I See The Light (Camgeria) [Part 2]

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Angie groaned softly as she opened her eyes, squinting against the dull light. She found herself to be sitting upright in a chair, but she couldn't move her arms or legs, or even her chest.

She looked down, confused when seeing what was keeping her in place. "Is this...hair?"

"Why are you here?" A voice called out from the shadows. Angie looked around, trying to move and getting frustrated when she couldn't. She huffed when not able to see who was speaking.

"I was running from something and ended up here." Angie explained, still not sure who she was speaking to. She shook her head as a she made out the silhouette of someone in front of her. Whoever it was slowly stepped closer into the light, a frying pan defensively held out in front of them.

Angie stared at her for a moment before smiling. "Oh, you're just a girl. Luckily for you I am very smooth with the ladies."

The girl looked confused, slowly lowering the frying pan as she stared at Angie. "..What?"

Angie cleared her throat, trying to be as charming as she could. "Hi. I'm Angeria Paris VanMicheals. But you can call me Angie." She winked.

The girl scoffed and rolled her eyes, pulling her hair that was wrapped around the legs of the chair and making it fall forward. Angie squeaked and closed her eyes, slowly opening them to see her head barely missed the floor. She groaned, turning her head to look up at the girl. "Look miss, just give me my bag and I'll be on my way. I don't mean any harm."

"Something obviously brought you here." She was still suspicious, circling Angie. "Destiny, my hair-"

"Why would I want your hair?" Angie huffed as she tried getting her arms free. "I was running away from something and tried to hide out here. I wasn't going to do anything else. Now please, give me my bag and I'll leave you alone."

"I'll help you if you help me." The girl smiled down at her, pulling the chair back into an upright position and jumping back onto the fireplace.

"So blackmail?" Angie raised a brow, nervous that this girl had somehow seen all her wanted posters. There was no way she was getting caught now after coming so far.

"I don't know what that means." The girl shrugged and pulled back the curtains. Angie looked up at the painting and tilted her head. She had so many questions. The main one being why this girl had so much damn hair and why was she currently tangled in it.

"I need you to be my escort." The girl smiled down at Angie, twirling a strand of hair. "My birthday is coming up, and every year these floating lights appear in the distance but I've never been able to see them up close."

"..You mean the lanterns the kingdom lights every year for the lost princess?" Angie stared at her, trying her best to scoot herself closer to the window.

"Lanterns? I told her they weren't stars." She smiled and gazed up at the painting. "You will take me to see these lanterns, and then safely bring me back here. And then I will give you back your precious bag."

Angie mumbled to herself, shaking her head. "You can't go see them yourself? They light up the sky, it's easy to just follow them."

The girl sighed, getting down from the fireplace. "Mother never lets me leave the tower. I told her I wanted to go see the lanterns for my birthday, and since I'm an adult I thought she would let me. But she still said no. Since she's gone for a couple days, I thought I could make it work."

Angie watched her, starting to feel bad for her but quickly pushing that feeling away. She had to get her bag and get back to her friends. "Alright, do you have a name?"

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