Merlin the Helper

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"And I thought I left the sweeping days behind me," Douxie sighed.

Trollmarket was pretty much rebuilt after the Otto-Ursruna attack. It was just a matter of tidying up. Douxie was currently sweeping a shop in Trollmarket.

"I'd help," Archie began.

"But no opposable thumbs," Douxie finished, smiling.

"Woah! This is Trollmarket?" A new voice suddenly exclaimed. Douxie turned to see Aja, Krel, Vex, and another Akirdion looking around Trollmarket with amazement.

"It looks so lively!" Aja gushed.

"It isn't terrible," Zadra stated.

"See, I told you it looks better when an evil troll hasn't sucked the life out of the heartstone," Toby returned.

"Well," Douxie grinned, leaning on his broom. "Fancy seeing you here."

"Ah! It is the wizard!" Vex grinned. Aja and Krel ran up and gave him a hug.

"Douxie!" Krel grinned. "You're the last person we've seen."

"I've been busy sweeping floors," Douxie responded.

"You've been sweeping for hours," Jim said, walking up to the group. "Maybe you should take a break?"

"Hours?" Douxie questioned. "I haven't been sweeping for hours."

"It's three O'clock," Toby stated.

"Oh, fuzzbuckets!" Douxie exclaimed, dropping the broom. "I was supposed to be at the bookstore an hour ago! I need to unload a new shipment of books!"

"Then we better hurry, Douxie," Archie stated, jumping onto Douxie's shoulder.

"Yeah. Nice seeing you three and other Akiridion," Douxie waved, running off. Jim grimaced. These past few days, Douxie had been overworking, and the poor wizard clearly didn't think so.


"Hisirdoux! There you are!" Merlin said, pulling another book from a large cardboard box and placing it on the shelf.

"Sorry I'm late, Master," Douxie apologized, catching his breath. "I was busy cleaning up Trollmarket, and time just slipped past."

"Perhaps maybe you should take a break?" Merlin suggested.

"Nonsense! I still have so much to do today, and now I'm an hour behind," Douxie dismissed.

"You haven't had a good night's rest since that attack in Trollmarket," Merlin pointed.

"And I'll get a good night's rest when I've finished this list," Douxie smiled, pulling out a long list of scribbled chores. "Since I've been mainly focusing on cleaning up Trollmarket, I've pushed back a lot of my chores in Arcadia, so I need to do most if not all today."

Merlin walked over and snatched the list out of Douxie's hands, and looked at it.

"Grocery shopping, taking out the rubbish, dropping off a borrowed record from Zoe, clean the bookstore, do laundry, drop off books at online costumer's houses, and the list goes on," Merlin read aloud. "Hisirdoux, you cannot do this all in one day. It's already three O'Clock."

"It'll be fine," Douxie brushed off, taking the list back from Merlin. "And you've already started unpacking the delivered books, so that cuts some time off."

"Let me do some of the chores, Hisirdoux," Merlin declared.

"No, that's fine," Douxie smiled, walking over to the box and pulling out a book.

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