420 13 2

Brynn Harris-

I ran and jumped into Corinne's arms without warning. I wrapped my legs around her waist, and hugged her as tightly as I could.

She hugged me back just as tight. I then started sobbing into her neck, knowing of how bad I had treated her before.

I mean, how did I not remember who my best friend was? My father must of really messed me up, although I don't exactly remembered what happened.

Some of my memories are still a blur, but I would like to keep it that way, at least for now.

After about ten minutes, Corinne placed me back down onto my feet. I quickly wiped my red eyes, trying to dry the tears.

I then looked behind Corinne, and saw Kian awkwardly standing there.

I ran up to him and jumped into his arms as well. It was once again off guard, but he was able to catch me just was well as Corinne did.

I rewrapped my legs around his waist, and him burying his head in my neck.

Without Kian, I may have never gotten away from my father. I may of died in the conditions I was in. He was my life saver. I don't know how I will ever be able to repay him.

"I have a question." I spoke softly, but loud enough for them to hear me. They both slowly nodded their heads, waiting for me to ask my question.

"Where will I be staying?" This may have been a dumb question, but it was a question that I really needed the answers to.

"We'll it's up to you. You could either stay with me and my family, or go and live with Kian and the O2L guys." Corinne spoke, probably secretly wishing to choose her.

I honestly have no clue of who I wanted to live with. Corinne would be so fun to spend everyday with, but so would Kian and the guys.

"I don't know who to go with..." I trailed off, not wanting to finish my sentence.

The two looked at each other, as if they were communicating through their minds.

"You can come with me." Kian said, and Corinne nodded in agreement.

"Okay." I said, and we walked towards the elevator of the hospital.

We got in, and pushed the level one button which would take us to the exit of the hospital.

Once we got out, we started to head for Corinne's car. I ran up to the passenger side and called shotgun. Corinne and Kian let out a laugh, and they hopped into the car, Corinne driving.

We started to head to Kian's place, and my mind was all over the place. Is this really happening?

My father is in jail, I just got out of the hospital, and I'm going to live with Kian.

All of the thoughts overwhelm me, and my hands start to shake. This had always been a habit of mine; when I was nervous, my hands always began to shake.

The ride took twenty five minutes, giving me enough time to gather all of my thoughts.

We pulled up into the driveway of the house I've only seen once before.

Kian got out of the car, but I remained seated with the door closed. This would be the house that I now live at.

What if the boys don't like me? What if they think I'm using them? There is so many possibilities of what could happen, and I'm not ready for any of it.

Kian opens my door as I unbuckle my seat belt and hop out. I give Corinne a wave and a small smile, and gently close the door.

She quickly pulls out of the driveway and I take in a deep breath.

Kian see's me struggling with the thought of living at his home, and he takes my hand is his. He leads me
up the driveway, and opens the front door up for me.

He leads me inside, and into the kitchen.

"You thirsty or hungry?" He asks, quite concerned.

"I'm kind of thirsty.." I say quietly.

"What do you want to drink?"

"Um, water please." He nods, and grabs a glass. He fills it with water to the top and hands it to me.

I thank him quietly, and grab the cold glass in my hands. I take a big sip of it, feeling the cool liquid go down my throat.

I feel his gaze on me, and it feels like his eyes are burning into my head.

I look up at him and he has a smirk placed on his beautiful face.

"What?" I say, and let out a small laugh.

"Nothing. Your just so beautiful." He looks down, leaving his gaze from me.

I shake my head, disagreeing with his words, but I keep quiet.

I get up, walk over to him on the other side of the counter.

"You are too." I say, and tilt his head up to look at me.

Before I can say anything, I crash my lips onto his, and sit on his lap, continuing to deepen the kiss.

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