The village

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The sky seemed to cry on the day Zoro was buried, his three swords marked his grave

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The sky seemed to cry on the day Zoro was buried, his three swords marked his grave. Hinata stood at the front with Luffy as he cursed at the sky for taking his right hand man away.  the soul crushing cries from Rukia could be heard throughout the island where the great swordsman was put to rest. her long green hair flew in the wind and the rain cleansed her alabaster skin, washing away her tears but leaving the pain. the twins cried silently trying to be strong for their mother and sister. Hinata thought about her life with this wonderful man she was lucky to call her husband. she felt guilty for not being strong enough to escape the enemy. she was a skilled ninja for fucks sake! as if Luffy could read her thoughts he placed his hand on her shoulder, " you're not alone, I miss him too" 

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Hinata was handed a necklace made from Zoro's three earrings, it was a gift from Mihakwk. "thank you" she cried as he placed the jewelry in her hands, he walked away without a word. only giving her a small nod because it was too painful to speak words. Rukia blamed herself for not being able to keep up with the yankos subordinates, she stopped eating. she had slowly given up on life. Shisui tried his best to pull her out of the darkness and he too was trapped alone in the darkness.  Hinata had revised sad news from the village saying her father was also on his death bed, it had only been six months since the loss of her beloved husband and it seemed death was already back to collect another loved one. she stood in front of Luffy showing him the letter she had received, he read it in silence. " you're leaving?" " just for a bit, my father wasn't always the best but I will regret it if I don't go," she said fiddling with her fingers.  the silence in the room was deafening, "is it just you?" Luffy said in the most serious tone she had ever heard him speak. "yes" she said. she didn't want Hiashi mistreating her children as he had mistreated her all those years. it would be too painful for them. he stared at her for a moment. "will you come back?" he said as his voice got a little shaky from emotion. "of course, you're their uncle after all." Hinata said giving Luffy a small smile. he looked at her with eyes so intense she felt she might burst into flames. "they should meet their grandfather" he said still burning a hole into her soul. giving him a small smile Hinata looked into his eyes " I don't want my father to treat them differently". Luffy looked puzzled because his grandfather wasn't there all the time but he still loved and cared for the old marine. 

a few days had passed then since Hinata had talked to Luffy, Rukia had started eating and smiling again thanks to Sanji, even though it seemed her father and Sanji only fought. he made her father's favorite food and would tell her stories of the great swordsman. Nami had also taken Zoro's death pretty hard, she loved him as an older brother. Robin stayed strong for the crew but deep down she knew some cuts aren't meant to heal. Hinata sat her kids down as tears streamed down her face telling them about their grandfather and how he was on his death bed, "I was summoned to see him" she said, her voice almost shaking. "we're going to!" said Shisui which was out of character for him. Rukia agreed "I want to see the ninja village you're from" a small smile grew on her face for the first time since Zoro's death. after seeing her daughter smile she couldn't say no. shaking her head Hinata agreed. Ace had a cold look to him, he reminded her of Sasuke. he had the same look after the Uchiha massacre. the look of revenge, and blood lust. Hinata hugged her children and cried, she tried being strong but felt like a failure. this was the second time someone she loved died because they were protecting her. 

the village had been peaceful since the war, being the Hokage Naruto looked out his office window and thought about the old day when no one cared about him. he grew up alone, he saw Sasuke as a brother and had so much respect for him. he believed nothing could change that. he knew Hinata was coming back after 14 years to visit her father, the Hyuga had stopped using the birdcage seal as Naruto promised to Neji as he died. it made him sad knowing how much time Hinata had wasted chasing after him but was happy she had found someone after all those years. he heard from lady Tsunade that she had 3 kids and was married to a great samurai.  

Rukia had a talent for getting lost just like her father, that's how she ended up getting captured by the enemy. she played that day in her head over and over again. lost in thought she ended up taking a wrong turn. as they made their way to the village she had made it there before them.  she was in front of two wooden gates " welcome to the leaf village" it read. she stood there lost in thought, as a stranger come up behind her, it was a man in a black cloak. he walked past her, paying no mind to her. almost as if she wasn't even there. 

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her mother and brothers caught up to her a few hours later, she sat outside the gate waiting for them. her mother wore all black, still morning her late husband. all four of them had hoods on as they entered the village. it was almost nightfall and Hinata felt her heart racing almost jumping out of her chest as she made her way inside. two Hyuga guards stood by the greeting desk, escorting them to the Hyuga mansion. the kids watched in silence as they stood in front of the huge mansion with guards posted outside. the guards bowed to their mother greeting her as " lady Hinata"  Ace noticed they all had their mother's eye just like Shisui. entering the huge house, a woman with long brown hair greeted them. " it's good to see you sister" she said running towards them and giving Hinata a big hug.

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