Two Ghosts (Camgeria)

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I forgot who requested this, but here you go.
This is hurt. Hardly any comfort.
Based off of Two Ghosts by Harry Styles.

They knew it was coming. Everyone knew it was coming.

Little things that pile up could be just as bad as one big thing. It builds up tension, and that leads to something having to give. Unfortunately, that something happened.

Camden was alone in their shared home, mindlessly looking for something, anything, on any streaming service to watch that would get her out of her thoughts. She hated the feeling she was developing. The feeling of numbness and being lost. Especially when those were towards someone she loved so dearly.

She loved Angie. There was no doubt about that. And she knew Angie loved her too. But things had felt so strained. They didn't seem to have time for each other anymore. Not like they used to. Work kept them apart. And when they were together, it was clear things weren't like they used to be.

The front door opened, and in walked Angie. Camden looked up, finding the same Angie she had fallen in love with. Same eyes, same lips, same tattoos, yet it wasn't her. And Camden knew she wasn't herself either.

Angie hardly mumbled a hello, tossing her bag down before tiredly settling into a chair. Camden watched her, sighing softly. "Hard day?"

"Yeah." Was Angie's short answer. She rubbed her head, eyes closed. "It was."

Usually, Camden would've gone over and snuggled right up to her, covered her in kisses, let her rest her head on her chest as they forgot the stress of the world in each other's arms. But Camden just continued to search for something to watch. She would've at least liked a "hey, how was your day?" But she figured she had no room to complain. After all, she wasn't making much of an effort herself anymore.

Camden bit her lip when she thought back to the night before. She laid on her side of the bed, half asleep when Angie had gotten into bed beside her. The silence was deafening, until Angie had broken it. "...I love you."

Camden had frozen, a lump forming in her throat at her words. She wanted to say it back, she really did. But she couldn't get it out. Like her body was keeping her from responding.

So Angie had fallen asleep without hearing it said back. And Camden had felt awful when she woke up that morning to see tear stains on her face.

She finally settled on a show to watch, but it did little to distract her and get rid of the uneasy feeling in the room. Camden felt cold, even though the house wasn't cold. She craved arms around her. Angie's arms used to always be around her on nights like this. Not anymore.

"Camden? Camden are you listening to me?"

She snapped out of the daze she had gone into, turning to Angie. She wasn't used to her using her name like that. It was supposed to be sugar or Cammie or some other sweet name. But not anymore. "Sorry, what did you say?"

Angie sighed, looking down at her hands. "You've been doing that a lot lately..."

Camden was confused. "Doing what...?"

Angie gave her a look, one that said she should know what she was talking about. "Ignoring me..."

Camden bit her lip, curling up further into the couch in hopes that she would disappear. "I-I'm sorry, I'm not meaning to."

Angie watched her, a look of defeat in her eyes. "That hurt last night..." She finally admitted. "And the night before that. When you didn't say you love me too..."

Camden felt like her heart was being ripped out of her chest. "Th-The night before?" Her voice shook. "I didn't realize I did it twice..."

Angie just shrugged. "I guess I shouldn't have expected it. Maybe it was just my fault..."

Camden felt tears burning in her eyes. She couldn't hold back what she wanted to say anymore. "I miss you..." She said quietly. "I miss your arms. Miss your names for me. Miss your goodbye kisses and your hugs when you get home..."

Angie looked away, not wanting her to see the tears in her own eyes. "I miss you too." She said quietly. "I miss you moving closer beside me every night. Miss you tracing your finger over my tattoos. Miss you saying you love me..."

Camden screwed her eyes shut, trying to stop her tears from falling. They were both at fault for the way things were right now. They both got too caught up in their busy schedules to give each other what they both needed. And Camden had a feeling they couldn't fix it. Not right now.

"...We're not who we used to be..." She said quietly, letting her tears fall as she thought back to their first few months together.

Angie nodded in agreement, taking a shaky breath. "I-I know. It's like we're two ghosts of who we once were. Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat."

Camden sniffled, her heart aching when she looked over to see Angie crying too. She rubbed her eyes, taking deep breaths so she didn't go into hysterics. "I...I don't think we're good for each other right now..."

Angie finally met her eyes. She knew they would break eventually, but that didn't mean she was prepared for it. "I still love you..." She whispered. "R-Right person, wrong time, isn't it?"

Camden nodded. That sounded like the best way to describe it. "I still love you too..." She admitted. "But we aren't what each other needs right now."

Angie dabbed at the tears on her face, but it didn't do much to rid of them. "W-We're done for now, aren't we...?" She asked quietly.

Camden hesitated, but she knew the answer. So she nodded. "I think it's for the best. Right now..." She managed to get the words out somehow. "M-Maybe one day in the future we can try again? When we have more time for each other and can give each other what we both need..."

Angie nodded in agreement. "We'll try again..."

It went silent. Camden knew she couldn't stay in the house that night. Not because she didn't love Angie. She still did. But she couldn't handle the pain.

She stood up from the couch. "I think I'm gonna stay with Rosé tonight..." She wrapped her arms around herself. "I hope you understand."

"I do." Angie sighed. "Do what's best for you."

So Camden did. She packed an overnight bag, texted Rosé, and headed over to her house. She cried the whole way there. Nothing was going to dull the ache in her heart. It wasn't even breaking up that hurt the most. It was feeling like she lost her best friend. It was feeling like all they had become to each other were two ghosts.


I love angst that isn't yelling or verbal fighting. Just raw sad emotion. Hope you enjoyed

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