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Despite not hearing from Hinata for 14 years Hanabi welcomed her with open arms. Hanabi took Hinata to her father's office, leaving the children in their mother's old room to freshen up. they entered her father's studies. there sat Hiashi, he stood tall and proud, even as an old man. Hinata was stunned to see him, "father" were the only words to leave her lips before he spoke. before her father cut her off, he slowly approached her. she stood in front of the man that had caused her so much pain growing up. "I have summed you here because Hanabi can't produce an heir for the Hyuga". he said with a cold tone, Hanabi stood proud despite her father's deminer. Hinata was unable to speak," Hinata, I heard you gave birth to two boys" whichever one has the stronger Byakugan will be the Hyugas, next heir." she was speechless, she felt like she was that young girl again. "what if neither of them has the Byakugan?" she said with her head held high. her father looked at her ready to strike her down for her insolence. "so even when it comes to birthing children you are useless!" he said his words opened up old scars. "my kids and I will leave first thing in the morning," she said as she was getting ready to leave a loud smack was heard before anyone could react Hiashi had struck Hinata. her face was now red and her lip was bleeding. she wasn't that helpless child and she stuck him back, leaving him at a loss for words. "how dare you, disgrace the Hyuga clan!". Hinata stood her ground. before either of them could say anything else a knock was heard on the door. a Hyuga guard was at the door " lord Hiashi you have a message from the Hokage". Haishi closed the door, he looked at Hinata "Naruto would like to see you in his office first thing in the morning". the hairs on the back of Hinata's head stood up, hearing that the blonde she had once been so in love with now terrified her.

Hanabi had stood there watching the fight between her dear sister and father, she felt guilty for not even trying to produce an heir since she married. her husband was in love was someone else and so was she. she felt Hinata owed her since she had left the village to find herself and live her life. Hinata left her father's studies making her way back to her old room where she found her children. "we're leaving now! pack your things." she said behind her, the door opened, and in walked her father. his face was filled with rage when he saw the twins. he grabbed Hinata by her hair, slamming her against the wall. Shisui quickly stood in between his mother and grandfather. all three kids knew he was ruthless but to watch as their mother get smacked around made them furious. Hiashi almost tripped over himself as he looked into the young man's eyes. he was Neji, Hinabi's eyes now watered as she too saw her dear cousin in her nephew. Ace was next to his mother now picking her up, "you're nothing but a whore!" yelled Hiashi as he looked at Ace. "out of everyone in the village why did it have to be that traitor!?" yelled Hanabi with tears streaming down her face. Rukia drew her sword ready to slash their throats for disrespecting her family. " does your husband know that the boys aren't his? that bastard! Sasuke!"

a frim voice was heard "his dead!, and yes he knew from the begging of my situation," said Hinata to her father. the room went silent, "Sharingan!" Ace went for the kill when he was stopped by his mother. she was still kind and cared for and loved her abusive father.

at this point, the sensory team had been notified of an unusual spike in unknown chakra. the disagreement had spilled outside as Hinata and her kids tried to leave. for the first time in his life, the former Hokage Kakashi was on the scene, his face was in a state of shock. "Sasuke!" he yelled as he watched a young version of his former pupil fight alongside the spitting image of Neji. when he saw Hinata she hadn't changed in those 14 years. she looked like youth itself, he stood in front of Hiashi who had a girl with long green hair in his arms as the two young boys and Hinata stood in front of him ready to attack. despite his age, he had to admit the girl was beautiful, something out of this world. she had Hinata's delicate features but also had an energy flowing through her that wasn't exactly chakra but it was enough to indicate just how strong she was. the young girl quickly freed herself from Hiashi's grasp. " leave Kakashi, this is a clan matter said Hiashi, as he advance towards Hinata.

Hinata's face was bruised and there was blood from the corner of her lips

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Hinata's face was bruised and there was blood from the corner of her lips. before he knew it she had taken down her father. as she grabbed her children Kakashi stopped her. giving her a puzzled looked he asked about the boys. "it's none of your business she said" " I know but it is Sasuke's, I'm sure he would love to know he has kids" the twin's faces froze unable to react to the gray haired man's statements. " our father recently passed away" said Rukia in a firm voice. "our mother has been through enough pain" said Ace his bloodline still activated.

Kakashi tried to reason with them, he felt deja vu talking to Ace he noticed he had those lost eyes of revenge. when he saw Shisui he stood there frozen without words both kids had the same look. what happened between Hinata and Sasuke, were they seeking revenge against Sasuke? " Sasuke is in the village maybe you'll like to meet him." Rukia pulled a sword from behind her back. " I just told you that our father died!" she said tears streaming down her face. "we are leaving!" said the twins grabbing Rukia with Hinata leading the way. as they made their way out of the gate a blonde man stood in their way. "Naruto!" yelled Kakashi surrounding the family.

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