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Brynn Harris-

I start screaming, wanting him to stop. Right when I start screaming, I realized something.

It was just a dream.

The horrible thing was just a nightmare! The whole thing was all in my head.

My eyes soon adjust to the darkness, and I look down at my body to make sure it really was a dream, and I see that my clothes are still fully on, and snot laying somewhere else on the floor.

I still have not figured out how long it has been since I was first locked in here.

I have been asleep for half of the time, so I wouldn't know anyways. Through- out the time I have been in here, I have not been given not a single drop of water; and I was starving.

I have also realized that I lost a ton of weight, and I sure looked anorexic. You could see my rib cage very easily.

You never know how good it is to have a life where you have freedom. I realized that even know I have a terrible life, I should have been thankful to be able to go to school, and to have food and water, along with a roof over my head. I should of appreciated it better.

When and if I ever get out of this fucking place, I will finally leave the hell hole of a life that I spend getting bullied and beat by my father and make something of myself, somewhere new.

I will not allow myself for my life to continue the way it is.

I continue to think of all the possibilities I have of escaping. I try to get loose from the chains around my wrists; and there is no budge.

I turn my head to look at one of them, and see that it was one of those things where you have to pull it out of the slot. He is such a fucking moron.

I start twiddling my fingers around the chain, trying to break free, when I hear noises coming from the metal door.

I instantly stop what I was going and look at the door. When it opens I see my father, and quickly pretend I'm asleep.

It doesn't work. He walks over to me and kicks me in my stomach, probably trying to see if I was breathing.

Well it doesn't matter anyways because now I was so skinny you couldn't tell if I was breathing at this point.

He kicks me once more hard time and walks out, locking the door. I started to cry, the pain being unbearable. About 10 minutes later, I suck it up and go back into reality and try to break myself free.

Corinne Miller-

It has been four and a half weeks, and I have not seen any sign of Brynn anywhere. She would not just skip school for that long.

While that is going on, Tilly and the girls have been nicer to everybody.
Everything in the school has changed. Everybody is nice to eachother.

My question is why does it all happen when she leaves?

I am really worrying about her. I need to find her, and I don't think I can do it alone.I need help. Not only from the police, but someone special.

Kian Lawley.

I don't think she knows I've seen them. Not only that, but the O2L guys have tweeted about her.

I know she has feelings for him, but who wouldn't? He is so sweet and he cares about everyone, even though knowing some of them have been through some pretty tough times.

I need to contact him.

Kian Lawley-

I was filming a video for my own YouTube channel 'superkian13' when I got a text from somebody I don't know.

From: Unknown
Hey Kian. This is Corinne, Brynn's best friend. I have been worrying about her a lot... and I don't know what to do other than look for her, and about that, I need your help. I know she trusts you so it would be easier. please.

I decided to pause the making of the video and text her back.

To: Unknown
Id be glad to help. and I know I've been worrying about her too. Meet me at Starbucks on Lake street at 3?

From: Unknown
sounds good.

We will search for her and save her.


Hey guys! I got so excited so I decided to update tonight instead of tomorrow because I like how this is going.

Anyways, I'm going to start dedicating each chapter to a new person every week.

To be able to be dedicated, you need to follow me on Instagram (summer_cookiie) and comment at the end of this chapter something you are grateful for.

Bye beauties💜

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