397 12 1

Brynn Harris-

I woke up in a strange bed, that I honestly did not remember falling asleep in.

I had to force my eyes to flutter open, suddenly being blinded by the light shining in through the window.

I look around, taking in my surroundings. It was a room painted dark blue, with hand written letters hanging up.

A few seconds later, I soon realized that there was a arm across my waist, holding me closely and tight.

I then realized where I was. I was in Kian's bed.

I managed to turn myself over to look at the gorgeous person I fell asleep with, and I hoped not to wake him up in the progress.

Thankfully I didn't wake him up. He looked so peaceful when he slept. His
hair was pushed in several different directions, his mouth formed into a fine line. His eyes were closed gently, and his breaths were slow.

I moved my hand slowly and touched his face, feeling how relaxed it was. Not only that, but his face was so smooth, and not a pimple was to be seen.

Taking in all of his perfect features, he smiled in his sleep. Seconds later, his eyes fluttered open like mine did previously.

"Good morning beautiful." His morning voice was deep, and I wish I could listen to it forever.

"Morning." I smiled back, taking my hand away from his face

"How long have you been awake?" His words come out raspy, and I could not get enough of them.

"For a few minutes." I answered, not at a loud tone.

He smiled and took a big breath, exhaling slowly.

He sat up quite to soon, making him look a little dizzy.

"You hungry?" He asks me, taking a stretch.

I sat there debating for a second, figuring out whether not I was hungry. I nodded, answering his question.

I stood up out of the bed like Kian did just seconds before. The t-shirt he had lent me to wear to bed, reached to my mid thigh. It hung loosely on my body, and it was so comfortable.

I stretched my arms out, and the t-shirt raised up to my hipbone, letting my panties show. Mind I tell you, I had never got any good looking undergarments. I never had the money to do anything, a result of having somebody like my father continue to raise me.

I look back up at Kian, seeing if he saw what just happened. Just to my luck, he was not. I silently thanked god that moment stayed to myself.

He threw on a white t-shirt and grey sweatpants, as he slept shirtless in his boxers.

My eyes were glued to him, and I was fighting my eyes to look away. Was I falling for Kian? I mean, I have never felt this way for anyone else before. My feelings for this boy were crazy, and I had no control over them, not that I minded. He's perfect.

Kian soon turned around, and caught me staring at him. My cheeks turned a dark red in embarrassment.

"Aw baby it's okay. I like staring at you too." He spoke softly, and walked over to me.

He called me baby. I have never been called that before, yet the words didn't seem foreign coming from him.

I smiled lightly, probably looking stupid. I honesty didn't mind him seeing me like this.

"Let's go eat babe." He spoke to me, the pet names coming back out. Oh how I'm starting to love them.

"Okay." He grabbed my hand, and intwined our fingers together. I smiled at the simple gesture.

He led me down the stairs, making our way to the kitchen. Once we reach the room, Ricky was sitting at the counter eating yogurt and granola.

I waved to him, and he flashed a smile
back to me in response. Kian let go of my hand, and I took a seat next to Ricky.

"What would you like to eat?" Kian asked, and I had no clue what I had wanted.

"I have no idea." I answered truthfully.

"How about we go out to eat?" Kian flashed a smile as I quickly nodded at his words. I thought about the trip we were about to take, when something came to realization.

What am I going to wear? All I have is what I wore to the hospital, and all
my clothing is back at the house. It may not still fit me, considering the amount of weight I have lost.

"Kian, I don't think we can." His face drops at my words.

"Why?" He doesn't sound hurt, just sad that we can't go.

"I don't have any clothes to wear." I said sadly, while his face was pulled into a smirk.

"What are you smirking about?" I asked him, truly confused.

"I'm going to take you shopping." He said, and had a wide smile spread across his face.

"What am I going to wear when we go shopping?" I ask.

"You can borrow sweatpants and a t-shirt. I mean, you could have a lazy day." I nodded at his words.

I followed him up to the bedroom that we just slept in. He threw me a white t-shirt and black sweatpants. He left the room and let me change in there.

Once I was fully dressed, I opened the door and called him back in.

The sweatpants were longer than my legs, but I could put them over my heels which seemed to work just fine. The white t-shirt was huge on me like the one I wore to bed, but I tucked it into the sweatpants, making it a little more shorter.

He instantly handed me a brush without me asking him. I took it from him and brushed my long, dark hair out.

Kian was pushing his hair up, making it more perfect than it was before.

"Do you happen to have an extra toothbrush?" I ask him, not expecting him to actually have one.

"Yeah. I'll go get it. In the meantime, I'll meet you in the bathroom." I nodded, and found my way to the bathroom connected to his bedroom.

He came in seconds later with a toothbrush, still in it's package.

"Thank you." With that, he walks away.

I find the toothpaste and brush my teeth. When I was finished, I put my toothbrush on his counter and walk out.

Kian was leaning up against his bedroom door frame, and he was scrolling through his phone.

I walked up slowly behind him, and poked his back. He didn't flinch or anything at the touch of contact, and I'm surprised because I thought it was pretty scary.

"Ready to go?" He spoke, his words coming out slow. I nodded in response, and he handed me my iPhone 6.

I grabbed it from his hands and started walking. He once again intwined our fingers, and his hand felt like it was made for mine.

When we reached the front door, he grabbed his keys to his black Range Rover, and shut the door.

Being a gentleman, he opened the car door for me. I mumbled a 'thank you' and he shut the door.

He then ran around the vehicle and jumped into the drivers seat.

He put the key in the ignition and started the Range Rover, and it came to life.


bye beauties💋

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