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Kian Lawley-

Their faces were completely drained out; and it really looked like something bad was about to be said.

"What is it?" Is all I could say as I was pushing them to spill.

"We know where she is." Ricky blurted out, quite quickly.

"Know where who is?"

"Brynn Harris?" Jc said this time; confusion filling my mind.

I felt uneasiness and fear shoot through my body as I tried to remember where I was; sitting at the mall at Annie's pretzels instead of going to find Brynn.

The panic within me made me shiver; as I jumped up and started running towards the door.

"Wait! There is more!" Ricky yelled after me.

I quickly stopped, and spun on my heels to look at them once again.

I made my way slowly back to them, and took my seat where I previously just was.

"We know who called her father and got her into this mess." Ricky said, and you could hear hard it was telling me.

"Who? And how do you know?"

"It was your sister, Tilly. I know this because my new girlfriend Kristin was talking to her about this." Ricky said; his voice staying the same through it all.

"We'll where is she?!"

"Your sister or Brynn?"

"Brynn!" I yelled, getting inpatient.

"She is at home; her dad locked her in a dungeon."

With that, I got up once again and ran towards the exit. I will not stay here any longer when I know exactly where she is and how to help her.

I continue to run as fast as my feet could go; not stopping for anything.

You might question; how do you know where she lives?

Well, I've actually walked behind her when she was coming home from school one day; before I bumped into her.

And yeah, it may seem creepy, but I thought she was beautiful. She was lonely, walking home from school, with a big bruise on her face from who knows what.

I just wanted to help, and so I know where she lives.

I kept running, until I reached this grey two-story house at the end of Bright Lane Road. The grass was dead; an there were no flowers to be seen. The old oak tree had been dead; no life had shown throughout the whole tree.

I ran up to the door and banged on it until a middle aged man opened it.

"What the fuck do you want?!" Mr.Harris yelled.

"I wish to speak to your daughter, Brynn" I say, as nice as I could knowing what is going on .

"She no longer lives here." And with that, he slams the door in my face.

I know dang well that she is still in there. I had no idea what to do at this point. After a few minutes of thinking. I decide to call the cops. I take out my phone and dial 911.

"Hello, Mandy speaking. What's your emergency?"

"This girl that I am friends with is locked in her house with her very abusive father. Her best friend and I have not seen her whatsoever and I'm scared that she me might be severely injured; or even dead. Please help."

"Please stay a little bit away from the house sir; and remain calm. Help is on the way."

"Thank you." The words rush out of my mouth, and I hang up. All I could do was wait for help.

Brynn Harris-

I sat there, just thinking.

Thinking about how it could of been if my mom didn't die years ago. We could of been a happy family.

People may have not looked at me as weird as they do now.

As I was in the middle of thinking, I heard yelling coming from upstairs. It was a few other voices apart from my fathers.

"Put your hands behind your back. Now!" I heard a loud voice screaming from upstairs.

"Is there anyone else here?" I heard a different voice yell.

"Me! I'm downstairs! Help!" I yelled as loud as my voice could; and what was remotely audible was defiantly heard.

"Ma'am we are going to get you out of there." This voice was coming from the other side of the door.

"Get the SWAT team!" The man screamed; most likely to another guy.
I counted to twenty, trying to keep myself calm.










I didn't even get to finish to ten, when door was quickly busted down.

A nice lady came in with a stretcher; while another lady came down with a first aid kit.

"We are going to help you. I promise."

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