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when the teams came back to the village and reported to lady Tsunade that Hinata was taken, she was so furious she broke her desk in half. Naruto tried to talk her down, telling her "Sasuke would never hurt her". "he doesn't even know Hinata" argued Naruto team 8, and Neji were about to punch him. they couldn't believe how much blind trust Naruto had in Sasuke. Sakura spoke up "I think he took her but I don't know why" Naruto couldn't believe her, his eyes grew wide, at this moment it seemed everyone was against his best friend but him. finally, he said something that no one saw coming, not from him. "well maybe if Hinata wasn't a pathetic ninja she wouldn't have gotten captured" Sakura punched him, knocking him back to his senses. "how can you say that about her!" "she's always looked up to you!" "she likes " before Sakura could finish her rant Neji cut her off " he doesn't deserve to know" and with that, they all left leaving Naruto and lady Tsunade to talk. the look of disappointment in her eyes was too much for Naruto and he left too.

It had now been a week and every night Sasuke would shower with Hinata, they would also sleep together. He liked washing her hair and lathering her body in soap. at night he felt a peace sleeping next to her. he controlled himself after that first night, he liked her company but he had to let her go. in the end he knew having her with him wasn't good for his plan and he was sick and twisted but not enough to force himself on her. after their bath that night he gave her a pair of his clothes and blindfolded her, he left her close enough to the village so that she could be found. Hinata had slowly started losing her mind, she rather have Sasuke beat her than treat her like a pet. 

During that week Hinata lived in hell, she hated herself and him

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During that week Hinata lived in hell, she hated herself and him. how could she allow this to happen to her, how was she going to look Naruto in the eyes or Sakura now? she knew Sasuke was in a bad place in his life but that wasn't any justification to mess with her or her life. she had finally seen how unfair her life had been but she still held hope, her innocence was almost his and she was grateful he took pity on her. as she laid on the cold forest ground waiting for someone to find her, she could still feel Sasuke's hands on her. she needed a bath in boiling water, she was disgusted with her body. she felt like ripping her hair out from the frustration she felt.

Hinata was found by team guy, there were leaving for a mission that day, Neji rushed her to the hospital. Tsunade came and examed her, she looked healthy and well groomed despite being found in the forest. she sat next to her, asking her what happened. Hinata looked down, she didn't want to talk about it. she just wanted to forget, she wanted to forget his hands on her body, his lips on hers, and how he cuddled her, giving her a false sense of security. "I'm ok, lady Tsunade thank you. I would just like to go home" Tsunade looked at her " listen Hinata did Sasuke do anything to you that could result in a pregnancy?" Hinata's eyes started watering, "no". "that didn't happen" Tsunade couldn't believe Sasuke, what did he do to this poor girl. "we told your dad you were on a mission during your disappearance, I hope you know why. Hinata shook her head "thank you" she knew that if her father found out she had been taken and Neji was with her, he would pay the price. her father was a cold ruthless man, unable to show compassion. they gave her a change of clothes and she went home, her sister was training with her father. she greeted them and went to take a bath, she scrubbed her body until she bleed. she brushed her teeth over and over again until the sensation of Sasuke's tongue was gone. she looked in the mirror, how could this happen? she went to bed, silently crying herself to sleep. 

everyone was so glad when they revied the news that Hinata was back

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everyone was so glad when they revied the news that Hinata was back. the blonde however was ashamed of how he had bad mouth her in her absents. he left that same day to train for a month on toad mountain. a month had passed, that day pain attacked and even though they had lost all hope, Naruto showed up to save the village. the same village that showed him nothing but hate and rejection. except for one, a Hyuga that had loved him since childhood. that's why the moment Pain had Naruto in the form of a kabob, Hinata jumped in between them. she confessed her feelings for Naruto. she was ok with dying today, she knew her dreams were now over the moment Sasuke caught her. she was impaled by Pain. causing Naruto to lose control over his emotions and unleashing the 9 tails. he felt guilty for bad-mouthing Hinata, he saw now that she was strong in her own way.

after the fight with pain, Naruto tried his best to avoid Hinata. why would she say that, he didn't feel the same about her. he didn't even see her as a friend most days. the only girl he cared about had beautiful green eyes and held herself to such high standers. Hinata knew Naruto was avoiding her and it made her lose herself, even more, she was slowly falling apart. she smiled in front of her team but when she was alone, her soul started to break. 

Hanabi watched as her older sister started changing, closing herself off and smiling a little less every day. she also watched as Naruto and Sakura became closer. when a door closes, a window opens. the war was about to start it was right around the corner, no one saw any of it coming. Neji's death was Hinata's last straw before losing herself, she had become isolated after the war, and then came the mission on the moon when she confessed one last time before being rejected by Naruto. which broke her completely, "listen Hinata I see you as a friend, but I love Sakura" she smiled at him swallowing her pain. 

Sasuke found her crying under the moonlight. he took advantage of her weak state of mind and soul. he held her in his arm as he told her that he always loved her since they were kids. Sasuke confessed his love for her and he apologized for his past actions. he looked at her, she was unable to read his thoughts but stupidly enough she believed him. Sasuke knew it wasn't true, but when you play with fire sometimes you can't put out the flames. 


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