Runa Art + Sneak Peak 2 ⭐️✨💕

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Hellooo my lovely readers! Scroll down for the sneak peak!

Besides that, here I wanted to post what I consider to be an official visual for our pretty girl Runa!

You could just see her walking through the streets of Konoha 🥹✨💜

You could just see her walking through the streets of Konoha 🥹✨💜

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(She also has that little serious look on her face bc you know....she doesnt rlly do too well with some of the civilians in Konoha)

But omg! Doesn't she sort of resemble Haru? (If you squint, forget Sasuke's color palette on her lol!)

She has Haru's same hair when she grows it out and allows herself to have bangs 🥹✨

Ofc feel free to visualize runa however you'd like, but this it totally a super accurate representation of how I envision and write for her!

Feel free to let me know what you think, should I get some of these for the rest of the Senju family? Lmk!

And here's a quick sneak peak of our princess in the Senju family's next chapter!!

•••Runa's POV•••

I've never seen my parents fight, not quite like this.

"Haru, this goes beyond her school work-"

"N-no! You can't just take her! You did this with Katsuro, you did it with Masahiko, you must be insane if you think I'm letting you do this with with Runa!!"

She's crying, hard.

"Taking her from you? Haru she needs me to train her-"

My dad doesn't sound as upset. Maybe he's offended by the accusation, maybe he knows when to ignore moms spouts of emotional turmoil.

"Shut up Sasuke! Just shut up! No, she needs me, I'm her mother, she needs me right now and you can't just come in here after seven years of nothing to act like you know what's good for her!"

Does my mom really know?

What's good for me...can she understand me?

There's a silence following my mothers words, and I feel myself push my curled up body even further back into the cold wall. They're in the kitchen, it's two in the morning, and of course, their first real fight in years is all my fault.

Tired, I cringe and let my forehead fall to my knees. Why me?

"I-I could train her! God you stay here with four kids and everything going on and I could fucking train her. It's easy when it's like that huh?! God this is so ridiculous, Y-you can't just take her from me!"

She's hysterical, and I only burrow my head further into my knees.

I'm sorry, mom

"You could cry all you want, it doesn't change the fact that Runa has the mangekyo and there's only one person in this world who could help her with it." My spine shoots upright at the tone of my father's voice, quiet but chillingly cold.

My mom audibly sobs, muttering something to him as if to tell him to stop, but he persists "and you know damn well it isn't you."

I don't know how it happens, but somehow my mom has detected my presence amidst the turmoil. Damn those sensory abilities!

"Runa baby?! Oh no, did we wake you?" It's amazing really, how quickly my mom's voice changed as soon as it directed itself at me. So sweet, fluttery, calm, as if she wasn't just sobbing a tenth of a second ago.

I look up from my knees, startled by her appearance. She looks fine? Radiant, even.

I frown, my dark eyes narrowing in on all of her pretty features. In this dim lighting I could barely, just barely make out the telltale sign of her previous emotions. Her eyes are just a tad redder. That's it. It truly amazes me, how easily faking emotions come to her.

How could she look me in the eye now and act so nonchalant and happy, when just a blink of a second ago she was nearly screaming at the top of her lungs?

At any other time, I would've hidden this curiosity. I wouldn't have wanted to dig up whatever conflict I had just witnessed. But now, right now, I can't help but bring my hand up to her cheek and feel the way she tenses. She knows I've caught her, her cheeks are still wet, but her smile persists as brightly as ever.

"Mom, where'd you learn that?" I ask her quietly, not bothering to spare a glance to my father who's now staring at the two of us. My mom doesn't waver. "Hm? Learn what?"

"Where'd you learn how to stop crying like that? you're really good at it" I whisper out the words, and even then, her face doesn't crack.

Oh she's mastered it.


Dun dun dunnn!! Omg! What'd you guys think of this sneak peak?!

Omg, Sasuharu fighting again!

Do you like the Sasuharu angst? or do you guys wanna move past it quickly and get them back to their fluffy in-love selves!?

What'd you think about the reasoning for their argument? Does Sasuke want to...take Runa away?

Whose side are you on in this argument, Sasuke's or Haru's?

What'd you think about Haru in this chap? She seems to snap at Sasuke about their past parenting...looks like things aren't so happy after all

And omg! Runa listening in on the fight :(

What are you thoughts on Runa's complicated emotions towards Haru? Even her mentally apologizing as she heard her cry?

Thoughts on Runa low-key analyzing Haru too? Realizing how good her mother is at masking her feelings, faking certain emotions?

Of course, we all know how Haru became a pro, but how do you think Runa would feel once she finds out about her mothers past?

Remember, you may think this stories going one way but with context it may feel entirely different, and it could all change up within moments!

These upcoming chapters will be big turning points for the plot! Please feel free to let me know your extra thoughts, predictions, and opinions! You know I love hearing them!

I'll see you all next chap!! 💖✨⭐️

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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