Say you like me

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"DAN!" The voice was louder now, traveling to me as I lay on the ground, my leg in excruciating pain. I managed to lean myself up against the wall and put my stomach in pain by doing so. I clutched my stomach and felt my t-shirt attach to the painful substance that lay underneath "Whats wrong?" I felt Phil touch my shoulder

"Nothing" I rasped "just leave me alone" I said, trying to sound harsh but I was actually scared and didn't want him to go. I needed someone here.

"No! Tell me what's wrong!" Phil whispered yelled, trying to be quiet for some unknown reason. Probably as to not seem angry towards me.

"Ask your brother!" I spat, looking up to see Phil's shocked facial expression.

"what..what did he do?" He gulped, then looked down to see me holding my stomach. He pushed my hand aside and I was too tired to do anything about it, I felt cold air hit my stomach as Phil pulled the hem of my shirt up. He gasped.

"you're bruised!" He spoke "We need to get a teacher. Shit why is no one around!"

"language" I spoke softly and laughed lightly, letting pain to envelope me. I groaned and brought my knees up to my chest

"Stay still Dan, I'll get someone" The sudden fear of him leaving took over me. He stood up to leave but I grabbed onto his arm, making him turn back around.

"Don't go" I whispered "please, I'll be fine" I began to try and get up, the pain was still there but with Phil's help I was on my feet. Walking around drunkenly.

"Just take me home...please" I told him and he nodded but his face screw up with concentration.

"That's like half an hour ago though!" He exclaimed "what day is it?"

"Tuesday" I said, confusion setting over me.

"You can come my house, its closer" He said and I nodded, not wanting to make an argument about it. I felt dizzy and my stomach clenched as we began to walk.

"one foot at a time" He whispered "breath in and out, that's it, we're getting there" I could tell he was worried. I hadn't actually looked at my stomach but I was sure it was battered and blue.


We arrived at Phil's house in about 15 minutes, it usually takes him 5 minutes to get home he had told me. But I'm pretty sure I slowed us both down. He plopped me onto the sofa slowly in the main living area. His house was big and reminded me of the house from the shining. Just coming down the hall I counted at least 2 creepy dolls and in the living room there was a black and white picture of a couple which looked like it was a prop from the movie itself. It gave me chills but Phil being there somehow made it homely. Not just him personally but little reminders of him lay amongst the death rooms. There were lions along with the dolls and plenty of pictures and drawings of his on the walls. The drawings were from primary and the bog standard things all primary school kids make but they looked quiet pretty. I liked the feel he gave to the place.

"What happened Dan?" Phil questioned after a bit, he kept anxiously looking at the clock as he talked.

"Nothing" I murmured, knowing it was a terrible lie before it even left my mouth.

"DONT!" He suddenly exclaimed and turned to me, his eyes glistening wet "Don't lie to me Dan, Just... just tell me what happened. You said it was PJ? What did he do to you!?" He questioned. I cautiously got my phone from my blazer and passed it him. He looked down at it confused.

"password is 2022, open it and check my messages" I instructed. He did as he was told and his eyes widened at the message.

"I never sent this!" He spoke

"I know" I confirmed "it was PJ, it was a trick so he could... do this to me... along with Chris" I spoke carefully, taking in Phil's expressions.

"Dan?" He said after a while

"whats wrong?"

"I need to ask you something... I need to make sense of things..."

"Go for it" I said nervously awaiting what it was

"I don't know where to start so... um... are the rumors true? You never answered me the other day" He swallowed and looked me right in the eye.

"...what?" I questioned. Feigning ignorance.

"do you like me?" I stayed quiet, I suppose he would know anyway after the whole 'nearly kissing' incident. But then again people kiss others without the idea of love being there. "DAN! Please tell me!" He was nearly in tears.

"Yes!" I exclaimed and suddenly clamped my mouth shut. My stomach clenched even more and I shuddered from the pain, but Phil didn't notice.

"no. no. no. no" He repeated the word over and over again. He jumped up from the chair and clamped his hands over his ears to block out my voice. He looked devastated, like I had just told him his dogs died. Is that how I affect people? is me loving someone so... wrong?

He only opened them when a noise sounded from the front door. Someone was coming in. his dad maybe? please no!

"Chris shh" A voice sounded, it was familiar but I couldn't place it. Two sets of footsteps followed. "Phil? you in?" it called. Phil's form froze, his eyes darted to mine. He stayed quiet and the second voice began to talk.

"You're such a worry Peej" It said. Chris and PJ are here!? The living room door opened and in walked PJ with a Chris fit snugly around his arm, they noticed us and so much eye contact was passed, all of our mouths open in shock.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT DOING HERE!?" PJ outraged seeing me, unattatching himself from Christ and stalking towards Phil.

"That has a name Peej, besides why are you being so matey with Chris here. I mean it wouldn't be the first time you two teamed up now would it!?" He exclaimed and I was sort of shocked. Never before had I seen Phil so mad... His eyes had gone dark and his face almost red.

"He needs to leave" PJ said pointing at me

"He needs to leave" Phil copied pointing at Chris "if dads sees him he'll flip, you know what hes like" PJ rolled his eyes.

"Peej" Chris interjected before PJ could reply "I think we should tell him"

"NO! Absolutely not, I'm protecting him" PJ hissed. Me and Phil exchanged confused glances and then shrugged.

"But from what PJ!" Chris said back "Your dad... or happiness?" PJ was stunned for a few seconds before he regained his composure

"fine... I'll tell him the truth"


Authors note:

Hey guys! I'm back. I have a day off tomorrow so another update? maybe.

I'm sorry I've been so inactive but I've had exams, last one on Friday so I'll be updating this story lots more after then ^_^ x

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