Babysitting Angor

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"This may be the only edge I have," Otto said to himself, looking at the Krubera's file. "I'll have to see if she is, in fact alive, and an ally. If so, this may give me the edge I need. If she is all that, then I can infiltrate Trollmaket with Ursurna and open the bridge from within Trollmaket itself, therefore, releasing Gunmar."

Otto nodded to himself and pulled out the most recent map he could find.

"The Kruberas are located in the deepest caves on Earth, but fortunately, there is a mapped-out shortcut in the files that should lead me right to her."

He gathered all the essential files he needed and began walking out of the room. His eyes fell upon his ringless hand.

"I wonder what that brute is up to now that he has his soul back," Otto scowled.


"It's an infestation of gnomes!" Badgewella wailed, running by the two.

"Want to try helping with that?" Douxie asked, looking at Angor.

"I never liked gnomes," Angor sighed.

"Badgewella is a well-known troll, and word gets around fast coming from her. It certainly helps your reputation if you help her," Douxie pointed out.

"Then I will help her," Angor replied, walking after Badgewella with Douxie hot on his heels.

They reached her stall, and Douxie put on his best smile while Angor fumbled awkwardly.

"Hello, mam. Angor would like to help your gnome infestation," Douxie said with his best customer service smile.

"Any why would I want the help of a killer?" Badgewella asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I am not a killer," Angor growled, clenching his fists.

"What he means to say is that he doesn't kill anymore, and he's trying to walk down the path of good! This would be a great place to start!" Douxie chuckled nervously.

"Well, fine. Just get the gnomes out," Badgewella stated, walking off.

Angor walked into the shop, grabbed a bag, and began collecting gnomes. Being a trained assassin, the gnomes stood no chance against him, and soon all were in the bag. Angor took the bag and handed it to Badgewella.

"Here are the gnomes," Angor stated.

"What are you giving them to me for? You need to get rid of them!" Badgewella hollered.

"You don't control me," Angor growled.

"Hey, Angor, it's okay. She's not trying to control you," Douxie said gently.

"Sorry. How would you like me to get rid of the gnomes?" Angor questioned.

"It's up to you. And I must admit I've never seen someone catch gnomes so quickly. Thank you," Badgewella said. Angor couldn't help but feel the beginnings of a warm feeling. He had helped someone.

"Happy to help," Angor smiled slightly, and he really meant it.

Angor and Douxie walked out of the shop.

"So, what will you do with all those gnomes?" Douxie asked.

"I'm not sure. But can we look to see if more trolls need help? I miss helping," Angor said softly.

"Of course!"

Angor and Douxie walked around Trollmarket and assisted any troll who required or wanted help from Angor. It felt almost refreshing to Angor. After a few hours, the two were sitting in the forge.

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