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January 21st

I awoke in the morning, sweat gently trickling over my face. Pj's face was something I could not erase from my mind.
I decided against going to the hospital last night as it seemed like the best idea... that was until I had woken up with a shocking pain taking my body. I groaned and tried to roll off my bed, but another shooting pain struck through me.

I took in a deep intake of breath and began to stretch upwards. The pain was dull yesterday, but now my muscles were sore and I ached all over. With tears spiking into my eyes and spilling down my cheeks I managed to will up the strength and got off my bed.

"ow" I repeated as I moved to get my clothes on. I rushed downstairs, well I went as quickly as my legs would let me, to be greeted by an empty house.  I made my way into the kitchen and  took a couple of paracetamols. Quickly getting out a glass of water to take with it since I couldn't take pills dry. After what seemed like forever the pain slowly began to fade until it was nothing more than a dull throb. I sighed in relief and left the house, eating an apple as I made my way to school.

I was thankful when I saw the school building come into view, it seemed like a haven. The plain bulky walls of the school seemed to hold something more than dickheads and bitches, but chairs and I'd never been more happy because damn did my stomach hurt! My legs were hurting now too, although I couldn't remember them being injured the yesterday.

"Dan!" My heart stopped as a name was called, my name. I spun my head around to see Carrie and Emma rushing up towards me. I smiled wide
"Hey guys!" I chirped, regaining composure as they linked arms with me, one either side. I felt like a pimp, I laughed at the thought, but then flinched as pain radiated from my arms
"oops sorry" Carrie exclaimed, dropping my arm quickly. I smiled at her, trying to cover up how much I was hurting
"No worries" I said and she smiled softly at me.
"So how are you Danny boy?" Emma spoke from the other side of me, she had also released my arm from her tight grip.
"better... a little sore but yeah not bad"
"Dan!" Emma gasped "what have I told you about having cheeky bum secs the day before school?" She winked at me and I gave her a look of scolding ( which was hard to do as I felt like bursting out in tears laughing at how she said sex)
"That's not why I'm sore and you know it you little shit" I giggled but then stopped abruptly as pain shook my body.
"Sorry for being so funny" Emma apologised as she saw the pain I was in.
"no its fine... really" I said sarcastically but then frowned and suddenly said, with so much seriousness that it surprised me "It feels nice to laugh again"
Both Carrie and Emma gave me sympathetic looks and I suddenly felt awkwardness wash over me. I smiled to show them both I was "okay". 
I heard the school bell ring and we all picked up pace as we followed the other late comers into the building.

I let out a deep sigh of relief as I finally sat down. Although the pain in my stomach was now several decibels higher than before, my legs no longer ached which was a good sign. I was reading a book when the extra psychology teacher came through the doors. I began to sink into my seat and hoped to god she wouldn't notice me, however she did and walked over.
"hi Daniel" The name felt foreign in my ears as the only people to ever call me 'Daniel' were the parents that I hardly saw let alone spoke to "Your French teacher wouldn't let me take you out of the lesson I had scheduled you for so instead you and Philip will have it last period today. Okay, tell Philip for me?" I nodded
"Okay" I smiled at her but inside my organs were churning at the thought of seeing Phil again, I hadn't spoken to him properly since that argument we had and I didn't wish to speak to him anytime soon. It was too painful.


Dinner time. One more lesson until Phil. No longer did I call it Psy, it was literally just the Phil lesson.

I entered the dinner hall and saw my little group where they usually sat. I made my way over to them to see Tyler and Troye smiling and cuddling, sharing a chair although there were many available. It was cute and my heart did a flutter as I thought about me and Phil being like them... then I realised if me and Phil were like them we'd be getting the shit kicked out of us by either his brother or his brothers apprentice. I sighed and took my seat with them. Gasps appeared from Tyler
"Daniel Howell! How dare you sit with us!" He said, I wasn't sure whether he was serious or not. I couldn't think of anything to say. were my new friends ditching me? was I being left alone again? no, no, this can't be happening! Tyler obviously saw my distress and smiled wide "I told you we had one rule, to wear pink on Wednesdays. It is Wednesday, where is your pink?" He winked at me and I broke out in a smile. Realising my previous worries were stupid, I looked at Troye before turning back to Tyler. A grin plastered on my face.
"Your boyfriend isn't wearing pink either I see" I turned to Troye "maybe we should sit together then? Leave old tyler here"
"No! No, its fine Dan you can sit with us." Troye chuckled at Tylers obvious jealousy.
"calm down Tilly, I'm not going anywhere" He ruffled Tylers hair and Tyler scolded him with a quick glare. Before a smile suddenly beamed on his face. This was love guys, true love. I sighed and put my head down.
"Whats wrong Dan?" Emma asked
"I have Psychology with Phil next..." I trailed off
"Have you two sorted anything out?" Emmas tone was now softer, I shook my head.
"It's going to be so awkward!" I put my head down further, letting my fringe fall into my face, a sharp pain went through me but I ignored it the best I could.
"You'll be fine" Emma said sincerely and I looked up to give her a little smile. I hoped she was right, I hoped I would be okay.
The rest of dinner went by without any problems. We laughed, we aww'd at the new couple and everything was going fine, until the bell rang. Anxiety took over me again. I felt Carries hand touch my arm softly.
"you'll be okay... want me to walk you down to him?" She questioned, but I shook my head insisting I was fine. We went our separate ways and my heart began to pound roughly as I located the right room and slotted myself in. My heart completely took over my body with its velocious rhythmic beat as I saw Phil already sitting in the room. I breathed out calmly and took my seat next to him. The teacher spoke to us but I wasn't really paying attention for the most part. After a bit of trying to calm my breathing down to a decent rate her words began to flow into my ears.

"Have you two decided on what the project is going to be about?" She questioned
"aggression" I spoke up, Phil turned to me surprised and it suddenly hit me that I hadn't actually told him about it yet. I shrugged it off, trying to stop myself from cringing as pain took a hold of me once again. Phil sighed and turned back to the teacher as she rambled on, she left us in the room alone to sort out the project.
"So aggression?" Phil spoke up, cutting through the awkward air. The awkwardness was soon back and I gulped before speaking.
"I had to tell her something" I spoke quietly, Phil just nodded. I looked down at the blank sheet of A3 paper miss had given us before leaving to write notes on and my mind became as blank as it.
"I'm sorry Dan..." Phil began
"Save it" I snapped. The rest of the lesson remained quiet as I wrote notes on the paper, by the end I had gotten quiet a bit done for the project and felt happy. When the bell rang the teacher kept us behind and praised me but said next time that I needed to include Phil.
"Its not my fault he won't help me" I muttered out of bitterness. The teacher didn't hear me but Phil had. She dismissed us after a 5 minute talk, leaving first, and I quickly folded the paper and threw it into my bag, ignoring the excruciating pain that enveloped me. I rushed out of the door before Phil was ready and hoped I could leave before he joined me in the hallway.
"Dan!" I heard Phil call as I made my way into the now empty corridor, I ignored him as I walked forward. The pain at this point was too much, and it was obvious the pain killers had worn off. I was almost at the end of the corridor when my knee buckled under the pain and I found myself on the floor, I cried out and I heard footsteps as I tried to stand up. I made it to my feet but hissed in pain and fell against the wall
"DAN?" A concerned voice screamed, getting closer.

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