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Kian Lawley-

The ambulance, firemen, police men, and the SWAT team arrived in a short five minutes. Not long at all.

Two police officers were questioning me about what was going on; and I told them all I knew.

They had arrested Mr.Harris; and had brought Brynn to the hospital.

When the paramedics brought outside Brynn on the stretcher, she looked so thin; severely bruised and beaten.

It had looked like Mr.Harris had sucked the whole life out of her whole body; and he probably did.

"Do you know if she has any family members that she could live with when she gets out of the hospital?" A nice police woman had asked me.

"I'm not sure, she had never talked about any family. Let me call her bestfriend, and I'll get back to you." The woman nodded lightly, and walked away to help investigate.

I quickly pulled out my phone and searched for Corinne's contact.

Once I had found it, I instantly clicked on it. She picked up the phone on the second ring.

"Kian I am so sorry I didnt meet you at-"

I interrupted her in the middle of her sentence, "I found and saved Brynn. She is heading to the hospital. Meet me at the police station in 10 minutes. And no ditching this time. This is serious." I said and hung up; not letting her say a word to me.

I walk back up to the police woman who had just talked to me moments ago, and tell her that my friend will meet us down at the police station. She simply nodded.

Instead of me walking all the way there, she decided to give me a ride in the police car. The memories of when I was little fill my mind. I used to get into trouble a lot, and I had rode in a police car before.

In a short fifteen minutes, we reached the police station, where Corinne was at, leaning against her car waiting for us.

"There you are!" Corinne yelled, running towards me.

"Sorry it took so long. I was caught up at the house."

"Oh it's fine. I was just getting worried." Corinne said, as we starting walking into the building.

"Ma'am can we hurry? I would really like to get to the hospital to see my friend." I say, my words rushing out of my mouth.

"I will try to go as fast as I can, but I need you both to explain everything that you know without leaving a single detail out." The police woman explained.

I let out a big breath, and they both looked at me with mixed feelings.

I really just wanted to head to the hospital to see how Brynn was doing.
She really didn't look we'll leaving the house.

And I forgot to get into contact with Tilly about bullying Brynn. I haven't had much contact with her since I moved out of the house two years ago.

Of course she was mad, but I needed space. Living with the guys have been amazing, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

"Sir?" I got interrupted from my thoughts, the police woman trying to get my attention.

Since I kept calling her 'the police woman' I decided to look at her name pin that I hadn't noticed was there before.

Her name was Mrs.Bentley; a name that I have not heard as a last name before.

"Kian." I could hear Corinne get annoyed about how I was not answering them.

"I'm sorry, I'm too distracted." I look at them with worry in my eyes.

"Please explain the situation, did you have any contact with the father before you called 911?"

Brynn Harris-

I wake up in a hospital bed, and in a gown.

Last time I remembered being awake, I was leaving the house. They put me on the stretcher and I don't remember anything after that.

A doctor soon came in about two minutes after I had woken up.

"Oh good, your finally awake." The doctor said and smiled at me weakly. Followed by his smile, a nurse came in with a tray of food and a bottle of water.

"You need to eat Miss Brynn." The nurse said, and gave me the tray.

The tray consisted of mashed potato's, turkey, applesauce, a cookie, and corn.

The different types of food didn't look that good, but the meal itself was amazing. I was starving.

I started shoving the food into my mouth quickly while the nurse and the doctor laughed.

I look up to them, and a smile was spread across both of their faces.

The doctor left the room, and the nurse came over to me while I was eating and took some tests.

She had also took measuring tape and measured around my stomach, legs, and arms, I'm guessing to watch as I grow some meat on my body while I fight my body's battles.

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