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Jack Gilinsky-

Brynn began to tell me about her past, and how terrible she was treated. Her story went from how her father abused her to getting bullied at school.

It honestly breaks my heart that this thoughtful, beautiful, and sweet girl went through so much in her life, like she had been to hell and back.

She was scared that I was going to leave her and never talk to her again, but for her to tell me this story, makes herself really brave. It's absurd how she thought I would leave her; knowing this much about her made me care for her even more.

I had noticed at the beach that her and Kian kind of had a 'thing,' but it didn't look official. Kian upset Brynn, and I need to know why or what happened between them.

"You're really brave for telling me all of this, Brynn. I'm really proud of you. What happened between you and Kian?" I feel kind of nosy for asking this question, but I would like to help her, and I can't if I don't know the story.

She took a deep breath, and started her story. "He was upset and jealous about you and me at the beach. We aren't even a thing and he told me that I was cheating on him, and that we should see different people," she paused, "I honestly don't think that I did anything wrong. I mean, you and I were fooling around, not flirting. But it's whatever, it's over and done with. I'm just done with drama."

She finally finished, and I gave her one of the biggest hugs I could've ever given anyone. For her to tell me everything all in one night, shows some courage. I think I'm gaining some feelings for this girl, and I don't think I can stay away from her starting today.

"Brynn, I think the best advice I can give you is to take a little break from Kian. I mean, I'm friends with both of you, but you two both need to calm down. I think he just said some things in the heat of the argument, and I don't think he meant all of it."

"Thank you for all of your help, Jack." Brynn spoke softly. I picked her up off of the edge of the building, and placed her to her feet in front of me.

She looked right into my eyes, then at my lips, and then back at my eyes. In other words, it looked like she wanted to kiss me.

Brynn Harris-

Tonight, Jack had been such a help, and quite the gentleman. He made sure he was gentle with me throughout the night, and I was quite thankful for it.

Him being the way he was, I started to
have a small liking towards him, aside from him being my idol. I gave him the hint of wanting to kiss him, and he took it as an advantage to do as so.

His lips were soft and plump, and they moved in sync with mine. I brought my left hand and started to stroke his hair, and my right hand was around his neck. His hands were cupping my face, and I was overall happy with this outcome.

Kian did say he wanted to see other people, right? I mean, this is seeing other people. I wasn't just using Jack as a rebound or anything, I actually liked him.

Jack swiped his tongue against my bottom lip, asking for access. I soon granted his wish, and opened my mouth. He took no time at all to slip his tongue in against mine, and they danced together.

Too caught up in the moment, I heard a gasp, not coming from neither Jack or I.

I was too bothered to look to see who/what it was that made the sound. Another sound was made, while Jack and I stopped our motion.

We both look over towards the door that led us up here, and Kian is standing there, dumbfounded. His mouth was slightly open, and his eyes had a hard glare towards us.

"Brynn, what the hell?" Kian's voice resonated through the air, and mind I tell you, it was loud.

"What the fuck Kian? You said you wanted to see other people." I spoke carelessly, not caring for the angry person before me.

If it was any other day, I would of cared. However, after today, I could care less of how he thinks of me.

"You know bloody hell that I didn't mean it."

"Really Kian? Didn't mean it? If that was the case, you would of chased me when I left your room. However, you did not do so." I yelled, the frustration taking over me.

"I wasn't thinking right, Brynn! I've came here to fix my mistakes, only to see you making out with Jack. My theory from earlier was correct. I can't trust you." His words were coming out angry, and he was waving his hands vigorously in the air.

"I'm done, Kian. I'm so far from being done. I'll find somewhere else to stay; and I'll get out of your life. Hope your fucking happy, asshole." I say, and grab Jack's hand.

I take us to the door that led us up here, allowing us to climb down the several flights of stairs, and leave Kian standing on the room, dumbfounded once again.



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