Haunted (Bosco x Reader)

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Requested by anonymous.
Bosco has just moved in to her new house. Her new house that happens to be haunted. Haunted by none other than you.

The first time Bosco felt something was able to be shrugged off easily. As her friends helped her bring boxes into her new home, there was a weird chill in the home. Which was weird because it was summer and the air conditioning in the home hadn't yet been fixed. They had all felt it at the same time, stopping what they were doing and looking at each other.

Camden had shivered, looking over her shoulder at the door. "That was weird..." She mumbled. "I didn't like that."

But Bosco just shrugged it off, placing a box onto her new kitchen table and opening it up. "There might be a slight breeze." She said. The windows were open, so that was possible if you forgot about the fact that it was completely still outside. "I'm sure it's fine."

Her friends took her word for it and continued to help her unpack. But you however, knew the reason they had felt something.

You had just been curious. This was a newcomer in your home and you wanted to get to know her. The best way to do that was obviously to look at her stuff. Your presence had left the cold chill in the room though, so you quickly ducked out before they could get anymore suspicious.

The second time had scared Bosco a little more, but she shook it off by telling herself she had probably just blacked out. She wasn't the most organized person. Clothes and books and dishes were left around the house just a month into her living there. She always told herself she'd get to it, but she never did.

It made you a little agitated. You didn't like your home being a mess. So when Bosco left for work one day, you decided to clean up. It took a lot of energy to do, picking things up was never the easiest thing to do, but you managed to get Bosco's clothes into her clothes hamper, her books back onto her bookshelf, and her dishes into the sink. You would've done them, but then Bosco came home.

Bosco had paused in the doorway when noticing something off. The house had been a mess when she left, and now it was all cleaned up. You sat on the couch and watched her reaction.

"...I must've just blacked out this morning." Bosco had told herself. "Yeah. Yeah that's it."

You tilted your head and watched as she quickly went to her room. Part of you wished to talk to her and let her see you. But there were risks that came with that, and you didn't want to deal with those.

It was a year into Bosco living in the home until she finally accepted the fact that it was haunted. You kinda wanted her to figure it out. You would close and open doors, mess with cupboards, flip through pages of her books, and even brush against her to make her shiver. You wanted her attention. Especially since it didn't seem like she planned on leaving anytime soon like previous tenants.

Bosco was sitting on the couch, busy reading through a pile of books on the coffee table. You sat on the recliner and watched her closely, tilting your head as you studied her. She seemed more tired than usual. You hoped she was okay.

After a moment, Bosco sighed. "I know you're looking at me."

You tensed up, which made the lights in the room flicker slightly. Bosco had never actually addressed you before. She didn't look up, eyes still focused on her book. "Why don't you leave me alone? Or like...leave? Or say something? Can't some ghosts communicate?"

You could, but that wasn't easy. That would be proof that you were actually there. And that could bring unwanted attention into the house. You stayed still and silent.

Bosco raised her head and looked right at you. Even though she couldn't see you, it was startling. You made the lights flicker again.

The girl glanced at the book in her hands before placing her bookmark in her place. She set it open to the middle on the coffee table, leaning back against the couch cushions. "I know you're here." She said. "I want to communicate with you. Can you flip the pages to the right for yes and to the left for no?"

You thought about it before standing up, approaching the book. Slowly, you decided to flip the pages to the right.

Bosco's breath hitched, and she looked at the book with wide eyes. It made you feel a little bad, seeing her scared look. But she took a breath, staring at the book.

"Okay..." She said nervously. "Are you...trapped here?"

You were unsure if you should answer that, but you soon gave in and flipped the pages to the right again. Bosco nodded a little, thinking of other questions to ask. "Are you a child...?"

You flipped the pages to the left. Then did again when she asked if you were a teenager. You finally flipped them to the right when she asked if you were a young adult. This was the most she had interacted with you despite her living here for a year, and it was very different. After a couple more questions, she got to her last one.

Bosco took a deep breath. "Are you going to hurt me...?"

That made you sad. Of course you weren't going to hurt her. She didn't do anything. But you hoped you hadn't come off as threatening to her. You flipped the pages to the right, and Bosco let out a relieved sigh.

"Alright, thank you..." Bosco stood up, leaving to go to her bedroom. She kept the book open, and you stayed where you were. She had acknowledged you enough tonight. You decided to give her space.


Bosco kept the book open for a couple weeks and you both used it if she ever wanted a yes or no answer. You had interacted with her quite a bit, and it felt nice. Almost like she was your friend.

So you decided to try to do something nice for her on a particularly cold winter night.

It had been a while since you interacted with a living person this way, so you hoped you were doing it right. While Bosco was at work, you gathered the blankets she kept in the hall closet and brought them out to the living room. You set them on the couch with a couple pillows you had snagged from the bed. Using this much energy was tiring and messed with the electronics in the house, but you did it for Bosco. You would've liked to make hot chocolate that she seemed to enjoy having at night, but it had been years since you worked a stove and were scared one wrong move might bring the whole house down. So you settled for the wine bottle that you set on the coffee table along with a wine glass. You wished you could've added one for yourself, but that would be useless.

It wasn't long until you heard keys in the door. You stayed settled on the couch in wait for her, looking at the door to see her coming inside.

Bosco shivered as she closed the door behind her, taking her jacket off and stopping when she saw the set up in the living room that hadn't been there this morning. "...Ghostie? Did you do this?"

If you had a heart, it would be fluttering because of what she had chosen to call you lately. You flipped the pages of the book on the coffee table to the right, and Bosco smiled.

She walked over and slowly sat on the other end of the couch, wrapping herself up in a blanket and leaning her head back on a pillow. "Thank you..." She whispered.

You wished you could respond to that. But you only had access to yes or no. Or at least you thought you did, until deciding it was time to face your fear. You nervously faded into view, causing the lights around you to flicker. Bosco gasped, and you looked up to see her staring with wide eyes.

The house was quiet as she stared at your faded frame. You gave it a moment before slowly waving at her, smiling a little to not seem so intimidating.

Bosco shook her head to snap herself out of her trance, waving back with a shaky hand. "H-Hi...Can I finally ask your name?"

Another big step. Speaking. But you felt safe with Bosco. You wanted her to feel safe too. It took a couple tries, but you finally spoke.
"Y/n." You answered, your voice quiet. You hadn't heard your own voice in years.

Bosco slowly smiled. "Hi, y/n. It's great to finally see you."

You smiled even more. Bosco made you feel happy and warm. That was a new feeling. You hoped she would feel safe with you. As long as you haunted this house, she would be very safe with you.


Kinda like how this turned out. That's saying a lot since I don't usually like how I write x readers. Hope you enjoyed

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