Homesick (Dayasco)

330 9 4

Bosco's missing home. Good thing she's on tour with someone whose arms feel just like home.

Bosco wasn't exactly sure what time it was. She just knew it was too early to be awake. She stared out the window of her hotel room, her packed suitcases beside her. She did know one thing. She wanted to go home.

It wasn't like she didn't enjoy touring. She did. She loved being with the other queens she had grown so close to. But she was so far away from home, and it was really starting to have an effect on her.

"Bosco?" Camden's tired voice and knock on the hotel room door snapped her out of her thoughts. "Our ride is here."

Bosco nodded even though Camden couldn't see her. She stood up and grabbed her bags, swinging one over her shoulder as she took deep breaths. She wasn't sure if she was ready to move onto another city. She wanted to at least stay in one place for just a little bit. That place was home.

She left her hotel room, dragging her bags behind her. She trailed behind the others who talked excitedly, not having the energy to catch up with them herself.

But one person noticed her absence. Daya stopped walking, waiting for Bosco. She gave her a small smile when she caught up, but tilted her head when seeing her expression.

"You alright?" She asked, wanting to reach out for her but stopped by the amount of bags she was holding. "You seem quiet."

Bosco didn't want to admit how she was really feeling. So she nodded as they made their way to the elevators. "I'm fine. Just tired."

Daya wasn't super convinced, but she took her word for it. "The different time zones aren't the most fun."

Bosco followed them all into one of the elevators, closing her eyes and leaning back against the wall. "Yeah..."

She wasn't exactly lying. She was exhausted. And she was definitely not in the talking mood, staying quiet during the whole way down and as they walked through the lobby.

Daya felt like something more was wrong, but she didn't want to press her for answers. She sighed softly as Bosco walked ahead now, wishing there was something she could do to help.

There was a nudge on her arm, and she glanced down to see Willow giving her a knowing look. "Are you going to do something?" She asked. "You're the only one who cheers her up when she's looking all sad."

"She told me she was tired." Daya whispered, looking back over at Bosco. "I don't want to bother her too much. And keep your voice down before she hears you-"

"You say that as if she could ever be bothered by you." Willow ignored that last part. "We all know she's whipped."

Daya blushed softly. Maybe that was true. "I'll try to do something to help her." She said, gripping her bags and trying to catch up to Bosco.

Bosco lifted her stuff into the back of the van outside, and Daya reached out to help her when seeing her struggle. As she lifted the suitcase for her, she smiled and studied her closely. "You look cute even if you're tired."

Bosco raised a brow, turning away from the taller queen so she didn't see the blush on her face. "I haven't brushed my hair since yesterday." She mumbled. "And I'm in sweatpants and no makeup. I do not look cute."

"Well I think you do." Daya pressed a small and quick kiss to her cheek, expecting that to get a smile out of her. But Bosco just looked down and wrapped her arms around herself.

Daya sighed. She was certain that would work.

Bosco sat in the back of the van, her head leaning against the window. She wanted to be alone, but didn't protest when Daya climbed in beside her like she usually did. But this time she wasn't poking fun at Camden and Angie's flirting or laughing at something with Willow. This time her eyes were focused on Bosco.

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