The Beginning

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Disclaimer I Don't own Naruto or any of the art. 

TW: this story might be hard for some people. 

Her body was covered in bruises of black and blue, it was the way of her clan to never show weakness. but she was different, she tried her best to meet her family's expectations. her small body was still sore from the extensive training, she was only 12 and already so much had been expected of her. the constant abuse she received from her father without mercy, was only meant for her. Her father saw her as nothing more than a failure, he loved her younger sister and made sure Hinata knew it. the oversized brown jacket she wore made her feel safe and invisible to the world. however, despite all the constant physical abuse and hateful words from her father, she smiled because of the boy with bright blue eyes and sunshine hair, Naruto. Hinata knew that even though his life was hard he never gave up and always pushed himself past his limits. She knew in her heart that one day he would achieve his dreams and she wanted to be next to him when he did. even though her home life was a mess she smiled, she was genuinely kind and loved her abusive father. she dreamt of being kind like her mother and strong like her father, along with being a greatly respected clan leader.

Hinata would always watch Naruto train, no matter how sore she was. she admired him, he inspired her to train harder, despite her wounds and the negative remarks her father made every day. One day as the rest of team 7 left and Naruto stayed, she stood behind a tree watching the blonde. her eyes sparkled, her lips smiled and her heart skipped a beat. she had a huge crush on him but didn't have the strength to tell him. as she was leaving, she was met with black soulless eyes that could see right through her. she froze, in front of her path was Sasuke. Hinata felt her knees buckle and almost give into her weight. "um hhhello Uchiha san" she said trying to give him a smile. Sasuke knew that the Hyuga had a crush on Naruto. everyone did but the blonde himself, Sasuke resented the blonde at the moment and blamed Naruto for his shortcomings. "what do you like about that idiot?" asked Sasuke pinning Hinata against a tree. the amount of anger radiating from Sasuke was so intense, Hinata was confused maybe he thought she wasn't good enough for his teammate. she smiled at him " Naruto never gives up, no matter the circumstances" Sasuke was consumed by anger, he wanted, NO he NEEDED to get stronger. he couldn't waste his time playing ninja. he knew what he had to do. he needed to cut all ties with the village and most importantly with Naruto. He grabbed Hinata by her shoulders squeezing her, this made her wince in pain. he slammed her against the tree behind her. she tried to break free but he overpowered her. the injury Neji gave her during the chunin exams wasn't fully healed. Sasuke ripped her oversized brown Jacket, exposing the marks on her arms. Hinata didn't scream she was traumatized from the years of abusive hits from her own father. she tried her best to run but when her jacket was torn off her body she stopped and watched how for a split second there was pitty in Sasuke's eyes. he lifted her shirt just a bit, he saw how her abdomen was also covered in black and blue. Sasuke had become twisted after he met the snake man, Hinata pushed him away from her. he stopped her with a kiss on her lips, his plan was to make Naruto hate him and she was perfect to manipulate him. 

Hinata was able to finally break free, she ran as fast as her legs could carry her

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Hinata was able to finally break free, she ran as fast as her legs could carry her. her eyes started to stain her face with tears. why would he do something like that? she thought. she blamed herself for not being able to push him away. he took her first kiss, the one she was saving for the boy with bright blue eyes. any other girl would have been happy but Hinata knew that his intentions weren't pure. she thought about Sakura and how she wouldn't be able to look her in the face now.

Sasuke left the village two days later, as everyone went off to look for him. Hinata felt a sense of relief, maybe she would never see him again. No, maybe the kiss was just an accident, and she imagined it. she tried her best to forget that day. she was too kind for her own good, always wanting to see the best in people but that's not how life works. when everyone came back without Sasuke and Neji was in critical condition she was devasted despite all the pain he put her through in the past. Neji was like a big brother to her. she was a forgiving soul, sweet as sugar but naive. what she didn't understand was that the world wasn't fair. when Neji got better she took care of him, despite her father's wishes. Hanabi started to see how weak her older sister truly was and held some resentment towards her. since Hinata wasn't strong enough to be the head of the clan, that responsibility now fell on Hanabi's shoulders. Hanabi also had dreams and wishes of her own but now they seemed unreachable. her father pushed her harder now because of it. her body became tired but she continued, vowing never to be weak like Hinata.

Team 8 loved Hinata and knew she had a kind soul, her sensei knew of her father's abuse but was unable to do anything because that was the way of the Hyuga clan. as time went on Hinata got a little bit strong and her kind soul stayed the same. she wasn't strong like Neji but she always tried her best. however, as everyone else seemed to surpass her she remained happy and kept smiling. her love and admiration for Naruto grew, and after two years of him training outside the village, she finally saw him again. his smile made her weak in the knees, his eyes made her drown in how blue they were. She knew he loved Sakura and even though he was in love with her, this didn't stop Hinata from wishing that the one he would love would be her one day. Naruto never really noticed Hinata she was just a face that would get lost in the crowd for him. right now his eyes were only on Sakura, the girl of his dreams and his best friend who he lost to that snake pervert. life was peaceful for now, even though their fate would be changed forever.

 life was peaceful for now, even though their fate would be changed forever

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