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hello friends, I took out the lemon and rewrote the bottom paragraph.

Naruto stood there in shock as he watched his best friend hug Hinata. this made the blonde angrier, Kakashi watched also perplexed by the situation. Hinata pushed Sasuke off of her breaking free, looking into his eyes, old wounds rushed open like a tsunami causing so much chaos. " don't touch me" she said as tears threatened to spill, holding tightly to her necklace. the twins looked at the blonde who had held them captive like wild animals, they could feel the murderous intent. 

" I need answers now," said Sasuke leading Hinata to the rooftop. Naruto followed behind. the twins and Rukia tried leaving but were stopped by Shikamaru. his shadow possession Jutsu paralyzed them. "they need to sort things out, kids".  they rolled their eyes knowing the man with the ponytail was right. on the rooftop Hinata could see the village and how it had evolved. her nostalgic thoughts were interrupted by Sasuke " Are they mine?" she felt a cold breeze hit her. "NO," she said firmly, Sasuke hit a wall trying to startle Hinata, she held herself high and proud. " what are their names?" taking a deep breath she said " Ace and Shisui Roronoa" Sasuke's facial features soften for a split second. " Roronoa?!" Sasuke said activating his Sharingan. " their father named them," she said holding her necklace to her lips. " what do you mean their father!?, I am their father!"  

Naruto looked at Hinata, his face was red with anger. " when did this happen?!" yelled Naruto without meaning to. "right after the mission on the moon" Hinata said not breaking eye contact with those onyx orbs that looked into her soul. they held their gaze as if fighting an unknown fight between them. " you seduced him after I rejected you!?" asked the blonde. "no, Hinata always loved you." Sasuke said as he tried holding Hinata again. things still weren't clear, what happened between them? 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Hinata looked at Sasuke " the day I went to tell you, you were with her. saying your goodbyes as you left the village." Sasuke's heart ached, how could he be so blind! so stupid! "I had a right to know!" " it was hard at first but I met a wonderful loving man that loved me and my kids," she said with a smile holding her necklace close to her heart this time. Hinata looked at Naruto as he demanded answers, "what about me!?" yelled Naruto. " you lied to me Hinata!"

 Hinata wasn't that weak girl anymore, she held her head high. " I gave you so much time and so many opportunities and every time you reminded me how much you loved her and I would never compare," she said looking at Naruto with cold eyes. sometimes when you lose something it's impossible to get back and Naruto had to find out the hard way. Naruto couldn't understand these feelings, he felt robbed of his fate. he felt like his world was twisted. "did I really mean so little to you that you went after my best friend!? was it to get back at me and Sakura!?" Hinata turned her attention to the blue eyes she used to dream of. " it was never my intention to hurt Sakura." she said as she tried walking back inside. Naruto stooped her " I'm glad I married a strong woman like Sakura, she would have never done what you did!" 

the world seemed to slow down just enough for her to smack the great Naruto Uzumaki. " fuck you!" she said with her head held high. "I took her first kiss as she watched you train, I saw her naked first as she thought about you and I made her mine after you rejected her" Naruto stood there, his fist clenched, and he punched Sasuke. " you never loved her, Naruto. you were in love with the idea of her loving you," he said in a cold tone making Naruto's soul broke as he thought about all the memories he had with Hinata. 

Naruto thought about his beautiful wife, she loved him and he loved her. he had always loved her. then why was this new information so hard for Naruto to understand? he looked at the girl with the lilac orbs. she had been there since the beginning but yet he couldn't see her as anything more than a friend. his anger slowly faded, knowing that maybe it was for the best. he left Hinata and Sasuke to talk. " you know I've missed you all these years," said Sasuke looking into her eyes. "every time I looked at the moon I thought about you and I knew you could never forget me, like a tattoo on your skin." Hinata took a step back this was too much for her. in the end she felt like a dumbass for falling for someone as ruthless as him. 

" did you come back to me?" he asked her. she smirked "NO". He laughed in her face. Sasuke knew she couldn't have forgotten him and how he had claimed her, marking her body with his scent. he needed to feel her soft skin along with her sweet lips. he never suppressed her, knowing you can never forget your first. 

Sasuke grabbed her by her shoulders pressing his lips on hers.  he remembered their first time with her and he relived them over and over again over the years. so much so that he felt she felt the same. However, in the back of his mind, he believed she thought about the blonde as they made passionate love but he was wrong, she knew him and every inch of his being. she loved him. she cried for him in her sleep. "Sasuke!" he watched her memories of that day, he had her in his genjutsu. he watched as she cried after finding out she was pregnant and alone. how she felt seeing him with Sakura and meeting him. 

he saw her memories of the green hair swordsmen and how he made her laugh for the first time in months. making her forget about Sasuke and the pain he caused her. Sasuke watched as she slowly feel for the swordsmen. the people she meet the great memories she had made. he watched his kids come into the world and how he was there. the sweet moments that should have been his. the rage that Sasuke felt was so intense it made his stomach hurt.

Sasuke broke the Genjutus when he saw their wedding night. he loved Hinata and nothing could change that. she stole his heart and his soul along with it. He needed to vomit the emotions he felt were too much. 

Hi friends! let me know your thoughts! and please vote 😊💔

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