Possibilities (Jasya)

413 13 6

I couldn't sleep last night and somehow ended up with this hurt/comfort/fluff.
Daya needs Jasmine. Jasmine needs Daya.
Takes place after the reunion.
❌Light TW: Mentions of not eating

It was hours after filming, and Daya still hadn't left her hotel room. She knew the others were probably out by now, doing something besides crying alone in their hotel rooms. But she couldn't bring herself to get up and join them. She had so many emotions she didn't know how to handle. All focused on one queen.

She hadn't meant to act the way she had with Jasmine. She hadn't meant to come across the way that she did. And now she felt as if she had destroyed everything. She had fucked up the chances of ever having what she really wanted. There was no fixing it.

Daya stared out the window in a daze she couldn't snap out of. Her chest felt as if it was aching, and her eyes still burned from her most recent round of tears. She wanted nothing more than to disappear in that moment. She didn't even have the willpower to make herself eat at least something. She knew that wasn't good, and she could feel herself getting shaky and light headed. But that was the least of her worries right now.

A gentle knock on her hotel room door snapped her out of it a little. She glanced over at it, figuring it was just Bosco and Maddy trying to convince her to come out again. They had tried multiple times. She ignored it, hoping they'd get the hint and leave her alone, until there was another knock.


Daya's eyes snapped open wide when she heard Jasmine's voice. She felt frozen in place despite how shaky her hands were. She couldn't face her. Not when she looked like such a mess and was on the verge of yet another breakdown. She bit her lip, staying in place.

It was quiet until Jasmine spoke again. "I know you didn't go with the others..." Her voice cracked slightly, sounding sad and quieter than it usually was. There was a pause before she continued. "I-I'm sorry, I know you probably don't want to talk..."

The quiver in her voice broke Daya's heart. She sighed, somehow finding the strength to walk over to the door. She struggled to open it, her hand shaking too much. But when she did, she found Jasmine starting to walk away.

The girl stopped in her tracks when she heard the door open. She slowly turned, her eyes red and puffy as tears ran down her cheeks. Daya winced at the sight. Seeing Jasmine crying made her own tears start to spill again.

They were silent, both of them not knowing what to say. Jasmine took a shaky breath before stepping closer.

"C-Can I come in...?" She asked quietly, sounding a little scared.

Daya nodded a little, backing up to let her in and slightly stumbling. Jasmine wrapped her arms around herself as she entered the hotel room, looking the taller queen over in slight concern. But she didn't say anything, just sat on the edge of the unused second bed in the hotel room. Daya stiffly walked over to hers, dropping herself limply onto it.

The room was filled with an uncomfortable silence. Daya stared up at the ceiling, trying to gain control of her shaking hands. Jasmine couldn't look away from her. She wanted to speak, but she couldn't find the words.

Daya laid her head back on a pillow, starting to feel dizzy. "W-Why are you here?" She managed to ask, hoping that didn't sound rude. She felt like it did.

Jasmine sniffled quietly, wiping her eyes with the sleeve of her sweater. "...I wanted to see you." She admitted nervously, watching Daya's every move.

Daya was confused. She should be the last person Jasmine would want to see. More tears welled up in her eyes. "Why...?" She asked, not understanding.

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