Exclusion of The Full Story

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"If I don't have an explanation right this minute on how someone managed to break in without our knowledge. I promise I will make your life miserable," Otto snarled, looking over the crowd of changelings.

"We'd check the security cameras, sir, but the entire tech room is smoked. We don't know how," One changeling spoke up.

"I thought I told you to fix them!" Otto yelled.

"Of course, sir, but we have to replace some parts, and it might take a while to get them---"

"Get. The pieces. Now," Otto growled. The group of changelings began walking off, but Otto grabbed one by the shoulder. "Except you. You stay."

"Is there something you need?" The changeling asked.

"Show me to the records room," Otto ordered.

"But, sir, those records are out of date. We haven't touched them in ten years, not since we switched to computers," the changeling stated.

"Well, until you dimwits fix the computers, the only source of information we have are the out-of-date files. So show me to them," Otto commanded. The changeling nodded and began walking down the hallway with Otto hot on their heels.

"This is the records room," The changeling said, flicking on the lights to a small dusty room. The room itself was stuffed to the brim with shelves holding countless files. "May I ask what you're looking for?"

"Something. Anything to give us an edge," Otto grunted. "You may leave."

The changeling hastily left, and Otto began his search through the files.


"What do you think they're talking about?" Eli asked, looking over at Toby and Claire. They were seated at a cafeteria table off to the far side, and Eli and Steve were sitting a few tables over.

"They're probably plotting to destroy us all," Steve fretted.

"Out in the open like this?" Eli responded.

"Of course, Pepperjack! That's the perfect cover!" Steve responded like it was apparent.

"I am not excited for today," Eli groaned.

"It's the Textbook Stacking challenge," Steve remembered. "And we have to face Domzalski! What if he tries to kill us?"

"Why would he do that? He doesn't know that we're onto him! We need to keep it that way!"

"Yeah, but we can't just go into this unarmed!" Steve replied.

"I have some ninja stars in my locker?" Eli offered.

"Get those. We need to act as normal as possible, so Domzalski doesn't suspect us but protect ourselves if things go south," Steve nodded.

"I'll be right back!" Eli grinned, running off to his locker. Steve turned his attention back to Claire and Toby.

"What evil plans are you coming up with, buttsnacks?"


"Toby, you just need to be yourself," Claire reminded.

"I know. But I want to ask Darci to the dance, but I don't want to be weird like last time," Toby groaned.

"Well, you're not asking the entire school, so you're already off to a good start," Claire said.

"You're right. I'll ask Darci after the Spring Fling challenge," Toby stated determinedly.

"You got this," Claire encouraged.

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