Right path

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Hello friends, in this chapter everything is happening simultaneously until the timeline becomes one. 

He looked at himself, time had not been kind to him. he dressed in all black as if he was still morning Itachi's death. "why are you here?" he had forgotten how arrogant he was in his youth. Older Sasuke scuffed, showing himself instead, their children along with Hinata and her smiling face. "make her your wife." he scuffed "I have no intention of doing that, she's useless to me." The air was so thick you could slice it with a butter knife. "We both know that's not how you really feel." he handed him a box in it was a Turquoise ring, her birthstone. "how did you become so soft?" he drew his sword. "there's a lot we missed, I don't plan on making the same mistakes twice."

Hinata and the others arrived from their mission on the moon, Sakura and Naruto seemed to be closer than before. she watched them laugh and smile, making her feel like this was something that was meant to happen. tears filled her eyes but she tried her best to smile for them. as she made her way home a  raven haired man stood in her path. Their eyes meet for the first time in three years. her breathing stopped as he spoke, "follow me" he said as he lead her to the Uchiha compound. Sasuke stopped by a lake, grabbed her left hand, and placed a Turquoise ring on her ring finger. "marry me?" tears filled her eyes, they made love under the moonlight. she knew he wasn't prince charming but she had fallen for this man that was just a little ruff around the edges. she knew at that moment that what she felt for Naruto was admiration. 

Sakura had given up on the Uchiha and when she saw him with Hinata she was happy for them. Naruto and Sakura started dating, they seemed really happy, and the pieces were falling into place. a few weeks later when Sasuke showed up at the Hyuga compound he was greeted by Hiashi who always had that same stern look. " I want Hinata's hand in marriage." the old man looked at him, his face did not change. "mmm I always thought she loved Naruto." Sasuke felt his blood boil a little, "I've always loved your daughter." he lied. at first, it was just a game and now it was as if she was always meant to be with him. Hiashi agreed, and the wedding was set but just a few days before the wedding, Hinata was sent on a mission. she came back with internal bleeding, and she was rushed to the hospital, they did everything to save her. 

she lived but the babies in her womb didn't make it. when she woke up she cried for Ace and Shisui, the staff looked at her like she was crazy. Tsunade came in, "how did you know you were pregnant?" Hinata looked at the medic ninja confused "pregnant?" it was like she had lived a lifetime and her memory had been erased.

 "How did you get injured?" asked Tsunade, Hinata had been attacked by four rouge ninjas and the last thing she remembered was being with Sasuke. Tsunade sat down next to her " listen Hinata you were six weeks pregnant but due to your injury...." Hinata's eyes started to water before Lady Tsunage could finish her sentence. she sat in silence as she tried to make sense of things. 

she was on a boat fighting with an unknown enemy with her three grown children and the next she was in the village. Hinata tried to explain this to Tsunade. "sometimes when we experience trauma our mind tries to block those memories." Tsunade said as she placed her hand on Hinata's shoulder. Hinata cried as she mourned the loss of her children.

Somewhere in the new world, the straw hats fought a fierce Yonko. They watched as two young men lost their lives in front of their mother and sister. there was confusion written on their faces they didn't remember any of them. Suddenly the girl was gone and only the mother was left, they spotted her floating out at sea. when they brought her on the ship, she seemed to be injured which made Chopper treat her immediately. when she was unresponsive and when she regained consciousness she asked for Ace and Shisui along with Rukia. 

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