Alternate ending

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Hi friends! this is how I wanted the story to end originally but was talked out of it. so let me know your thoughts. as always I appreciate and love you all.🥰

She didn't know when the last time she felt love, a real genuine connection. intimacy wasn't about sex to her. she was unhappy, and asked god why he would treat her like a joke. she knew all his pain and everything he went to threw just for him to treat her like she wasn't worths anything. At first, everything was loving and sweet but things shortly changed after her she gave birth to her second set of twins, they were boys. she didn't know how much it hurt Sasuke to see the universe treat him like this. he became angry with the way his life turned out, how his first set of boys died. The pain in his soul felt, started to come out as the years passed and he blamed his wife for losing his twin boys.

Hinata felt as if he would only come by to get her pregnant and leave. he was always gone from the village. there was always one Hyuga and one Uchiha, she loved being a mom but she wished her husband showed her more love. she knew Sasuke wasn't a saint but she had watched Naruto sweep Sakura off her feet when they were on the moon. she, however, fell for the Uchiha that had taken her innocence under the moon that night. It seemed like nothing she did made him smile, he looked miserable. despite all his mistreatment. she raised strong and kind children, and every time her husband came home she took care of him, made him dinner, and pleased him in the bedroom. 

the children were always training it seemed that was the only way to get their father's attention. Without realizing it he had become his father. the last time he came home he found out that Hinata was pregnant with a girl. for the first time in a long time, he kissed her. he wasn't loving to her because he resented her, he felt there was something wrong with her, with him, with this life!

He told himself this was the way it was meant to be. Hinata would have nightmares of her life at sea and would wake up in deep sweats screaming a name she didn't recognize. when Sasuke would ask her about "him" she had no idea who the man in her nightmare was or why it had traumatized her. she was dying inside, and Hinata hated how Sasuke always left shortly after. she cried and laughed with him but the things he put her threw were cruel. this time was no different, He was spending time with Sakura and preferred her company over his wife's. It only added to the list of sins he had committed, which made no difference to him.

when Hinata was about six months pregnant, she asked Hanabi to take care of the kids while she went to the market for the first time in a while. she ran into a small shopkeeper who had a man that didn't pay. she smile and offered to pay for the man, his hair was green like fresh grass and his clothes looked like those of a Rurouni. he looked at her and asked if they knew each other. she smiled and jokingly said "maybe in another life." which was out of character for her.

 the man smiled as he looked into her eyes deeply, they reminded him of the moon. he thanked her as he left the establishment, for some reason he felt like he had known her. as she got home a small tear fell from her eye, and she grabbed her necklace that she had found a few years back. it was three gold swords and they always brought her comfort. when came home she found her boys training, they would train to meet their father's expectations. Sasuke had become worse than his father and he didn't even realize it. they were a year and 6 weeks apart. each set had one Hyuga and one Uchiha eye, they were kind like their mother and strong like their father. Despite her love, they held an unknown fire and desire to please their dad.

On a rooftop, Zoro thought of the woman he had met earlier, there was something familiar about her and the way her eyes looked at him. he took a sip of the sake he had with him as he felt a small pain in his chest. he had gotten lost and ended up in the village by fate.

four years ago Naruto and Sakura started to sleep in separate beds, there was no love between them. Sakura was physically abusive towards the blonde, although every time she saw her old teammate, he chose not to see how she would go above and beyond for Sasuke. Naruto knew in his heart that Sasuke and Sakura had a thing behind his back. he saw the way they looked at each other. even though Sasuke would be in the village he would never stop by to see Hinata. Naruto only stayed for his children but often wondered if he had made a mistake.

Akito and Akira mastered their respective clans' Jutsu and trained the younger twins, Mello and Milo. by the age of 14 they each had their Kekki Genkai completely mastered. seeing the way their dad treated their mom gave Akito and Mello their first tomoe. they received their second when they saw their father hit their mother in a drunken rage and their third was when their father had them duel each other. Sasuke taught them Chidori, he told them he expect them to master it by the time he was back. when that day came, they got into a disagreement and they ran toward each other with their Chidori activated. Hinata heard them as she was making dinner and ran out to stop them causing both Akito and Mello to hit their mother. Akito through her heart and Mello through her stomach. Hinata died instantly along with the small child she carried in her womb. this activated their Mangekyou Sharingan but the pain and sorrow were something none of them could heal from.

the day they buried Hinata the sky seemed to cry as well, rain fell almost flooding the village, raining for seven days. Sasuke had many regrets and treating her and his family the way he did made him ashamed of his actions. Sasuke was the last one to visit his wife, 10 years had passed without him going to see her.

 when he reached her tombstone he watched as a man with green hair left a single passionflower on her grave.

 Sasuke regrated not being able to show Hinata true love, he had become just like his father, only acknowledging the stronger son. his kids were now grown and starting families of their own. none of them talked to him, it was a bitter memory of the day their loving mother died. he had revived his clan but at what cost? as he thought about his wife and the way he treated her. he laughed at himself as he threw himself off of Hokage mountain hoping to find her in the next life.

They were like the sun and the moon both shining in the sky but never at the same time.

Friends let me know your thoughts.

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