the good ol' days

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To those of you that were having pheels though the last 2 chapters: don't sweat it, forget it, everything is a-okay.
Onto the story, not many chapters left

After we went around Manchester and got some food I decided to take phil back to mine. My nan would love to meet him!

"are- are you sure?" phil questioned hesitantly, the little stutter somehow making him seem even more cute and innocent than he actually was.
"my nan is the only supportive one in the family" I told him "you'll like her" I smiled widely and he replied it faintly. I opened the front door and strolled in, phil shuffling nervously behind me as the house engulfed us with the smell of cooking.

"nan! I'm home" I called as I put my key on the hook by the front door and padded into the living room. I told phil to stay in the hall whilst I made sure my parents weren't here, thankfully they weren't.
"oh dan! Good to see you back" my nan pulled me into a tight hug "how's that boy?"
"his name Is Phil" I started slowly "and he's actually in the hall right now"
"well what is he doing out there!" she outburst "Bring him in, bring him in" I did as was told and as soon as my nan lay eyes on him she was over to his side in a flash. Pulling him into a hug.
"I see where dan gets his bear hugs from" he chuckles and I went bright red, my cheeks noticiably getting warm. My nan still had a firm grip on phils arms.
"well my dan sure knows how to pick em" both me and phil went scarlet with embarrassment.
"nan" I whined making my nan grin and release phil.
"don't nan me sweetheart" she told me, mocking irritance "I've been on this planet for over 70years and I'll be damned if I don't interfere with my grandsons love life" she winked at the end and turned back to phil "now would you like some food? I'm making some hot pot, it should be done soon"
"it smells wonderful" phil complimented "I'd love some" my nan pinched his cheeks, causing phil to smile awkwardly.
"good answer" then she bustled out of the room and back into the kitchen.
"shes so... different" phil said "she's a lot like you"
"but more annoying" I scoffed but couldn't help a grin at the end.
"less annoying actually" phil winked and I was about to playfully knock him when I remembered the 'slap' incident.

After hot pot and general chatter me and phil went upstairs to play some video games.
"what do you want to play?" I questioned Phil
"Mario!" he said too quickly and then quitened down a bit "its uh- it's the first game, you and I played together... I thought it would be sort of cute to play it again..." he trailed off and looked everywhere but at me. I pulled him into a hug, making him flinch at first but he soon relaxed into it.
"it is very cute" I whispered into his ear and then pulled back, I laid a shy kiss on his cheek before setting up the game.

"phil!" I screeched, I was nearly at the end when he started tapping the controler in an attempt to make me drop it "STOP CHEATING" I laughed, but he didn't stop. Soon my controller eventually fell out of my hand and I saw Phil overtake me on the screen. Without thinking I flung myself on top of him, making his controller fly through the air when he was inches away from the finish line.
"Dan!" he said breathlessly. I looked at the screen and grinned when the computer won.

We were so close to each other I could feel his warm breath heat up my face. I slowly leaned down and kissed him, he immediately responded. I could get used to this.
Our lips were in sync. I licked the bottom of his lips asking for entrance but he pushed my away slightly.
"what's wrong?" I asked, concern coating my voice.
"Dan... We haven't spoken in a whole year! I want to take this... Slow. I want this to be right" he said and played with the duvet. I got up from on top of him and lay down next to him. I turned to my to look at him and he did the same.
"I can do that" I said firmly "as long as I still get to see you and cuddle you I'll live" I said and realised that probably wasn't the best choice.
"thanks dan" he told me.
He was a lot more weary than I had made him out to be, the slightest touch made him flinch and yet he always seemed so happy. He was so brave. Kind of like a lion.
"its okay. You don't have to thank me lion" I said softly
"lion?" he asked and then leaned into my chest, it put my arm around him so he could nestle into me easier "I like it, bear"

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