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The Navy was hot on the strawhats trail, they became cornered. A big fight broke out, this was the first time the Navy took notice of the two toddlers traveling with them. " daddy!" they screamed as they watched Zoro fight off multiple marines. Hinata tried her best to get the boys back inside. however, the twins ran past her, making their way to Zoro. a marine cut them off, ready to strike them. Hinata quickly pushed them to the side. they watched as their mom got shot in the arm. she got in her fighting stance, "Ace, Shisui get back inside" as they tried to get back inside they were cut off by the sound of a gunshot. Hinata was hit in the leg, this made Ace get his first tomoe, watching his mom bleed out, quickly picking up a sword he stood in front of his mother ready to protect her at any cost.  Zoro made his way to his wife, furious ready to kill the man responsible. "well isn't this cute" said the marine ready to shoot the toddler, Zoro made it just in time slashing the marine picking both kids up and rushing them inside. the twins watched as their dad brought their mom in. "dad is mom ok?" they asked as tears streamed down their faces.   "well Roronoa I didn't know you had kids" said the navy vice admiral Smoker. "go to hell Smoker" Smoker laughed looking at the two toddlers " they don't look like you" he said as he exhaled the smoke from his cigars. "enough!" Zoro charged at him taking the fight outside. Hinata was bleeding out, the floor was slowly covered in blood. 

 Ace woke up from his nightmare, he remembered that day like it was yesterday. he was now 6 almost 7 it hunted him thinking about his mother bleeding out. he splashed his face with water as he got ready for his training session with his dad. he thought Shisui was sleeping in as he made his way to the training room, there stood his brother already drenched in sweat "what are you doing here so early?" Ace asked "I couldn't sleep," said Shisui. Ace looked at his younger brother, he had their mother's eyes and he had his father's eyes. only his eyes would turn red after that day all those years ago. his mom had told him he had the Sharingan, she was a ninja and his brother had the Byakugan. he wondered why his mother never talked about her life as a ninja, his thoughts were interrupted by his dad. he was his hero, someone he looked up to.  he trained hard every day, and every night. he felt inferior to his brother he was picking up swordsmanship faster than he was, even though he was the older brother. despite their differences their dad didn't have a favorite he treated them both the same and loved them equally. but he did notice the skill gap between them and their younger sister Rukia. he had to admit his younger sister was better than both twins put together. Rukia had green hair like their father and light eyes like their mother however she was a true swordsman. she was fearless and even though she was almost three years younger than the twins she had a lot more resolve. 

Sakura had just given birth to a boy, blonde hair and green eyes

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Sakura had just given birth to a boy, blonde hair and green eyes. she was so excited about the life that grew inside her and seeing him for the first time. her eyes watered as she saw the innocent life she was holding in her hands. Naruto was over the moon he was about to be a father. he kept his best friend updated, Sasuke was happy for them though he wished he also had a family. at some point, he had made peace with being alone but there were days he wished he had a family. he needed to rebuild his clan. that was four years ago and he thought about how time flew by. Sakura was on her second kid, a girl. he last heard, Sasuke was happy for them. he still thought about Hinata and her life, who she was married to, and if she thought about him. the voices in his head made him question his sanity, it had been 6 years,  Sasuke knew when to give up he lost all hope of seeing her and now only looked up to the moon as he remembered those innocent eyes pleading with him to let her go when he had imprisoned her. he remembered the scent of her hair and her eyes that were like mirrors that could see into your soul.  he took a sip of his sake as he felt the pain of being alone and forgotten. 


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Sharingan! Ace activated his bloodline trying to keep up with his younger sister. he could see her movements almost slowed down. pathetic! he thought to himself how could he lose to a 3-year-old almost 4. he didn't know it but he reminded Hinata of Sasuke when she watched him. she knew it was time to tell them both the truth. it wasn't fair to them. she took a deep breath as she thought about telling them that Zoro wasn't their biological father. Sasuke was never part of her life, she didn't understand how a person she had never even said hello to, had children with her. she hated herself because she knew it was all a lie. she thought about Naruto and wondered if he would have been a good father? but something told her he would put the village over his family. Naruto had always had the will of fire. she watched as the kids ended their lesson with Zoro, she walked in. her heart was racing and her palms were sweaty. " can I talk to Ace and Shisui alone for a minute?" Zoro nodded he knew the truth would come out sooner or later. He grabbed his daughter and headed outside, leaving his wife with the twins. Hinata sat them down,  "there's something I need to tell you." she said as she fiddled with her wedding ring. "Zoro isn't your biological dad" the silence in the room was soul-crushing, she watched as her kids tried to understand what she was saying. the twins knew that they didn't look like Zoro but to them, he was their dad. how did this happen? who was their dad and why did he not want them?  "you're a liar!"  screamed Shisui. "why would you say that!" Hinata could not stop crying as she told the twins about her life and how she meet Zoro. the tears rolled down her face as she told them about her village and the people she left behind. how Sasuke Kidnapped her at a young age and made her fall for him, only to leave her alone and pregnant with the twins. this was how Ace got his second tomoe. 

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