Precious: not to be wasted or treated carelessly

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A/N: I didn't know what to call this chapter lel.
Thanks for 1K READS!! OH MY LLAMA GUYS! :D the comments are all lovely too ^-^
Enjoy the next chapter 
- Rach


January 16th

I reached my first lesson of psychology and there he was, sitting in front of my desk. I smiled widely, not a care in the world. I stared at the back of his head as I took my seat one table behind him. He had recently dyed his hair, his roots were no longer showing. He was playing with his cuffs again and I had to swallow the urge to hug him, he just looked so precious. Okay I've never used that word before but it fit perfectly with how I saw Phil. He was just so vulnerable, adorable, precious. 
He came to my house a couple more times this week and he's come out of his shell a little. He's still not up to talking to me during school but I don't blame him... I wouldn't talk to me eithe-

"Morning!" Becky burst out as she took the seat next to me "How have you been?" She asked, faking a smile. 
"good, yourself?" I replied politely. 
"Bad! Korey omg don't even get me started. I swear he's such a man whore-" She talked to me and I sighed as soon as I realised she had reverted back to her old self. I wanted to keep looking at Phil, his little movements, his posture, but I couldn't. Because Becky would say something again.

"okay listen up, don't get too comfy" The teacher told us as people piled into the room "I've deignated an empty desk at the back of the room for those doing paired projects so you can help each other out in lessons" I smiled "So Emma, Carrie, Dan, Phil" she said a couple of populars names "Take a seat next to your partner and lets get on with the lesson" My psy teacher kicked her shoes off as I got out of my chair and made my way to the desk. I sat at the far end, near a corner, and Phil took the chair next to me. Whilst Emma, a girl with red hair ombred orange with estentions, and Carrie, a girl with wild blonde hair, took their seats opposite us. PJ and Collin, the populars, sat on the far end of the desk. 

I opened up my book and began to write as miss put a study on the board, only then did I realise I had made a terrible mistake with the seating arrangment. Phil was on my left and as I wrote his right arm knocked into my making my pen go up my page. 
"shit" I cursed under my breath 
"So-Sorry" Phil stuttered, a little flustered. I smiled at him and signalled it was okay with a thumbs up. He smiled back and my heart did a little flippy over thing. My stomach was unsettled as butterflies flew around in there, my cheeks burned. I hoped he liked me like I liked him... but he won't because he's probably straight, and besides relationships aren't your thing Dan! my mind rolled its eyes at me and I nodded in agreement. I realised I must've looked stupid so I made it seem like I was nodding at my work, I face palmed mentally. I did NOT want Phil thinking I was weird. 

We were friends though right? Phil and I... I mean he's come round my house, we've played games, but he only seems to want to know me outside of school. That realisation dampened my mood, I felt like storms were clouding in my mind. Ugh why was everything so confusing? 

He knocked me again and flinched at the impact. I would've laughed if not for his flinch, instead I flashed him a "its okay, don't worry about it" look and his eyes melted into mine. Brown meets blue, the ocean meets coffee. Lazy starbucks days whilst lying on a feild. For phils were not only blue but they were sort of green, with specks of yellow. He was like lying on the grass, looking up into the sky on a sunny day. He was like fresh air, and the early mornings where you wake up wanting to go out because you had something exciting planned. 

My eyes were just brown. Plain old brown, boring brown. 

All too soon the bell rang and we all gathered up our belongings, once again Phil left without even a goodbye and I sighed. Hiding my face with my fringe.

"Hey Dan!" Emma chirped by me, fluttering her eye lashes at me. 
"Hey... Emma right?" I questioned, feeling anxiety flood through me incase I got her name wrong.
"yeah" She smiled "me and carrie were wondering if you and Phil have decided what to do your project on?" I snorted 
"ha! Yeah right, we haven't got a clue" It was true, everytime he was round we'd end up playing video games instead "you?"
"Nope, I was kinda hoping you'd have a project idea..." she trailed off. I wanted to say something like 'what so you could keep it for yourself' and wink, but I didn't have the confidence so I just chuckled quietly. 
"Guess neither of us will be handing in a good project" I said finally and she nodded in agreement, biting her lip. 
"Yep you got that right" Carrie jabbed Emma who burst out with "you wanna sit with us at dinner?" I raised an eyebrow, did I hear that right?
"yeah sure" I smiled "that'd be cool" 
"cool" Emma said nodding "well I have English next" She said and headed for the door. I followed in suit 
"French for me" I sighed. "seeya at Dinner" I said to Emma who waved.
"We sit on the table at the far end in the hall" She told me and I smiled at the new found knowledge, at least I wouldn't spend dinner searching for them. 

I walked through the winding corridors and just before I hit the French corridor I saw Chris talking to Phil in a hushed voice. Phil flitching slightly at the words he was saying but before I could intervine Phil nodded and walked off in the opposite direction. Chris glanced at me and his eyes went dark. I rushed into my classroom and took a seat quickly.

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