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For the rest of the weekend, the black van and the three men in it had Tanneyhill Mansion steaked out.  From the Friday afternoon that Sarah had come home from surfing with Kiara to that Sunday night, they knew exactly when Sarah was in the house, and when she was out.  These folk knew the ins and outs of Tanneyhill better than the back of their hands; they studied the blueprint of the mansion for months in order to ensure that their plan would guarantee their success.  However, when their original plan to kidnap the richest man on the island's wife fell through, a new target had to be selected. Seeing as Ward's wife was no longer available to hold for ransom, Ward's beloved daughter would have to do the trick instead.

Everything was falling into place just as the criminals had planned; the house was empty besides Sarah, the security was easy to breach despite the recent upgrade in staff and technology, and their identities were covered by pullover ski masks.

The sun had set long ago and the time was now 11:30pm.  Being stalkers, the criminals spent enough time watching Sarah to know that she was already asleep by now. Silently, two kidnappers unloaded out of the van, just one remained in the drivers seat. They broke into the house with ease, failing to alert security or set off an alarm. Eventually, they made it to Sarah's room and cracked open the door without her noticing.  There laid Sarah, chest rising and falling gently as she breathed in and out. The two criminals shared a look as they loomed over her, nodding to confirm they were both ready.

In an instant, the bigger one was on top of Sarah with his gloved hand covering her mouth and the other pinning her hands above her head.  Sarah's eyes flashed open and she froze, both terrified and shocked at what was happened. This had to be a dream. The other man pulled a rope out and tied Sarah's hands so tight it left lacerations on her wrists.  The young girl thrashed around, trying to break free of her captors but it was two fully grown men versus one teenager. She didn't have a chance. Or so she thought.  Despite all of their planning, they had forgotten to take into account that Kiara was supposed to sleep over later that night.


The larger man collapsed, toppling off of Sarah and the side of her bed as the head of a metal frying pan connected with the back of his skull. The other man who had tied Sarah's hands whipped around to face the frying pan wielder.  There stood Kiara holding, the pan like a baseball bat with a fierce look of rage and determination on her face, "get out." As the second kidnapper unsheathed what looked like to be a knife, Sarah's head spun.  What was even happening right now? How was this even happening right now? Kidnapper 2 swung a first at Kiara and knocked the pan out of her hands and across the room, leaving her defenseless.  Utilizing her body as her last form of defense she launched herself at the man, taking hold of his back like a piggyback ride as she locked her arms around his stiff neck in a chokehold and squeezed as hard as she could.

Still with tied hands, Sarah reached for her phone that sat on her dresser right on her bed. Behind her back, she dialed 911, "there's two men who just broke into my house and attacked me and my friend! We need help!" The man paused before deliberately falling directly on his back, all of his weight crashing down on top of Kiara.  Her head hit the floor with a sickening crack and her arms dropped loose from the man's neck. "KEI!"

The still conscious man looked at Sarah and realized that she had just called the cops. His face twisted and rage and he punched the bedpost, "damn it!" He picked up his still unconscious partner and slung him over his shoulder. "Cops are on the way we gotta move," he called into the driver in the black van over the walkie-talkie. He hesitated, giving Sarah one last look before making a break for the van before the cops were on the scene, and then was gone in an instant.

Sarah scrambled down to the floor beside an unconscious Kiara, her hands still tied behind her back with zero slack. "Kiara," she shouted, her throat closing up like it always did when she was upset. "Kei!" Upon closer examination, it appeared that Kiara was bleeding from a gash on her forehead that ran very close to her hairline.  The blood had already begun to pool by her head on the floor and there was nothing Sarah could do but sit there and watch knowing that this was all her fault. Suddenly Kiara groaned weakly, just faint enough for Sarah to hear over her own weeping. "Kei? Kei!" In the distance sirens grew closer, "you're gonna be okay Kei."


"I'm right here," Sarah answered, tears streaming down her face.  "This is all my fault, I'm so sorry."

Kiara held a trembling hand to Sarah's lips to shush her. "You're okay," she croaked, like the fact that Sarah was unwounded made her situation better.

"I'm so sorry," Sarah repeated. Cops stormed the Mansion, breaking in and clearing every room.  They were followed by the EMTS who were quick to get Kiara on the ambulance and on the way to the hospital. Sarah pleaded to ride with her in the ambulance so that she would know that she was okay, but there was no room and she had yet to be questioned by the police. With that Sarah was let out of her bindings and had her wrist lacerations tended to before she was brought to the station for questioning.  After her questioning, she was transported to the hospital waiting room where she waited for hours until permitted to go in and see Kiara.

"Hey Princess," Kiara smiled weakly as her girlfriend entered the room.

Kook Year {Kiara x Sarah (Outerbanks AU)}Where stories live. Discover now