Wake me up, say enough is enough

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I'm dying to livveeee, somethings gotta give!
Sorry had an all time low moment, next chapter let's go!
- Rach xx

"Phil-" I awoke as a middle aged man entered the room "who the fuck are you?" he questioned angrily. I looked around and saw he was talking to me. I could speak, my voice had abandoned me. Phil came into the room, a mug of tea in hand. I heard a smash on the floor as he saw the man.
"dad" he gasped
"Phil who the fuck is that! Don't tell me youre fucking gay!? I didn't raise you to be that way"
"no dad he's just a frien-" I heard a loud slap
"don't lie to me!" I saw Phil holding his cheek.
"Dan!" Phil cried to me "Dan please!" my mind was muddled and I didn't understand why he was calling my name.

My eyes opened to see Phils bright blue eyes. He was crying into me "please wake up" his voice was a whisper
"Phil?" I woke up for real this time.
"Dan!" he called and hugged me tightly "look you are my responsibility but that's only because I want you to be. Even if I tried to not care I know I couldn't. I'm sorry if I made you feel useless or whatever" he cried again and I slowly put an arm around him. Not believing the words he was saying, but wanting to believe them at the same time.
"its okay" I whispered into him, he rocked me gently. Saying I was in a strangers bed with a person who I thought hated me hugging me tightly, I had never felt more comfortable in my life. He smells of sweetness, raspberries in particular radiated from his body. I pulled away and he looked in my eyes, I don't think I'd ever seen something more beautiful than Phils face. His pale complexion suited him perfectly, his nose was the perfect shape, his lips were plush. I could imagine his lips on me. I noticed I was staring at them and flicked my gaze back up to his ocean blue eyes. He was looking at my lips as well. I leaned in and so did Phil, our lips were inches away-
"Phil!" we flew apart and looked up to see PJ in the doorway. "Dad's coming into the drive, Dan needs to go!" I stared between Pj and Phil "now!"
I rushed up, ignoring the aching pain building inside me, we ran down the stairs as the front door opened
"I'll keep him away" Pj whispered and went over to the door. phil lead me through the kitchen and out the back door. I expected him to leave me here but he closed the door behind him and followed me out into the night. We rushed over the back fence and landed on the floor below. I sat on the floor for a second as I gasped for air
"comon dan" Phil encouraged me. I didn't want to move. I was gasping for air after the short amount of time I had spent running. I only moved when I saw the pure fear in Phils eyes. I let him lift me up and we were running again. We couldn't go the proper way to my house because it meant his dad possibly seeing us, so we ran across the fields.
It was peaceful here, I come here every now and then to get away from everything. Phil was being quiet and I knew he was worrying.
"whyd you come with me?" I asked him
"I wanted you home safe..." he trailed off. I was taken back how he risked his own safety for mine. I felt Phil grab onto my wrist and for some odd reason I felt safer.
"I don't want to face my dad just yet" he spoke softly
"you don't have to" I replied
"this way then" he smiled and lead me towards the tree lining
"Phil where are we going?" I questioned when we hit the trees.
"somewhere nice"
"this better not be a place you take your victims" I chuckled slightly and Phil just winked.
We stayed in silence for some time and I walked past the tree I usually sat on. We carried on deeper into the trees, I had never been this far before. I saw a clearing up ahead and phil dropped my wrist and rushed forward. I lost him as he disappeared past the clearing
"Phil?" I called into the air and ran after him. I pulled the branches out of my way and stumbled upon an amazing place. There was a small lake here and it was surrounded by pure, slightly overgrown, green grass. phil was sat down on the grass near the lake. I walked to him and sat down
"its beautiful" I whispered. I felt him look at me as I continued to look around me. It was so different to to the dismal fields.
"I come here to get away" Phil told me softly as he played with the grass. I put my hand on top of his, his head perked up and he looked into my eyes.
"thanks for bringing me here" I told him in a whisper, he nodded. Right now I wanted nothing more than to put my lips onto Phils and hold him tightly. He looked so fragile, like a butterfly landing on him would send him into tears.
I cupped his chin and leaned in. This time no human interpreted us but when there was nothing but air between us a bird flapped from the tree above and we jumped apart. I started chuckling softly and rubbed the back of my neck.
"looks like the worlds against us" I said as this was the third time we had been Interrupted.
"I'm not" he said and didn't waste any time in pressing his lips against mine. They felt soft and warm. Our lips molded perfectly together. I moved my hands and placed them in his hair, playing with the soft layers. All too soon we parted, our breathing was fast and I could hear my heart beat.
"that was my first kiss" Phil suddenly spoke and my eyes widened
"I'm sorry" I replied, even though I wished that had been my first. Instead it had been with some weird girl in primary school.
"don't be" he replied and leaned in again.

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