Only Time

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As Sasuke walked through the woods he thought about the girl that had captivated him

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As Sasuke walked through the woods he thought about the girl that had captivated him. how he treated her, the moments he spent with her. how he would get lost in her eyes, he was an idiot. he couldn't face her, he was with Sakura now and Hinata was the past. he had dreams about her but to him, they were more like nightmares. his soul knew he did her wrong from the beginning but it was better this way, Hinata was never meant to be with him. he sped up before it got dark, he didn't like the moon. it reminded him of her.  at the same time Naruto looked up at the sky as the sunset and the moon came out Naruto thought about Hinata. he hadn't seen her in a few weeks now. no one had, he was told she was on a mission. he felt alone, he always had but tonight he thought of her and how she risked her life for him. he wanted to know if she thought about him, even after he rejected her. Naruto chased after Sakura never taking notice of the shy girl that would always cheer him on. how could he be so blind?

Luffy looked at Hinata as he picked his nose, Zoro had told him about her and how Chopper was going to operate on her. " So are you going to be staying with us?" She smiled "yes just until I get better" she smiled hoping he would understand. " mmm ok welcome to the ship," he said. Luffy was not how she imagined him. after meeting the rest of the crew she saw how different they all were but were always there for each other. they welcomed her with open arms, she was thankful for their kindness. Chopper gave Sanji a strict meal regimen for Hinata, her morning sickness was bad. she wanted her nightmare to end. she didn't want to cry or suffer anymore. the following day they ran into a friend of theirs, he was a doctor like Chopper. they all greeted him with a warm welcome, however, he seemed annoyed with Luffy. Chopper quickly asked the man if he could use his sonogram room since he was a surgeon. "of course Chopper, who's sick" asked the tall man with the golden eyes, she introduced herself " I am, my name is Hinata" she said giving him an awkward smile. she followed them to his ship, he introduced himself after, "my name is Law and this is my ship, I'm the captain". he told Chopper how to use the equipment and then left. Chopper looked at her with sad eyes "it"s twin, the possibility of you dying is now 100 percent" she couldn't believe her luck. she went back to the sunny and started packing her things, there was no point in staying with them. as she was leaving she bumped into Zoro. "hey where are you going?" "I'm leaving, I don't want to be a burden" "what about your illness?" she couldn't hold back the tears anymore " I'm pregnant, the father is not in the picture" Zoro hugged her as she sobbed "I'm sorry, what about your family?" she looked up at him "my father would kill me rather than shame him." he wiped the tears from her eyes. "what do you plan on doing then? where are you going to go?" she shook her head " I don't know," he thought about it for a minute "stay with us, I'll protect you and your baby". "why would you do that?" "do what?" "take care of me and my babies, I'm having twins." his face remained calm but deep down he felt like splitting the heavens in half. who would do this to such a kind soul, her person was intoxicating to him. "because what kind of man would I be if I just let you leave?" he kissed her forehead. her skin was soft and her hair smelled like vanilla, what the hell had she done to him? he wasn't like this. Hinata calmed down a little, she didn't know if she could trust him. everyone she trusted had always hurt her, she agreed. " good I'll let the crew know that I'm going to be a father," he said. "wait why?" "I don't want that shitty cook messing with you." At diner, Zoro announced that Hinata and he were dating. this shocked the crew, Luffy took this opportunity to eat everyone's food.  Nami looked at them, "wow Zoro I thought you would never find someone to put up with your sour attitude". Robin looked delighted for them, while Usopp brought up Perona, "I always thought she had a thing for you". Hinata felt out of place after that. " no there was nothing going on with her and I" yelled Zoro. Franky congratulated them. Sanji almost fainted, "what did you see in moss head?" he said crying.

 Sanji almost fainted, "what did you see in moss head?" he said crying

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As time went by her belly grew, she was able to hide it for a while but you can only hide twins for so long. Chopper checked on her and her babies often, she was well taken care of. she thought of Sasuke from time to time, but it would only make her sad. she also thought of the blonde, Luffy would remind her of him and his determination. Zoro took good care of her, even when he had no obligation. He never asked about the father of her children, to Zoro he was the father. she was grateful to him, with him by her side she didn't feel hopeless. 

Sakura loved Sasuke or at least she believed it was love but that wasn't enough for her. he wouldn't talk to her for weeks at a time. she should have seen this coming but she chose to be selfish. she felt alone and abandoned, she started to take notice of her other loudmouth teammate who would always put her first no matter what. as time passed her feelings changed, Hinata had been gone for four months now and Naruto had made it clear he wasn't interested in the Hyuga. Sakura had decided to end things with the last Uchiha and finally give Naruto the time of day. Naruto couldn't believe it when Sakura asked him out however he made sure Sasuke was ok with it. Sasuke chuckled, how had his fate ended up like this? he didn't care. he knew nothing mattered to him. he was still lost in the darkness. he was happy for Naruto knowing how many years he had wasted going after Sakura like a lost puppy when he had Hinata that was willing to die for him, it was ironic. 

time was passing by fast Hinata was now 6 months pregnant the crew had run into Perona, she was a cute gothic girl

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time was passing by fast Hinata was now 6 months pregnant the crew had run into Perona, she was a cute gothic girl. the crew had stopped for supplies at a port. she quickly ran to Zoro and hugged him. "great another pink haired girl" she thought, she watched the way she was all over Zoro. "can you get off me!" said Zoro he was annoyed. PDA was not something Zoro cared for. he quickly introduced Hinata as his wife, Hinata blushed. he always told everyone she was his wife. Perona looked at Hinata, rolling her eyes "mm I guess you're cute, you're huge it looks like your having twins" Hinata rubbed her tummy " I'am" she said. Perona's face showed her shock, she couldn't believe it. Zoro grabbed Hinata's hand, he had fallen in love with her but only time would tell how things would end. he had just met her and things felt right, he knew he was a stoic man but she brought out a sweet side to him. he only hoped one day she would feel the same.

 he only hoped one day she would feel the same

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