Just a moment of truth between the lies told

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anyone that gets the title reference gets a cookie ^_^ - Rach xx

"The truth?" Phil questioned quieter now, his previous anger completely burnt out. "what do you mean?" I watched Chris glance at PJ and they shared an intimate? expression. It was odd because I had only ever seen Chris and PJ's faces filled with anger but right now a different expression was showing.

"Yeah" PJ nodded and looked back to Phil "Chris isn't a bad guy" I scoffed, receiving a cold look from him "Got something to say about my boyfriend!" PJ yelled at me "because go ahead, I'm all ears you little fucker" I wanted to say something back but I was stunned... they were dating. I had heard Peej was gay but I didn't know he had a boyfriend, especially not that he was dating Chris. Chris walked towards PJ and tried to calm him down, rubbing his shoulders comfortingly. They were whispering something but I couldn't quiet make it out, it was calming Peej down whatever it was.

"Peej... you... you have a boyfriend?" Phil gulped "but dad-"

"Fuck that homophobe" Peej spat "He doesn't control me... some bruises can't keep me away from my soul mate"

"You're one soppy guy" Chris laughed, shaking his head.

"But you love me for it" PJ grinned at him and Chris put his hands up

"you got me there"

"I hate to interrupt this heartfelt moment" Phil interjected "but can you tell me how the hell this involves Dan!" I perked my ears up when I heard my name being called and listened intently to the conversation to come.

"Well... this is where things get complicated" Chris began

"I asked PJ!" Phil snapped, glaring at Chris. I don't know where this sudden courage had come from but damn Phil was even more attractive when he released his dominant side.

"Chill out Phil"

"NO! I WILL NOT 'CHILL OUT'" Phil yelled "look I won't chill until you tell me why the fuck you're dating the school bully AND why you hurt Dan!" PJ looked stunned at Phil's behavior

"He means a lot to you doesn't he?" PJ asked Phil and my heart warmed, maybe I did.

"It's me asking the questions thank you very much. Now tell me the truth" Phil skipped the question and I wandered if I even meant anything to him or if he was more bothered about his brother dating. I was so unsure about everything and my head was now throbbing. But I managed to stay well enough to pay attention to the conversation.

"okay fine. The thing is me and Chris have been friends since forever" PJ began

"I never met him" Phil crossed his arms over his slim frame

"remember the night dad flipped out on me?" Phil nodded "that was when me and Chris got really close. I told him he was my boyfriend and well... dad told me not to be gay. Since then we've been dating in secret... I never got a chance to introduce you"

"Still doesn't explain why Dans got involved in this"

"I was protecting you! I... Chris told me how you looked at him on that first day. He has a gaydar don't ask. I don't understand it either" PJ shook his head amused, his curly fringe flopping into his face "But well... I was worried about you. The whole school was filled with rumors about you going out with Dan. You only got some of dads wrath, you don't even know what he's capable of. If he even suspected you were gay..." PJ trailed off, gulping quickly before continuing "Chris has this reputation of the school bully. As I said he's not a bad guy, he just likes having a bad boy attitude. He doesn't mean to hurt anyone" It was Phil's turn to scoff "I mean it... but anyway. I got Chris to attack you the first day to ward off any new friends you may make, to limit your chances of getting a gay or bi friend or whatever... to make sure you didn't date and get beat by dad." PJ paused but nobody spoke. "But then that stupid teacher fucked up our plan. She put you and gaylord over there to do a project, we knew we had to do something else."

"So that's why Chris spoke to me outside of lesson?"

"What?" I questioned, my eyes opening wide, remembering the time I had seen the not so friendly conversation between the pair.

"yeah, I told him to stop being so gay otherwise I'd hurt him and you" Chris replied and then shrugged at me. His eyes showing a hint of an apology.

"and... and Dan?" Phil's voice was quiet now.

"We had to scare him... we took it too far" PJ confirmed. I rubbed at my temples as I assessed the information.

"So all of this was to stop Phil from being gay with me?" I questioned suddenly, making everyone turn to me. I smirked "Maybe I'm not even his type" Chris was the only one to laugh and I released that I might quite like him and his humor... not the way I like Phil though.

"We couldn't risk it" PJ shrugged "sorry"

"You could've just told me!" Phil spoke up again "Instead of going through all these little schemes and beating Dan half to death. If it wasn't for you guys he wouldn't even be in this house right now! You're trying to protect me and yet you made him my responsibility because you hurt him!" was that all I was? ... his responsibility, someone that he thought he had to help... He didn't even like me... but who would... I was an ass to him earlier...

I stood up woozily, my head spinning and my abdomen on fire. But still feeling better than before so I made my way to the door.

"Dan!" I ignored Phil calling for me. I wasn't his responsibility. I didn't want him to get beat because of me. He spun me around. I felt hot and dizzy but a surge of anger flooded through me... I don't even think it was anger but I couldn't quite place the emotion. It was linked to hopelessness and loneliness that much I'm sure.

"Get off! I'm not your responsibility Phil. I know you don't want to help you're just too kind to let me suffer on my own. But I don't give a fuck where I fucking suffer. I just want to get away from here. Maybe if you were my friend I'd stay but I doubt you'd even-" I can't remember what happened after that. Just a lot of darkness and the occasional sound which I couldn't make sense of.

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