12: Mexico

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I walked around the damaged part of the school trying to evaluate the damage and how long it would take to fix it... two floors had been destroyed, the main hall being the main point of destruction as it's where the war happened. 

It's been a week since the fall of the Mikaelson's. I haven't seen any of their children. The ones that still attended the school had locked themselves in their dorm rooms. And the four who had graduated from the school haven't been back either.

I stepped over the door of the main hall to be surprised by what I saw. A few of the students past and present were sorting through the rubble trying in some way to clean it.

The ring leader of it seemed to be Nik. Which was surprising, he wasn't the type to organise this type of thing... that was more of a Hope thing. "What's going on in here?" I asked him. "Just trying to help out, get the school back to how it was." I nodded at his response. "How are the girls?" "I wouldn't know." He said bitterly. "What do you mean?" "Talk to Damon and maybe your daughter." He said before going to help MG with a beam from the ceiling.

I scanned the room for my girls. Lizzie was by the window collecting the glass. I couldn't spot Josie. "Where's your sister?" I asked her as I approached. "Somewhere with Hope... She's not doing so good." "Not doing so good?" "Dad, her parents died... Both of them." "Is Luna with her?" "Luna took off." I frowned... that's not like Luna. "After Hayley's funeral, no one saw her. Not even Damon... Who by the way is drinking like a sailor." She said unimpressed. Why am I only just hearing about this now? "And you didn't think to fill me in on this because?" "I thought you knew?" She defended herself. "How would I know Lizzie?" "Well you treat Hope as your daughter I thought you'd be more involved in her grieving process than you've been." "I've been trying to keep this school open." I defended myself.

"Besides, didn't you realise Luna wasn't here when the cleanup committee took a week to get in here? She asked. "I assumed she just needed time." "When has Hope or Luna ever needed time?" "There parents died Lizzie." "Yeah, and they've been away from them for years... They're used to them not being here."

She was being insensitive. She switches like a light switch sometimes it's hard to follow her narrative. Or what she's actually arguing. I leave Nik in charge he seemed to have a handle on it and I go to my daughter's house to see how they're doing.


"Josie?" I called out when I walked in so I didn't startle the girls. "In the family room." She calls back. I walked through the small house and find them cuddled together on the sofa the film paused. Josie was looking at me and Hope's eyes were locked on a family photo hung on the wall ahead of her.

"Have you heard from Luna?" Josie asked hopefully. "I didn't even know she left." Her face grew concerned. "I came to check in on you girls... not seen you in a few days." Josie forced a smile and then let her eyes wander to Hope. "Hope? Dad's here." She tried. Hope had checked out completely.

Josie stood up and walked through to the kitchen. "That's all she does... is look at the picture." I smiled sadly at her. "Just because she's this big bad tribrid it doesn't mean she grieves any differently to humans, her heart is the same." "I know, I just hate seeing her like this... I think if Luna would just come back, she'd be able to say something or do something to make her snap out of it." I nodded understanding. "It's not Luna's job to fix everything." I reminded her. A lot of people forget that. Because she always comes up with solutions to peoples problems they think it's her full-time job. "Have you spoken to Damon?" She asked. I shook my head. "I came here first... Nik's started to clean the school up." She looked shocked. "Nik?" "I guess he's taking charge." "Good for him." I nodded. "Hope's still got the black magic in her blood... Her veins they're still a greyish colour." Josie said she was clearly worried about her girlfriend. "It'll fix itself, she just needs more time her body going through a lot right now." "Luna's healed in minutes." "Luna isn't Hope. And Hope isn't Luna. They're different people." I remind her. "And besides we don't know how Luna is right now."

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