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Pale eyes watched as this new genius fought their once fearless leader, who was now just an old man but still feared among many. Hanabi watched her nephew embody her late cousin, A single tear fell from her eye as watched the two men fight. Hinata watched with pride,  as a mother her stomach sank every time her father managed to strike her son. The battle lasted about an hour and a half. Shisui won, his grandfather was proud but he was angry. Why was Hinata blessed with such talented sons and he was cursed with two daughters. "I congratulate you" was all the old man said as he left. Ace watched as everyone at the Hyuga seemed to sneer at him, his grandfather hadn't acknowledged him once. he didn't feel welcomed anywhere in the village the way they looked at him was criminal. Ino still had her bad habit of gossiping and the way she understood the story wasn't the truth. Hinata was labeled as easy and her children branded as mistakes and unwanted basterds. Ace wasn't the only one feeling like an outcast, Sasuke was drunk on top of Hokage mountain feeling alone and filled with regret. the village had changed but the way people looked at him hadn't.

At the gates, a loud man in a straw hat demanded to see Hinata. he had two beautiful women with him along with some strange-looking men and a talking robot. "We're here to see Hinata," said a man in a straw hat."How do you know lady Hinata?" Asked one of the guards. "She's part of my crew." "I'm monkey D. Luffy and I'm going to be king of the pirates!" the guard looked at them they didn't seem dangerous. the one was the straw that was just a boy. Luffy and the others had managed to get inside the village. the guard lead them to the Hyuga compound, Luffy surprised Hinata and the kids. "uncle Luffy!" they yelled as they ran into his arms. Sanji ran to Hinata giving her a hug and giving her a small kiss on the cheek. he quickly noticed Hanabi and ran to her next, " who is this beautiful lady?" he asked as he introduced himself to her. "this is my sister Hanabi." they all greeted her, and Hinata introduced the whole crew. Sasuke made it to the Hyuga compound just in time to witness the terms of endearment towards the man in the straw hat along with the blonde idiot with the swirly eyebrows. he wanted to punch him in the face, he appeared before them. " I was notified of unidentified people entering the village." he lied. Robin quickly became on high alert she could feel this man's murders aura. "I missed Hinata and I'm here to take her back." Sasuke tried his best to keep his cool. "who are you exactly?" " they're my family," replied Hinata.  Anger was now visible on his face, " we're leaving today." spoke up Shisui. Sasuke left before he burned them all down, Luffy had his arm around Hinata now " hey do you have any food? am starving." Hinata laughed she missed them so much. 

Sasuke was about ready to leave he saved up to three days of chakra. He couldn't just waste chakra now because he was jealous. He was ashamed of how he acted in the past, How he used Sakura and mislead Naruto. Sakura watched as Naruto made breakfast, he was sweet and caring he always put her first. she knew now that she made the right choice. he reminded her of her dad and how goofy they both were. she laughed as she watched him struggle, this was the life that was meant to be hers. she wouldn't change it for anything, she loved Naruto and what she felt for Sasuke was infatuation. Naruto loved Sakura since childhood but hearing the fight between Hinata and Sasuke made him resent him a little, after all, he defended Sasuke when he took Hinata. blaming her for being useless, he never saw her as anything more than a weird friend. all of team 8 was weird to him, Shino was probably the most normal one. it was strange to think he was so angry when he first found out about the twins. he even hit Hinata but there was someone else that made him that angry, Kurama. " hey Kurama why did you lose control like that?" the fox rolled his eyes before answering " she was always there watching you, she didn't treat you differently." Naruto stayed quiet as he thought about all the times Hinata was there for him. he had fallen for the human, her kindness and selflessness made the demon fox feel that that was the type of love Naruto needed. Sakura was strong but she lacked kindness towards the blonde. 

the crew met Shino and Kiba as Luffy stuffed his face, " wow Hinata you're the best! Sanji doesn't feed me like this." Hinata laughed. she missed them she missed Zoro the most, things seemed so complicated at the moment. as they ate and laughed and they shared their stories of the sea, beautiful memories they had, and painful ones too. Rukia was relieved to see the crew she was ready to leave the village and the shitty people in it. she had gotten lost and found her mother fighting with her brother's dad. she hated him and the way he treated her mother. but at the same time, she was grateful because that's how her mother met her father. 

two days went by as the crew gathered supplies, Hinata got ready to leave she went to grab her neckless but it was gone. she looked everywhere but couldn't find it. Naruto went to see her before leaving, he wanted to apologize for the way he had treated her. Hinata smiled her heart was still kind "thank you." Sakura had also come to see her, " I'm sorry about things turned out." "there's no need for apologies." Kakashi also surprised her as he went to say goodbye to the children. he looked at Rukia who started to look older than the first time he saw her. no one had seen Sasuke, the twins were disappointed but not surprised. as they set out to sea the sunny was attacked by one of the yonks. as the fighting got more intense Rukia fell into the sea, this was the last time they would see their sister ever again. the twins seemed to have also disappeared, Hinata found herself in a fight against Catarina Devon. everything about the encounter felt like deja vu, within seconds she saw blood start to spill from her mouth.

 everything about the encounter felt like deja vu, within seconds she saw blood start to spill from her mouth

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