Injured Princess (Kerri Colby x Maddy Morphosis x Jasmine Kennedie)

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I have too many comfort ships. So I combined two of them.
Jasmine's partners know she gets a little too excited during her performances, which can lead to some injuries.

Maddy carried the smaller girl into their home, adjusting her in her arms as she grabbed the keys out of the doorknob. "What did we tell you, princess?"

"...Not to get carried away tonight." Jasmine answered, voice muffled by Maddy's shirt as she hid her face against her shoulder.

"And what did you do?" Maddy asked in a bit of a teasing tone, carrying her down the hall to their room with their little squad of animals following them.

Jasmine glanced at her wrist that was now in a cast. She thought just adding one more backflip to her already set routine would be fine, until she landed wrong and completely messed up her wrist. "...I got carried away tonight."

Maddy kissed her temple, gently sitting her down on their bed and cupping Jasmine's face in her hands. Jasmine pouted and looked up at her, leaning her head into her touch. "I'm sorry..."

Maddy smiled a little and shook her head, leaning down to press a soft kiss to her lips. "It's okay, baby. You're one of the only ones I'd spend all night in the emergency room for."

Jasmine giggled when she pulled away, petting one of the cats that had made its way into her lap with her good hand. "Is the other person Kerri?"

"Of course." Maddy grabbed one of their many packs of makeup wipes, sitting beside Jasmine and letting her move into her lap. "But you just happen to be the more clumsy one."

Jasmine huffed, letting her boyfriend wipe off the makeup that was still on her face. "I didn't mean to hurt myself-"

"I know, princess. You just need to be a little more careful." Maddy punctuated with a kiss to her forehead. "It's not fun seeing you hurt."

Jasmine snuggled against her chest, wrapping her legs around Maddy's waist and letting her finish up getting all her makeup off. She wrapped her good hand in the hem of her shirt, gazing up at her. "Will Kerri be home soon?"

"Any minute now." Maddy said between kisses to Jasmine's face, making her squeal and giggle as she fell back on the bed. Maddy smiled and gently nipped at the skin of Jasmine's jaw, making her yelp and cover her blushing face. "Are you hurt anywhere else, Jazzy? Sore at all?"

"The pain in my wrist isn't as bad now, and I'm a little sore." Jasmine admitted once her giggling had come to a stop. "But I think I'm alright though."

"Let me or Kerri know if anything starts to hurt." Maddy told her, pressing another kiss to her cheek. Jasmine nodded, wrapping her arms around her neck until she heard the front door opening.

"Where's my hurt baby?!" Kerri called out, sounding panicked as she rushed to the bedroom they were in. Jasmine squealed when Kerri scooped her up in her arms, holding her tightly to her chest. "My poor little princess-"

Jasmine held onto Kerri as tightly as she could. "Kerri it's only my wrist-"

"It could be a little scrape and I would still be worrying about my sweet angel." Kerri peppered Jasmine's face in kisses, making her squeak and blush all over again. She held her close, looking down at their boyfriend. "Oh hi Maddy."

Maddy laughed, shaking her head as she stood up. "Hi Kerr-Bear." She kissed her lips softly, making her smile as she kept Jasmine in her arms. Jasmine watched the two of them before pressing her head up between them.

"My turn." She gave them an innocent smile. One that soon faded when she tried pulling herself up closer between them and put too much pressure on her wrist. She winced, pouting as she looked down at her cast.

"Baby-" Kerri set her back down on the bed. "You've gotta be careful, sweetheart."

"Take it easy, we've got you." Maddy said, running a gentle hand through Jasmine's hair.

Jasmine snuggled up against Kerri when she settled down beside her, still pouting until the throb in her wrist eased a little. "Why did I have to be so dumb..."

"You're not dumb, baby. You just get a little too excited sometimes." Kerri gently rubbed a hand over Jasmine's shoulder blades. "But it's cute. You just gotta be a little more careful."

Jasmine was quiet, leaning into her girlfriend's touches when Maddy dropped a pair of hers and Kerri's clothes on the bed. "Arms up, Jazzy."

Jasmine looked up at her, confused but doing as she was told. "Maddy it's just my wrist, I can get dressed myself-"

"And risk you hurting yourself more? Nope." Maddy pulled her shirt off, slipping one of her own onto her. "Knowing you, you'd somehow get yourself tangled in the shirt."

Jasmine blushed, huffing quietly. "I would not-"

"Yes you would." Kerri laughed, pressing a comforting kiss to her lips before helping her change into the more comfortable clothes. "Don't act like you don't love the affection."

Jasmine somehow blushed even more. She was definitely enjoying the affection, wanting it all. She raised her arms up again, this time holding them out for Maddy. "Come cuddle with us or I'll drag you down myself."

Maddy didn't have to be told twice. She wrapped her arms around Jasmine and cuddled her between her and Kerri, making sure she was careful with her injured wrist. "Happy now?"

"Very." Jasmine smiled, snuggling against Maddy's chest with her back pressed against Kerri's. "If I keep getting attention like this I might start getting hurt on purpose-" She squealed, Kerri immediately squeezing her hip when she heard her.

"You better not." Kerri giggled softly, kissing the top of her head. "We don't like seeing you hurt."

"I'll wrap you in bubble wrap if I have to." Maddy joked, tilting Jasmine's head up with her finger and kissing her lips. "Anything to keep our princess safe."

"Because we love you." Kerri gently squeezed her, carefully running a hand through her hair.

Jasmine gazed up at them, snuggling closer and soaking in all of their affection. "I love you both too." She said, heart swelling with love for them. Her wrist still slightly ached, but she had the best partners ever to make it better.


I love writing ships that probably no one else would think of. Hope you liked it

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