Sneak Peak // Chapter 25

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Authors note: Warning, Sasuharu angst ahead!!


Haru's voice trembles in the silence, her words hesitant yet overflowing with unspoken worry.

"I'm worried about Katsuro...I just want him to come home and explain why-"

But before she can finish, Sasuke's voice cuts through the air like a blade, sharp and final, leaving no room for argument.

"He's not welcome in our house."

Their luxurious bedroom feels suffocatingly small, the air heavy with tension as Sasuke's words cut through the silence like a blade. Haru's heart sinks to a deep pit in her chest as she struggles to find her voice. The weight of his claim hangs over her like a dark cloud.

"Sasuke..." Her voice whispers, her voice barely a sound against the backdrop of their escalating conflict. Sasuke's stone cold glare holds her at bay, his resolve unyielding.

"If you hadn't noticed, he's the reason Runa is unconscious," Sasuke's voice is like ice, his words cutting through her defenses with surgical precision. Each syllable lands like a blow, leaving Haru reeling from the force of his anger.

"He's our son!" Haru's voice trembles with raw emotion, the desperation in her plea echoing off the walls of their once-happy home. But Sasuke remains unmoved, his expression as cold and unyielding as stone.

"And she's my daughter," he counters, his tone devoid of warmth or compassion for his wife. It's a stark reminder of the divide that has grown between them, a gaping chasm that threatens to swallow them whole.

"She's my daughter too!" Haru's words ring out, a desperate plea for understanding, but they fall on deaf ears. Sasuke's gaze remains fixed on her, his silence a heavy weight pressing down on her already-burdened heart.

"Then why don't you act like it?" Sasuke's words are like a dagger to the heart, each one a painful reminder of her perceived failures as a mother. Haru's chest tightens with the weight of his accusation, her breath coming in shallow gasps as she struggles to find the words to defend herself.


Oh my, Hello my lovely readers!

What did you guys think of this sneak peak? It's an angsty one!

We haven't had Sasuharu angst in a minute, what did you think of it from this snippet?

Based on this argument, who are you all siding with?? 👀

(I predict that the popular choice will be Sasuke rfnrjfjfr)

However, if you are currently siding with Sasuke (Understandable) I ask that you consider Haru's current struggle.

She's not choosing one child over the over, but she's haunted by Katsuro's actions and disappearance.

What are your opinions on Sasuke in this snippet? And how he's being towards Katsuro?

Thoughts on him saying Katsuro is no longer welcomed in their home?!

Did you guys Catch the different wording between Sasuharu? "He's our son" vs "She's my daughter"

Remember, Katsuro is above all Sasuke's first born do we think Sasuke really feels about all of this?

That's all for this sneak peak! If you guys have any more thoughts, predictions, or opinions please feel free to comment! You know I love reading them.

Sasuke & Katsu Art below!

As always, I'll see you next chap!

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As always, I'll see you next chap!

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