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January 22nd

Phil had to leave shortly after our kiss yesterday. I've never felt this way about anyone before, I can't stop thinking about him. His perfect black hair that sweeps over his face, his crystal blue eyes.

It's nice waking up and not being afraid of impending doom. Thursday, school day. Usually Chris would be an issue but today I expected differently, maybe me and Chris could be friends? Probably too far. I rolled out of bed with a groan and quickly showered.
As I plugged in my straighteners I decided to check my phone. I was about to click the tumblr app when I saw that I had a text
Unknown number
Hey dan! It's Carrie (phil gave me your number) you wanna come over tonight? I meant it when I said I'd be keeping an eye on you :)

I grimaced. 'keeping an eye' on me meant making sure I ate and I didn't particularly want to. If I got fat phil would hate me and never want to see me again. I took in a shaky breath as I replied
Dan: Sure

I couldn't really say no because I've see Carrie being stubborn before and I didn't particularly want argument.
Sadly I didn't have a message from Phil and I was worried about him. I decided not to message him incase his dad checked his phone and saw it
After my hair was straight I grabbed an apple and left the empty house. I walked to school but didn't meet phil on the way, I couldn't see him anywhere. When I got to the school I rushed around the place looking for him but he was no where. Probably overslept I thought, trying to calm down my eratic thoughts. He couldn't have been in that much trouble from his dad could he? Sure he'd be allowed to come to school... Right?

The bell made my thoughts quieten down a bit and I made my way to my form room. Phil wasn't in this lesson so I wouldn't know if he was in school or not and the only lesson I had with him was tomorrow. I would hopefully see him at break.

Break time came and there was still no phil in sight.
"you alright?" Carrie asked
"yeah, what's up Danny boy?" emma chimed in
"Phil didn't show up today" I whispered and they looked at me with concern and confusion "I don't know why either... I think it has something to do with his dad" I twirled my thumbs in my lap and avoided eye contact.
"I'm sure he'll be fine" I felt carries hand sit comfortably on my arm and she gave me a light squeeze. I nodded my head but didn't reply.
"maybe you'll see him at lunch?" emma suggested

Lunch rolled by and phil still hadn't shown himself. My panic was setting in and I caved in and sent him a message
Dan: Phil where are you??

I kept it simple so he could explain to his dad about the message without gay stuff being bought up. I hated so much hassle was happening because someone likes the same sex! It makes no sense, love is love for gods sake.

I hit my head against my locker at the end of the day, phone squeezed tightly in one hand as I hoped for it to vibrate. My eyes widened as my phone came to like, I didn't even check the caller ID as I answered the phone.
"Phil?" my voice was hopefully
"no its Carrie... Where are you?" My hope was destroyed in a mere matter of seconds
"oh. By the lockers" I replied simply
"I'm waiting for you outside dan"
"I'm not coming tonight, I need to check on phil" I told her. I heard her sigh on the other end
"I know you're worried but I need to make sure you eat otherwi-" I cut the phone off. I was so done with this. I wasn't a little child, I could look after myself. I rushed to the vending machine and a bag of crisps fell down. I didn't check the cals as I stormed out of the school. I saw carries golden curls instantly and turns out she was the only one around. Perfect.
"Carrie!" I called and ran to her "I don't need your help alright" I said and held up the bag of crisps, I ripped the bag open as Carrie just stared at my confused. I emptied the bag into my mouth it took me a few minutes to swallow them all down but when I was done I just stormed past the girl that was trying to help me. My stomach felt hollow and it twisted uneasily.
"Dan wait!"
"I ate what more do you want!?" I snapped and turned around to face her. Her mouth dropped open in shock and swore I saw her eyes water but she blinked them away too quickly for me to be sure.
"be that way" she walked in the opposite direction and I admit I felt bad but I had to check on Phil, I had to be sure he was alright.

I checked my phone one last time as I made it to phils house. There was a car parked in the drive that I hadn't seen before, probably his dad's. I gulped harshly.
I took in a deep breath and knocked on the door. My heart beat was irregular and I couldn't seem to keep my breathing level, I felt like anxiety was taking over me. The door opened and there stood a beafy looking man. He didn't resemble my sweet phil in the slightest: his arm were too muscular, his head too round and his body was egg shaped. There was a slight sweat forming on his forhead and I looked up to see his residing hair line. His green eyes pierced me.
"what do you want?" his voice boomed out, sounding deep and harsh.
"hello sir" I spoke politely, my voice a little shaky "I'm looking for Phil, we're meant to be doing a project together"
"he's ill" and with that he slammed the door in my face.

I stood shocked for a second before I walked down the driveway to the pavement. I looked back to see his father staring at me through the window. I turned on my heels and walked around the side of the house, I saw phils bedroom but the window was open. I quietly opened the back gate and hid behind the shed. I grabbed a stone and threw it through the open window, no body came. I was about to throw another pebble when I saw a foot print in the wet grass. The person wasn't wearing shoes from what I could see and the track was new. I rushed out of the garden in search of Phil. He had to be out there somewhere.

I found myself in the fields, searching for him. It took me a while to fund the clearing and sighed with relief when I saw the branches covering the beautiful lake. I stopped short of the clearing as I heard a muffled sound inside... Crying?
I quickly pulled the leaves out of the way and there he was. Phil. Covered in cuts and bruises, tears rushing down his face which was bright red.
"Phil?" I gasped and he cowered away from me "what did he do to you?"

This was just a f(ph)iller,
I have my prom now so more soon - Rach

Time | Phan AU (MAJOR grammar editing in progress)Where stories live. Discover now