knight(?) in shining armour

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I awoke in an unfamiliar room, a part of me hoped Phil would pop into my view. Hoped Phil was the one that saved me, because that's how it happens in books right? The protagonist is saved by their knight in shining armour. But if this was a book I wouldn't be the protagonist, I'm not interesting enough for their to be a full length story about me.

I leaned up slightly but groaned as pain shot through me. I felt heat on my lower abdomen and saw that, whoever had found me, had settled me on a very pink bed and a hot water bottle lay on my injured stomach. I tried not to move too much as I analysed the room I was in; the colours on the wall were very neutral, except for a bright purply pink wall on the far end of the room where I saw a keyboard. I sighed and stared up at the ceiling, it was littered in stars that I figured were glow in the dark by the material but I couldn't be sure. I decided to sit and look at them as I waited for the person to arrive back.

Soon enough the door opened and in walked a mop of blonde curly hair carrying a tray of tea.
"hey" I croaked, my voice rough and gravely. It hurt to speak and I quickly swallowed, trying to sooth my sore throat but failing miserably.
"so you're up?" a cheerful voice questioned. I just nodded and wimpered a little as pain shot through me once again.
"how-" swallow "how'd you find me?" I questioned, my voice becoming smoother as my throat began to feel better.
"I saw Phil walk out the school gates, I knew that message was a prank and I had a bad feeling that you were going to go to meet that person no matter what. So I went to investigate and you were lying on the floor, I was with emma at the time and we managed to get you just conscious enough to get into my dad's car. I know some first aid but I think you do need to go to the hospital." I sighed,  I was thankful for Carrie for helping me, but I also didn't want to talk about what had happened or go to the hospital. I hated hospitals! "so what happened?" Carrie suddenly broke through the short lived silence
"Um.. I... I went to meet.. Phil. I know I promised not to but I really wanted to talk to him" I admitted, Carrie just nodded sweetly and I felt a little more confident as I began to speak "well Phil wasn't there, shocker, but this guy, Pj, was" I frowned thinking back
"Pj? You mean Phils brother?" Carrie asked suddenly, making my mouth drop open. She knew him
"you know him?" I squeaked.
"me and Phil used to be friends" she bit her lip. "after Phils mum... Passed" she said the word like it was hard for her, and I suppose it was "Phil wouldn't let me around his house anymore, I thought it was odd and when I saw Phil come into school with bruises and a limp I knew something must've happened. So I asked him" she told me, I wanted to question what this had to do with Pj but I wanted to know what had happened to poor little Philly so I let her continue "Apparently his dad had been getting drunk lately, probably to cope with the pain of loss" she shook her head slighty, curls going all over the place but in a cute way. I thought I would probably have a crush on Carrie if I didnt like guys "well it turned out his dad had been yelling at Pj for being gay" my eyes widened in shock
"Pjs gay?!" I outburst
"yes." I shut up and stared into space as Carrie kept talking "well his dad found out and began to hit Pj, Phil interrupted and got hit himself." I felt tears spring to my eyes. I couldn't imagine anyone would want to hit Phil, he was so sweet and innocent.
"but...but Pj kicked me... Because he-he thought I was turning his brothe- Phil gay" I told her, she shrugged
"I'm sure he has his reasoning" she said but frowned. We sat in comfortable silence after that, making the odd random conversation now and then.

"I'm going to go get some food, want any?" she questioned me, standing up.
"I'm not hungry" I lied
"comon dan you must be starving!" Carrie stressed, raising an eyebrow "I haven't seen you eat all day..." She trailed off and sat back down next to me on the bed
"I just don't get hungry that much" I lied, trying to suppress the growl that was radiating in my stomach.
"don't lie Daniel" Carrie said softly "You're really thin and, at first, I thought it could just be high metabolism... But now I think its much more than that." I gulped and glanced at the time, 5, my parents wouldn't be home yet but I could lie
"shit is that the time!? I better go, my parents will be worried sick" I began to get up, winching slightly at the pain, but Carrie pushed me down.
"please Dan, trust me" her eyes watered as she pleaded for me to tell her
"okay" I sighed in defeat "I don't have an eating disorder before you get all weirded out- not that anyone would because it's a mental illness and its not their fault-"
"Dan, back on track" Carrie spoke, stopping me from rambling any further.
"yeah, yeah" my palms began to feel moist and my face heated up as I began to tell her "sometimes I eat normally, sometimes I get so bad I binge and... Well throw up but then othertimes I don't feel like eating anything. Like I want to disappear. I just, I know I don't have an eating disorder because I  binge or don't eat too much less than I eat normally and it doesn't effect my life drastically ya know"
"its still serious dan" Carrie warned but her tone was soft "you shouldn't wish to disappear because... Because so many people would miss you! Heck I've only known you for a little while and I'd miss you so much" tears flew from her eyes. I pulled her into a hug, ignoring the pain. "please.. Please try and eat. Please. Please" she cried into my shoulder
"I didn't think it would effect you so much" I said,  rocking her back and forth
"my best friend...  Died... Because she refused to eat" she sobbed. My eyes widened, I gulped softly. I wanted her to be happy.
"hey, hey" I pulled her back and wiped tears from her eyes "I'm not going anywhere..." I gulped again and willed up the courage to say the next words "so let's go eat!" I fist pumped the air and carries smile was worth the pinching feel in my stomach.
Maybe I could eat on my own. Maybe I just needed someone to make me feel loved to help me through the hard times so I don't turn to food or starving to help me instead. See I don't have an eating disorder,  I just want to disappear... But when I don't want to anymore, then that's when I'll be normal.

I took a bite of the food and suddenly my stomach flipped over. I took a deep breath and ignored everything. Everything but the chit chat at the fletchers family table, I took in the loving atmosphere and put food into my mouth. A forkful at a time.
The sickness didn't disappear but carries smile made it easier to sit through. She guarded me for half an hour afterwards so I couldnt throw it up, and we made plans to do this more often. Carrie wanted to help me. And although she wasn't my knight in shining armour, she is an amazing friend.
I really hope this has cleared some things up and I finally know the direction of my story!! Uploads will be a bit all over the place as I have exams soon tho '^-^

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