Fever (Camgeria)

391 15 22

Requested by HellKattAnimations
Camden is sick, and Angie is making sure she stays in bed to rest.

Camden opened her eyes but immediately regretted it, groaning when the light flickering in through the curtains made her head hurt. She turned over to snuggle farther against Angie, noticing how sore and achy she felt but choosing to ignore it.

Just like she had ignored the fact that her throat felt scratchy and sore last night. And the fact that she was trying not to cough throughout most of the night. She groaned softly, burying her face in Angie's chest and hooking a leg over her waist.

Angie opened her eyes when she heard her and felt her stirring, wrapping an arm around her and running a hand through her hair. She stopped, pausing with her hand resting on Camden's forehead. "...Cammie?"

"Hm?" Camden didn't look up, shivering as she gripped tightly onto Angie.

Angie cupped her face in her hands, gently lifting her head so she could look her over. "You feeling okay? You feel very warm."

Camden opened her eyes just a bit before shoving her head back against Angie's chest. "Sleepy." She whispered, clinging onto her. "Wanna sleep-" She was interrupted by a fit of coughing, letting out a quiet whine when it hurt her throat.

Angie raised a brow, sitting up and lifting Camden out of bed. "Yeah, I don't think you're just sleepy."

Camden whined but clung onto her, resting her head against her shoulder as Angie carried her to the bathroom. She set her down on the counter, digging around the cabinets for the thermometer. "You're very pale, sugar."

"I'm always pale." Camden mumbled and leaned back against the wall. She closed her eyes once more. "Not sick. Just tired."

"Keep telling yourself that." Angie popped the thermometer into her mouth and under her tongue. Camden groaned around it but was too weak to do anything about it, rubbing her eyes as they waited for it to beep.

Angie took it out the moment she heard the beep, raising a brow as she looked at the temperature on it. "101.5. You're staying home and resting today."

"B-But-" Camden stuttered, her eyes opening as she shook her head. "I have so much to do later today-"

"Not anymore." Angie said as she scooped her back up to take her to bed. "You're staying home and resting and that's final."

Camden whined, trying to protest but going into another fit of coughing instead. Angie gently laid her down, kissing her forehead as she tucked her back into bed. "I'll go get you some medicine and then you can go back to sleep. Okay?"

This time, Camden looked up at her with teary eyes. "Are you gonna make me stay home all alone?"

Angie did originally plan to still go to work herself, but after seeing that sad face and hearing that sad tone, she knew she couldn't do that. "No baby, I'll stay home with you." She said comfortingly, smoothing Camden's hair out of her face. "Someone's gotta take care of the princess."

That got a small smile out of Camden. A smile that didn't last long when Angie brought in the medicine. She quickly shook her head, burying herself in the blankets and moving away from Angie. "You didn't tell me it was that liquid shit-"

Angie knew she'd put up a fight. She sighed, pouring some of the medicine out into a small cup as Camden slowly pulled the blankets off and narrowed her eyes at her. Her attempt to be intimidating almost made Angie laugh. "I know it's gross but-" She paused when Camden started coughing again. "...you really need to take it."

Camden stuck her tongue out at her once she had stopped coughing. "You make me take it and I won't kiss you for a whole week, Angeria."

Angie did laugh this time, pulling the blankets off of Camden's frail body and straddling her hips. "Oh really? As if you could go that long." She held the medicine up to Camden's pouting lips. "Come on, baby. Get it over with."

Camden glared at her, pushing her hand away and crossing her arms. "No. You can't make me."

Angie raised a brow, leaning down close to her and hooking a finger under her chin. "Really? I can't?" She said teasingly, making Camden blush and add to the heat of her fever. "You sure?"

Camden knew she was no match against her. Most days she could easily pin Angie down and get out of this, but that wasn't possible in the state she was in. She groaned and grabbed the small cup from Angie's hand, quickly drinking the medicine and trying not to gag. She grimaced, shoving the cup back to Angie. "You're mean, and that was nasty..."

Angie giggled and kissed her forehead softly, moving off of her and tucking her back in under the blankets. She rubbed soothing circles into Camden's back, watching as her eyes started to close despite her coughing. "You get some more rest and I'll make you tea and something small to eat when you wake up. Okay?"

Camden mumbled an unintelligible answer, burying her head in the pillows. She immediately relaxed her aching body when feeling Angie run her hands through her hair, nails lightly massaging her scalp.

Angie hummed and continued the soothing touches even after Camden had fallen back to sleep. Her partner's breath was ragged from all the coughing she had been doing, and Angie carefully moved a hand to her chest and rubbed gentle shapes there. She kissed Camden's cheek softly, gazing at her and whispering an "I love you."


Camden woke up confused and alone, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. Her body ached a little less, but her throat was still killing her. She went to call out for Angie, but was met by her voice practically gone and a fit of coughing.

Angie opened the door when she heard her, tilting her head as she carried Camden's favorite tea in for her. "How are you feeling now, sweetheart?"

Camden looked up at her and coughed again, motioning towards her throat and hoping Angie would get the hint.

Angie frowned, handing her the teacup and sitting beside her. "Oh no. Voice gone?"

Camden nodded and snuggled up against her side, kissing her cheek as a thank you for the tea and taking small sips of it. It was always more special when Angie made it for her.

Angie wrapped an arm around her waist, kissing the top of her head. "My poor baby. You have an appetite at all?"

Camden shrugged, not wanting to even try to eat. She placed her teacup on the nightstand, pulling Angie down and laying her head on her chest. She hoped that'd let Angie know she wanted her to stay with her.

Angie smiled, playing with Camden's hair. "I'm blaming you if I get sick."

Camden just hummed in response, wrapping her legs around Angie's waist and snuggling even closer. She was the best medicine she could ever ask for.


Sweet little thing before the next one-shot, which takes place in the universe of my Please Don't Bite trilogy. I guess like a small slice of a prequel to it. So if you haven't read those yet you might not understand. Hope you enjoyed this one!

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