I See the Light (Camgeria) [Part 3]

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"I was born with it." Lady explained to them, back to being close against Angie's side on the couch. Willow and two of the other girls, who she had learned were named Orion and Jorgeous, were enthusiastically braiding her hair for her. They listened intently, sticking different flowers that Alyssa handed to them into Lady's hair.

"Mother says it was a gift from the sun, and that people would try to take it from me if they found out." Lady spoke softly, gazing up at Angie as she spoke. "She says if my hair is cut, it loses its power."

Angie listened closely to her, letting the girl hold onto her arm tightly. "That's why she never let you leave the tower?"

Lady nodded, watching the girls braiding her hair. "She said everyone in the outside world would hurt me just so they can take my gift. But I don't know. You guys seem nice."

Angie was quiet, lost in her thoughts before being snapped out of them by Kornbread, who motioned for her to follow her. She pulled herself up out of Lady's grasp, earning a pout from her.

"I'll be back in a minute." She told her before following after Kornbread. She listened to the other girls, mainly Jasmine, excitedly ask Lady questions before she joined Kornbread in the kitchen. "What is it, Miss K?"

"There's something about that girl..." Kornbread said, eyes narrowed as she tapped her nails against the table. "Something very familiar. Don't you think?"

Angie raised a brow, shaking her head. "I haven't met many people with glowing hair before."

Kornbread was quiet, looking out the window. She could see all the animals outside that had followed Lady, waiting for her to come out. "You never heard the full story of the lost Princess Camden, have you?"

Angie tilted her head, quietly sitting down. "I know she was stolen as a baby. That's it."

Kornbread nodded, turning to face her. "When the queen was still pregnant, she got very sick." She explained, keeping her voice low so the other girls wouldn't hear. "Nothing was helping and she got worse as the days went on. So their last hope was finding a golden flower only ever heard of in legends."

Angie was still confused, not knowing what flowers had to do with anything. Besides Lady now having a ton of them in her hair.

"They say the flower had been touched by a drop of the sun, and had amazing abilities. When the castle guards found it, they brought it back to queen and by using it as medicine, it cured her. And the baby was born as perfect and as healthy as she could be."

Angie slowly started to realize what she was getting it, glancing out the doorway at Lady. She was busy being entertained by Willow, who was currently introducing her to candy. "Are you trying to say Lady is..."

"The princess was never found, and there are no leads on who took her." Kornbread said, grabbing the extra blankets for Lady to use. "I'm not saying she's for sure the lost princess, but her story seems like someone has just been trying to hide her and use her. And you're saying you're taking her to see the lanterns for her birthday. The same day as the princess's. Seems like more than a coincidence."

Angie was quiet, watching Lady again. It was definitely all adding up, but she didn't know what to do about it.

"Just let me focus on letting her enjoy the lanterns." Angie said softly. "Then we'll think of something."


Lady gazed up at the patterns painted on the bedroom ceiling. Deja had set up a hammock for her to sleep in for the night and Kornbread had made sure she had all the blankets she needed. She liked them a lot, she thought they were all nice.

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