Draw me like one of your french girls

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January 22nd
"please leave" his voice was so quiet I barely heard it.  He sounded hoarse and his words cracked a little at the end. I rushed to his side and pulled him into a hug, at first he tried to move away
"its okay" I conforted "you're safe now" his body began to shake and I felt his arms engulf me as he cried into my shoulder. After a while he pulled away,  his black eye now also red and puffy from tears. I wiped them away softly but he winced in pain and I dropped my arm "sorry"
"don't be" he mumbled "its my fault" I cocked my head to one side, how could phil ever do anything wrong?
"its not philly" I said sweetly, but he didn't smile or get annoyed at me for the use of 'philly'. He just stayed staring into space, his eyes clouded over.
"when I left yesterday" he began "my dad saw me sneaking back into the house and well… you can see what happened" I gulped sharply and grabbed phils wrists, he flicked his head towards me and held my gaze
"no one should ever treat you this way. You're amazing phil and you need to stop him from hurting you" I whispered truthfully. We were talking so hushed that a simple wind from the trees could blow away our words. Phils eyes pricked with tears.
"I can-cant stop this Dan" he cried. I wished he could live with me, I wished things were different.
"I'll be with you every step of the way. We can sort this out" I told him hopefully and kissed his lips shyly.
Phil recoiled after wards and I felt my heart jump out of my chest and cry in the corner of the tree line. His dad had really fucked him up… or maybe him kissing me yesterday was a massive mistake and he was regretting it. I felt my face heat up and I just wanted to run away but I couldn't leave Phils side.
"Dan…" he trailed off as he saw the hurt in my eyes but I just shook my head and chuckled awkwardly. "my dad would kill both of us if he knew"
"I wouldn't let him harm you" I told him, but phil didn't believe me. I could see it.
"yesterday… it was a mistake" if my heart had already jumped out of my chest before, then at this point it was hanging itself up on a tree. Tears burned into my eyes and I felt one slowly fall down and patter onto the floor below. Phil took a shaky breath "you see…"
"Phil stop" I said through gritted teeth as I tried to stop my tears from taking over me "please" I chocked out. I didn't want to hear his rejection, I don't think I could handle it.
"Dan" he said seriously and looked me straight in the eye "yesterday was a mistake because I… well… I wanted my first kiss to be with someone I was going out with" he half smiled shyly.
"what are you saying?" I asked, scrunching up my eyebrows
"Im saying… I didn't want to make the same mistake with my second kiss. But you know what they say, third time lucky" I wanted him to hurry up but he kept taking his time, sniffing now and then "what are we dan?" he questioned
"whatever you want us to be" I replied
"well as I said third time lucky… and I want to kiss you again" he replied "will you be my boyfriend?" he questioned and my heart leaped back into my body, did a lap around all my organs and sat comfortably back into my chest.
"yes, omg yes" Phil smashed his lips onto mine.
Once we pulled away we were both breathing heavily and I couldn't help but ask "what about your dad?"
"I don't care" he replied simply "I don't care what he thinks." I smiled and we kissed again.
I pulled away and looked at all the bruises trialling up his arms, I tentatively kissed each and everyone whilst phil sat their silently. I looked up at the end and saw phils eyes brimming with tears
"what's wrong?" I questioned sadly "di-did I hurt you?"
He shook his head "no, no. I just. No one's ever been so caring towards  me before"
"well get used to it" I smiled and he returned it, although his eyes remained sad. After a few moments of comfortable silence I cleared my throat "do you want to come back to mine? Clean you up and that" my parents wouldnt be home until early tomorrow morning so I could easily get him cleaned up without my parents knowing.  Phil just nodded and I lead him out of the clearing.

As I neared the  house I saw a few figures sitting on the wall that circled the drive way. I gulped anxiously and hoped that it wasn't his dad. I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw the familiar wild curls of Carrie, along with two others that I assumed to be Chris and PJ.
"hey" I called out to them and they all turned around and smiled at us.
"thank god you're okay" PJ ran over to phil and pulled into a tight hug, phil replied by putting his arm around his brother "after what dad did… he wouldn't let me in the house" Pj pulled away "he knows about Chris" he whispered and we all just stood there shocked, but we weren't prepared for the next thing that came out of Pjs mouth "he threatened to kill me, tried to, I called the police."
"what about us?" phil asked
"I'll be staying at chris's for a while but we'll have to be put into a home for a while I suppose" he sighed and phil looked down at the ground. I didn't know what to say, would this mean we'd be separated? Would phil still go to my school? Would we still be together?

"Dan, no matter what we'll be okay" he told me softly and I nodded as he kissed me.
"so you guys dating or nah?" Chris asked with a light chuckle. We nodded and continued to hug. I looked at Carrie and whispered to phil I'd be right back. I walked over to her and pulled her into a bear hug "I'm so sorry" I whispered
"its alright" she conforted me "I know why you were so worried now" we pulled away and shared a smile before I went back to phil
"I'm going to go back to this dorks house"  Pj said pointing at Chris
"oi!" he replied in mock iratance before breaking out in a wide grin.
"Phil can stay with me tonight" I blurted out, I turned to him "if you're alright with that?"
"sounds good to me" Pj replied "look after him" his expression suddenly turned really serious. I nodded quickly
"always" he patted my back and left my drive way. Carrie told us she needed to go too and pulled phil into a hug and then me.
"look after yourself too" she whispered to me and left without another word.

Me and Phil stood awkwardly in the drive way.
"so… you wanna come in?" he nodded and I unlocked the front door, feeling a little nervous at the thought that my parents would come home early and find him here. I sighed deeply and led him into the hallway, where he gripped my hand tightly.
I looked down at phil who was biting his lip anxiously, it was my job to make him forget about all this shit
"Ive never given you a proper tour of my humble abode have I dear Philip?" I questioned and he shook his head, a smile dancing across his face "well then let's go" I opened the door to the living room and pointed to it "this is the place where I lounge and binge watch show after show on Netflix"
We walked hand in hand to the kitchen "this is the lovely modern age kitchen, perfect for all my snacking needs. The fridge is installed with a light for me to see my food for the midnight snacking." Phil giggled at me as I opened the fridge door to reveal the small light inside. I pulled him upstairs
"this is the existential hallway" I pointed to the floor "where I lay on the floor and contemplate life"
"aren't you a little young for a mid life crises?" phil asked and then poked his tongue out
"poor dear, there's a massive difference between the two." I wagged my free finger at him and led him to the bedroom.
"this is the place where I get some action" I dropped phils hand and jumped onto the bed. I proceeded to lie down like rose in titanic and winked at a very bright red phil.
"so…" I started awkwardly "you wanna?" Phils eyes went wide and I chuckled as I reached up and grabbed the controller from where I had left it "I've got Mario Cart" Phil started laughing at me and slapped my arm
"Daniel James Howell" he muttered before grabbing the spare controller off the side.

Authors note: I finally have a proper plot for this now and I know where my story is going from here :D update soon

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