ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟠

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"Ow! Quit it would you!"

"Sorry," Pope retracted the bloody washcloth he had been using to clean JJ's wounds and wringing it out over the bathroom sink.

JJ shifted uncomfortably as he sat on top of the tank of the toilet with his feet resting on the lid, "why can't we just use water?"

Pope eyed the ever-growing bloodstain that expanded across the front of JJ's shirt, the epicenter being his chest. "Because water doesn't kill germs," Pope squirted medical alcohol on a new rag. "Hey take off ur shirt," he tapped his chest gently with a finger and JJ winced, "we need to take care of that."

"Okay, just don't look at my boobs okay," JJ joked and turned his back to Pope, taking off his shirt slowly like the action hurt. He turned around to reveal a deep gash that ran along his chest diagonally as well as a well-built muscular body. His entire torso was coated in blood despite most of it being soaked up from his T-shirt. "It looks like it's still bleeding," JJ noted.

"John B I need some bandages," Pope called to the other room.  He scanned the room and grabbed a towel, putting it in between JJ's teeth. "Here bite down on this. Sorry," Pope winced like the alcohol stung him. "This is gonna hurt." Pope firmly pressed the doused rag over the gash on his chest. In an instant, JJ's entire body flexed and tensed as he clenched his fists and screamed into the towel. Pope's eyes started to well up. It felt disgusting to intentionally harm JJ, but he had no other choice.  "It's almost done," he dabbed the rag across his chest, trying to move quickly but carefully at the same time. He knew it was better not to let these kinds of things drag out. "There," he tossed the rag in the sink and rested a hand on JJ, rubbing his shoulder.

"Ughhh... That hurt like a bitch."

"You screamed like a lil bitch too," John B tossed gauze and cloth strips at Pope. JJ sneered. John B just made a funny face then left once more. 

"I'm sorry" Pope repeated as he fumbled the bandages.

"Don't be," JJ waved it off as Pope began to wrap the cloth strips around JJ's chest horizontally to keep the gauze coving the gash set in place. "As long as I get a cool scar from this you don't have anything to worry about."

Pope wrapped it around the top of his shoulder a couple of times before tucking the end of the bandage in, "all set."

JJ wrapped his arm around Pope's shoulder and hopped to the couch most convenient, "thanks, Pope. Seriously." 

Pope hesitated, his eyes flickering to JJ's lips and up again. "No problem." 

Both Pope and JJ had sensed some type of spark between each other on multiple occasions over the months that they had become friends.  However, neither of them had made a move yet- just letting it build.

But that stare that JJ was giving Pope was unbearable. His lips were screaming 'kiss me! kiss me!' He couldn't resist and gave in, "JJ..."

JJ looked confused, "Yeah?"

"Can I kiss you?" JJ nodded and Pope leaned in. Pope put both of his hands the top of JJ's thighs as he bent over to kiss him, careful not to let his fingers brush up against any cuts or bruises. Their first kiss wasn't at all like Sarah and Kiara's. Where the girl's kiss was gentle and tender, their's was intense and passionate. JJ grabbed Pope by the waist and pulled him closer as they kissed harder. They opened their eyes and looked at each other breathless, faces inches apart as they pulled away.

JJ was about to stand when he realized he may have gotten a little too excited. He discretely pull his shirt down over the waist of his pants so that you could not see. Still, Pope must've already seen. "Er I-I should uh..." Pope awkwardly shifted and shuffled towards the bathroom door. "I should probably go."

JJ held out his hand for Pope to stop, "wait.  I didn't just make things weird did I?"

Pope lightly blew air out of his nose, shook his head and smiled, "no. That was great. Thank you." He opened the door and slid out, "see you out there."

"Did you just make out with JJ on the toilet," John B questioned knowingly as Pope plopped down on the couch.

Kook Year {Kiara x Sarah (Outerbanks AU)}Where stories live. Discover now