Roronoa Zoro

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TW: smut and abortion talk

That night she gave him her innocence, the man she had once hated was now the man that she believed loved her most. he kissed her slowly and lovingly, he took his time making love to her not just barbaric sex. Sasuke kissed her lips, then her neck. he undressed her, holding her hair by the nape. his hand explored her body, caressing every inch. he licked her neck and worked his way down to her breast. after he kissed her abdomen, all the way down to her inner thighs. he opened her legs and dove in nibbling on her clitoris, she moaned his name "Sasuke" he teased her with a finger, followed by another one. he moved his fingers around her walls finding her sweet spot. he slowly entered her, first the tip and in one big thrust his whole penis. She gasped, as she clawed his back. her legs were now behind his neck, he looked into her eyes as he kissed her. for he too gave her his innocence despite various opportunities that were offered to him. he didn't think about the consequences, he lost himself when he was with her. Sasuke didn't know what true love was but at this moment that's what he felt. he never told Naruto about his actions towards the Hyuga. his plan was to break Naruto not fall for Hinata. as he kissed her he could picture a life with her, have a happily ever after. but he knew he could never bring her the same happiness she would bring him. his only option now was to break her heart.

when she went to see Sasuke, he was leaving and he was with Sakura

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when she went to see Sasuke, he was leaving and he was with Sakura. he held her and looked at her with love. Hinata felt her whole essence break, she turned around mentally yelling at herself.  she felt as if nothing in her life was hers, the name of heiress was now Hanabi's, the person she wasted her life loving, and even the man that made her feel special was only an illusion. her dreams weren't real, but the pain she felt was. 

However Sakura's dreams had come true, here was the man she chased after her whole life. Sasuke told her that he wanted to take it steady, he was leaving the village for a mission. He hugged Sakura breathing in her scent. she smelled just like her name, cherry blossoms. he didn't care to tell Hinata he was leaving, she wasn't important at the moment. he wanted to forget her and the regrets he had leading her on, even though deep down he did love her. Naruto also watched the moment his love became someone else's, he wanted to be happy for her but couldn't. it was too painful, he noticed Hinata also witnessing the interaction. he tried chasing her, it was apparent Sakura had moved on and he thought maybe he should too. 

It had been 6 weeks since she had left the house, she went to see Tsunade early that morning confirming her fear

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It had been 6 weeks since she had left the house, she went to see Tsunade early that morning confirming her fear. Hinata was pregnant, she wasn't sure what she was going to do. Hinata knew that if her father found out he would sentence her to death. she couldn't keep the baby, not in the village. she asked Tsunade for an abortion, Tsunade refused, telling her that "it's too much of a risk". "listen Hinata you could end up dying" Hinata had no more tears left to cry she had made up her mind. she just looked at Tsunade "but you're the best medic ninja we have" Tsunade shook her head, "who's the father?" Hinata looked away ashamed. "I need permission to leave the village to sort this out" Tsunade hesitated but agreed, telling Hinata this would stay between them.

Hinata went home packed her stuff, she thought about telling Sasuke about the pregnancy. he had a right to know. in the end, she knew it was better to deal with the consequences on her own. she said goodbye to her father and sister, "I'll be back as soon as I can."  Hanabi wasn't stupid she knew her sister was hiding something, Hinata's eyes were now empty. she also said bye to Shino and Kiba, She bumped into Sakura and Naruto they were always together since the war ended. Naruto ran towards her trying to hug her "listen Hinata can I talk to you for a moment?" he asked, Hinata smiled " we can talk after I come back from my mission" and with that, she left. she took one last look at her crossed star lover Naruto. she didn't understand why he needed to talk to her now, he had made it clear that he didn't want anything to do with her. 

Hinata thought about keeping the baby, it wasn't their fault and she did have some feelings for their father. Her plan was to find a doctor who would perform the abortion before it was too late, otherwise, she would have to put the baby up for adoption. she cursed the heavens, as she came across a beautiful meadow she saw a man sitting under a wisteria tree. he had green hair and looked like a samurai. he got up to leave, completely ignoring her. she had been traveling for a few hours now, she sat down under a tree. taking her lunch out she watched as the samurai returned, he looked lost. he left again but shortly after he came back, he looked at her  "are you following me?". Hinata wasn't sure if this man was serious, "no, I'm pretty sure you're lost" he knew she was right. he took a seat next to her, she offered him some of her food and he took it. they ate in silence for a while, "what's your name" the green haired man asked her. "Hinata" she replied with a smile, "And you?" he looked at her. looking into her eyes, they were pale like the moon and beautiful but empty. "Roronoa Zoro," he said still looking at her. "where are you headed?" asked Hinata, "I need to find my crewmates, I went for a walk but I guess they moved or something, they're always getting lost. " she laughed at him knowing he was the lost one, this was the first time she laughed in a long time. "where are you going?" asked Zoro, "to find a doctor," she said packing her stuff back up. "what's the matter with you? Are you sick or something? she took a deep breath " something like that." "we have a doctor on our ship, he can take a look at you if you would like," she thought about it and there wasn't much she was losing at this point so she agreed. 


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