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Dans POV
My mind was awake but I couldn't seem to open my eyes just yet. I heard a faint beeping sound and I thought I had fallen asleep with my headphones in and now the end by mcr was playing. But I didn't hear the soft voice of Gerard way but instead a rough familiar voice. It took me a moment to realise I wasn't alone in the room.
"How is he?" the man asked
"he's had significant blood loss but we expect him to make a full recovery, he's very lucky" another voice spoke. I tried to open my eyes but they felt heavy and darkness remained all around me.
"How is he lucky?!" the man snarled "look at him"
"I know this is very distressing for you, but trust me we have had suicide attempties in a lot worse condition. Its good that you arrived when you did, or he couldn've been a lot worse"
"Will he be okay?" I heard someone sniff
"Physically, yes, he will recover hopefully in the next few days" The doctor confirmed.
"But..." the man urged
"But, there's the chance of possible brain damage, but we can only know the results when he has woken up" I fit the pieces together. I was in a hospital, I had attempted to kill myself. Why? I couldn't remember.

My eyes finally opened. Darkness transitioned to light and back again. A nurse was with me within seconds and the next time I opened my eyes a doctor was with her. I leaned up in the bed with a groan. The nurse tried to push my back down but I shuffled her off.
"hello sir" the doctor said, flicking through the clipboard of papers that had been previously in the nurses hands. "what is your name?" the man asked
"Dan" I replied after a moment of thought.
"surname?" I shook my head, I didn't have a clue. What kind of person doesn't know their own surname? Think dan, think!
"where do you live dan?"
"I... I don't know" I looked around the room in confusion "why am I here?"
"what are your parents called?" the doctor ignored my question
"mum and dad" I threw back sassily. The doctor sighed and held up two photos of a man and a woman.
"do you know these people?" I nodded
"they're my parents" I said, he nodded and wrote it down. The woman from the photo burst through the door and hugged me tightly before the staff could intervene.
"why dan?" she sobbed "why?"
"I don't know" I replied honestly. When she was done she turned to the doctor, wiping the tears away with the back of her hand.
"he's suffering from retrograde amnesia." the doctor said and I slightly remembered what that was from a lesson, not that I could tell which one. I couldn't remember my past, but I would remember new things that happened to me and I guess that's better... In a way. If something made me do this to myself than I was glad to have forgotten it.
"oh god" my mother cried out "will it be permanent?"
"possibly. He still has some memory though so he may make a full recovery" my mum smiled a bit at that and thanked the doctor. Soon my dad came in and my mum explained the situation
"so you don't remember anything?" my dad questioned me, I shook my head "not even friends from school?" I found it odd that he had so much venom in his words. He crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes, awaiting an answer. I thought for a moment,trying to ignore the glare. Was my dad always this moody?
"I don't even remember what school I go" I said "... what happened?" I questioned and my dad eyes went cold.
"you tried to kill yourself" I looked over at the massive bandage placed on my arm, it hurt to move it but the pain was dull for the most part. I was probably loaded with pain killers
"why?" I questioned, my voice barely a whisper
"you tell us!" he growled and I froze. I just sat there and then turned to the doctor.
"I would like to rest. Can I have no visitors?" he nodded and turned away but I called him back "including my parents" my parents were shocked but didn't make a scene as they were escorted out. I really wish I knew who I was.

I closed my eyes and saw blood dripping down my arm onto a page in a book, the writing on it was sloppy and I couldn't make out a thing. I thought of a boy with black hair but had no face, a girl with blonde curly hair but again she was non identifiable.

I opened my eyes and slammed my fist into a pillow. I just wanted to remember.

I was in the hospital for another week, having psych tests and therapist talks before I was free to go. I was happy when I finally got out the front doors and into the fresh air.
I was taken home and the driveway reminded me of something. I was holding hands with a guy and surrounded by 3 other people, but the memory went in a matter of seconds.

In my room I could hear crying and footsteps padding off into the distance. The ghosts of memories trying to crawl it's way into my brain, but my brain kept forcing them out.

My parents came into the room shortly after
"we kept your room the same" they said. I looked at the floor where I had remembered a book being there.
"wheres my book?" I questioned and quiet swept across them before my mum burst out with
"ohhh. That thing, it was covered in blood honey. We threw it out"
"oh" I don't know why I wanted it, I just did. Maybe it was a diary, maybe I could remember "okay"
"so. We've decided to give you a month off school, it's already been decided. Youre going to be tutored after this and only go into school for the exams where you will take them privately . You don't need school drama right now" my mum smiled at me kindly and I nodded, not like I had any friends to get back to. I didn't know anyone there so why would being semi homeschooled affect me?

There was a knock at the door and my parents to left the room to answer it. Curiously I padded across the hallway and clumsily opened a door. I looked out my parents bedroom window and saw a flock of black hair. He was sent away. I didn't get to see him properly, he seemed familiar but I couldn't quite place it. It was like remembering a line from a song but not being able to recall the name of it - except I didn't have Google to help me here.

I heard my parents footsteps come back up and quickly went into the bathroom. After a few moments had past, I flushed the chain and exited.
"who was at the door?" I asked, not sure if I would get a straight answer.
"no one important" my father assured me "just some boy from the neighbourhood coming to see if the stories were true"
"oh" I wasn't sure if I believed them, but why would they lie?

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