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All is well; at least so far. The college is nice enough. It can feel a bit intimidating at times, but I can handle it. Louis and I share a flat right off campus. Its small, but it’ll do. I’m still adjusting to life here; its different from home. Can’t quite shake the feeling that this is going to be the start of something great for me, though. That my life is about to change, hopefully for the better.


Wish me luck.



                                                                                    Harry xx..


The light in my bedroom that morning was blinding, to say the least. It was nice not having to wake up as early as I had to in high school, though this wasn’t much better.

Christ. I wasn’t ready for this. I wasn’t ready to start in some place new again.

I had Lou, but that was about it.

All I kept thinking was what if they find out. I couldn’t go through that again. Not after I had worked so hard to escape it before.

Lou would be there for me, though. He always had my back, ever since we were kids.

I got up slowly, trying to avoid the spinning feeling I got if I sat up too fast. I searched for my favorite black skinny jeans and a baggy black v-neck. I pushed my long curls into place; I really needed a haircut, but I didn’t really care to get one.

“WAKE UP DIPSHIT!” Louis shot up out of bed as though he had heard gunshots.

He narrowed his eyes at me and I chuckled.

“We’re going to be late for class.”

He got up silently and got ready to go. We set out for our first day of college.

Class started just as we got there. Music Theory with Mr. Pitchman. As we sat in our seats I observed the people sitting with us. No one caught my eye.

Class ended early and I was eager to leave. It was only the first day and I was already over it. God. I had about as much tolerance for school as Kanye West had for anyone but himself.

“Where are you off to in such a hurry?!” Louis shouted after me as I hurried to my next class, eager to be alone with my thoughts for a bit.

I ignored him and kept walking. He would be over it by the time I saw him later. He would understand.

Sometimes I just got this urge to be alone. When I got it, it took me over and I couldn’t focus on anything else. It was like my soul was telling me that I needed to shut the world out for a bit and explore the depths of my own mind.

 Damn I was a deep person.


I arrived to the next class a half hour early. Art with Mr. Fletcher. I was alone in the classroom. I took a seat at the back of the room and laid my head on my desk.

Why did I always want to be alone? It wasn’t that I didn’t like people. I used to be pretty popular back in high school before the incident. But now, the only person I could stand to be around was Lou, and I had a feeling that sometimes that was only because we had been friends for so long.

I was sick of rummaging through my thoughts for answers to my own questions. I reached in my messenger bag and grabbed my iPod.

Just as I was about to plug in to my happy place and escape, something brought me back to reality.

Someone else walked into the room, and I was pretty sure it wasn’t the professor. 

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