arm.

"You're lucky I didn't have my phone on me."

"You're lucky Kelce didn't drag your ass in the pool too," Rafe chuckled.

"Ay man," Kelce piped in. "I ain't want no part in that."

Sarah looked back up to where Kiara was crouched down by the water laughing, still clothed. Her lips curled upwards into a naughty smile as she inched closer to the edge of the pool. "Oh- you think this is funny?" Sarah jolted forwards grabbing her by both wrists and yanked her under the water. Taken completely off-guard, Kiara didn't even realize what was happening until her head was underwater. She flopped around in the water not knowing which way was up for a moment before Sarah helped her back to the surface. "Damn, need me to get you some floaties or something?"

Kiara laughed and splashed water at Sarah's face "shut up, I'm an amazing swimmer."

Sarah cocked an eyebrow, "Oh yeah?"

"Kinda have to be if you surf."

"You surf?"


"You should teach me sometime!"

Kiara could feel herself smiling at the offer, but she had to play it off cool. "I don't know, you were just pretty mean to me there."

"What when?"

"Did you miss the part where you dragged me into the pool in my clothes?"

"Oh yeah, forgot about that part," Sarah laughed. "But seriously you should teach me how to surf."

Kiara smirked, "only if you go grab me another shot."

Sarah took a minute to regulate Kiara's level of drunkness.  She determined that Kiara was fine to drink more. "Fine," she rolled her eyes. "Another shot coming right up."

Kiara wrapped her arms around Sarah in a tight hug as just jumped up and down with excitement and chanted "white girl wasted! White girl wasted!"

"Yeah, yeah." Sarah got out of the pool and helped Kiara out. She picked up a towel and wrapped it around Kiara. While doing so she noticed how pretty Kiara looked- her perfect skin glowing as the illuminating lights reflected off the pool's surface onto it, her long wet curly hair draped over her shoulder, her plump lips curving into a cute smile.

"Thanks," Kiara said.  She smiled as she outstretched her hand, requesting that a shot be put in it.  "Down she goes," Kiara threw her head back again, downing one of many other shots.  Sarah quit drinking and sobered up as the night went on and Kiara got more drunk.  Despite being on two different levels both Kiara and Sarah had fun that night. However, as people began to leave Kiara had reached her limit.

Sarah held Kiara's hair back as she hurled back up one of the shots she had taken previously, gentling rubbing her back for comfort. "Yep- just get it all out."

"Ugh," Kiara put a hand on her head, "I can't go home like this."

"Well maybe if you weren't such a lightweight," Sarah teased.  Kiara responded with a dismissive wave of the hand. "Okay, Okay, you can sleep at my house."

Kiara would've jumped at the opportunity but she had to be home in the morning. "I'm grounded remember?"

Sarah bit her nail, "Oh yeah... Hmm, I'll just walk you home and make sure you sneak in without getting caught."  That sounded way easier when she said it in her head.

Kook Year {Kiara x Sarah (Outerbanks AU)}Where stories live. Discover now