Claire Meets Trollmarket

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Today was Sunday. Jim planned to stay in bed all day and slowly continue transforming into a troll. His mother would be out for most of the day with her job and another date with Strickler.

Since yesterday, Jim's horns had grown just that bit more that he now required a hood or a hat to hide them. His teeth had also begun to elongate and change but not enough to be noticeable. The changing was most uncomfortable like Merlin had told him.

Jim groaned audibly. He had the worst of luck.

When was the right time to tell your best friend you're turning into a troll? Is there a Hallmark card for that?

Hopefully, Jim could hold the transformation back long enough that he could do Romeo and Juliet with Claire. For her sake.

A knock sounded from downstairs. Jim sniffed the air. It was Claire.

Oh great a new troll quirk, smelling the air. He had just gotten used to not doing that.

Jim pulled on a baggy hoodie and flipped the hood over his small horns. Jim made his way downstairs and opened the door.

"Hey, Claire! What brings you to this side of the woods?" Jim asked, leaning against the doorway. Claire rolled her eyes and giggled.

"You live like a block away. I was wondering if you could help me practice my lines?" Claire asked hopefully. "I noticed that you've nearly memorized all yours and there's nothing happening at my house and I'm kinda bored and I just---"

"Sure, I'll help you with your lines. Come on in Claire," Jim smiled, opening the door wider for her to step in.

They practiced for an hour. Claire kept getting weird flashes of Jim trying out for the school play wearing glowing armor or getting flashes of her performing the play with him in said armor. It was weird. It was like they had a whole different life together in her mind!

After they decided to call it quits, Claire and he just talked for a while. It was nice. They talked about school gossip and about the latest tv shows, Jim even made a few predictions for some of them saying with extreme confidence that they would happen.

Jim suddenly stopped talking, sniffed the air and his face fell in something that could be called dread.

"Oh no," Jim groaned. Claire was about to ask but the backdoor suddenly slammed open.

"Trollhunter! I have questions!" Merlin's voice called out.

"I'm a little busy right now, grandpa," Jim replied. Merlin appeared in the doorway looking unamused.

"I am not your grandfather. I am Merlin. Now onto my questions. How do you know the refrigerator light shuts off when you close the door?"

Jim rubbed at his face in exasperation. This was his life.

"Merlin I don't have time to answer your questions. I have a friend over and I rather we didn't do this now," Jim grumbled.

"Need I remind you it was not me who messed with time! You should be lucky I haven't turned you into a toad because of you're idiotic decisions! The least you can do is answer my questions!" Merlin exclaimed.

"Ask Douxie then! Just leave me alone so I can try to have one normal day for Deya's sake!" Jim huffed, glaring at Merlin. Merlin tutted but left. Jim rolled his eyes and sank into the couch.

"Wait. So is that your grandfather?" Claire asked after a minute of silence.

"Yes, but he hates being called that. He prefers I call him Merlin," Jim replied.

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