Out of Your Shell (Nina Flowers x Male!Reader)

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Requested by sleepymime
Being with Nina inspires you to start delving into the drag world yourself, even if you're a bit shy

Most of the time you would accompany your boyfriend to work. You loved watching him glow under the club lights and pour his heart out as DJ Nina Flowers. But tonight was different. You had other plans for yourself.

Seeing how Nina expressed himself through drag made you want to give it a try. You had always been shy, you had only met Nina when your friends convinced you to go out to a pride event with them. Nina had been the DJ and had to be the first one to make a move on you. You had been a stuttering mess, not used to that sort of attention at all.

Even years later you were still getting used to Nina's flirting and affection. You were the complete opposite of his outgoing and up for anything character, but that was okay. You still fit together perfectly.

You glanced at the time before back down at the different products in front of you, not too sure on where to start. You had watched plenty of tutorials and had seen Nina do his own makeup many times, but now that it was your turn to do your own you were lost. You contemplated just waiting for Nina to get home so he could do it, he had many times before for fun. But this time you wanted to show him you could do it too.

"Foundation..no, primer. Yes, primer," you said to yourself, picking up the primer you had seen Nina use. Being the boyfriend of a drag queen, most would think you would have plenty of knowledge about the subject of makeup. But you happily let Nina have the upper hand there. You were content being the cute boyfriend.

Rubbing the primer onto your face, you stared at your reflection in the mirror. You knew you weren't going to look as great as Nina, but you still wanted to try. You also knew that makeup was only the first step, you didn't think you had the personality to be a queen like your boyfriend either.

Sighing, you grabbed one of Nina's many beauty blenders and poured foundation in your shade range onto it. Nina always had some in your shade for whenever he wanted to do your makeup, and now it was really coming in handy.

You focused on your work, not hearing the opening of the bedroom door. Nina had arrived home from the party he had been working at, eyeing you with a raised brow before smiling. You doing your makeup was not something he was used to seeing. He quietly set his bag down and walked over, being careful to not be in frame of the mirror. "What do we have here?"

You jumped up with a squeak, your hand twitching and the eyeshadow you were trying to apply smearing up. You huffed and blushed in embarrassment, looking up at Nina. "..You're home early."

Nina chuckled, putting a hand on your back and opening a drawer full of makeup wipes. "I am. The gig got rained out. I texted you but now I see why you didn't text back."

You looked down at the mirror, feeling self conscious as you played with your hands. "I wanted to surprise you.."

Nina put a finger under your chin, tilting your head back up and wiping the eyeshadow smudge off with a wipe. "And you did. For your first time doing this yourself, you have everything blended nicely so far. What kind of look did you want to do?"

You shrugged, hoping the foundation covered your blush, but you weren't sure if it worked that way. "I don't really know, just something cool like yours.."

Nina smiled, setting the makeup wipe on the desk and leaning back. "I'm flattered. Did you want any help now that I'm here?"

You were quiet before sighing, standing up and leaning your head against his chest. "I wanted to talk to you about something, but I'm still unsure.."

Nina tilted his head, putting a toned and tattooed arm around your waist. "And what would that be?"

You thought about it to yourself before looking up at him, hand playing with the material of his shirt. "..I thought, maybe, I could start doing drag too..?" You said slowly and quietly, still unsure if that would work out for you.

You anxiously waited for Nina's response, expecting him to laugh. You were surprised when he beamed, his free hand moving to your cheek. "Really?"

You slowly nodded, resting your head against his hand. "R-Really, if you think that's something I could do.."

"Of course it's something you could do, teddy bear," Nina said encouragingly, happy to start helping you. "I think it would help bring you out of your shell. Be a little more open."

You blushed more, watching as Nina picked up a brush and swirled it around a shade in the open eyeshadow palette. "You really think so?"

"I know so," Nina smiled, raising the brush to one of your eyes that you instinctively closed. "I would love to teach you what I know."

You giggled a bit, holding onto him. "I've learned a lot from just watching you and the show, just need to stop being scared to do those things myself.."

Nina hummed in response, kissing your forehead and putting the brush down. "I'll be there every step of the way. My baby boy is going to be a drag superstar."

"I wouldn't say that-" you said quickly, looking down at your hands as Nina selected another brush.

"If you lip sync on a stage like you lip sync when you think I'm not watching, you will be in no time," Nina teased with a wink, smiling down at you.

"Jorge!-" You lightly smacked his arm, using his real name and huffing as you blushed again. "I do not do that-"

"You do, and I think it's cute," Nina kissed your cheek, ruffling your hair. "Now, since it isn't too late, would you like to try on one of my wigs?"

You tried to pout, but who could resist that kind of offer. You nodded, taking Nina's hand so he could lead you. "Thank you, Nina.."

"For what?" He said, looking over the different mannequin heads that displayed wigs.

"For helping me be the best I can be."


Just a lil bit on the longer side, hope you like it uwu

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